Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 438 The Martian Manhunter Appears!

"He believes that unity is strong, and we owe him that." Bruce Wayne is still making his final persuasion.

"I don't owe anyone." Arthur Curry walked into the sea, the cold water was enough to make anyone shiver, but it had no effect on him, and he turned to look at Bruce Wayne, "dressed as a bat, you're crazy, Bruce Wayne."

Then, it sank directly into the water and disappeared.

The recruitment of Sea King Arthur Curry, failed!

"I knew that my chances of failure were very high." In the answering space, Bruce Wayne was not surprised by this ending.

"Isn't it normal that the two big men can't talk about it?" Tony Stark said, "If the chat is very speculative and winking, don't you think this is a very scary thing? ?"

"You don't want to add weird details, okay?" Steve Rogers said aside. "Even if the chat is speculative, it has nothing to do with 'winking'?"

"I agree with Stark's statement that Bruce should not go to Arthur, but Diana." Barry Allen said, "The opposite sex attracts, and it will be easier to believe that Diana will go out."

While several people were talking, in the video, Bruce Wayne welcomed an uninvited guest.

Bruce Wayne woke up in his 100-square-meter seaside villa, walking barefoot on the clean floor, and the vibrant rising sun gushing out from the sea level, just at this moment, a figure bathed in the brilliance of the rising sun, from Falling slowly in the air, standing in front of Bruce Wayne.

This person looks very strange, just like the Kree before, and at a glance, he knows that he is definitely not an earth person.

In the early morning, such a thing suddenly appeared in front of us, and most people must have been scared to pee, but Bruce Wayne has never seen any ghosts, ghosts and snakes, and a set one is like seeing a neighbor's wealth come to visit, The eyelids don't even blink.

"What can I do for you?" Bruce Wayne asked as he approached the Martian Manhunter.

"You must know that Darkseid will not let Earth go, and the Anti-Chengmin formula is here." The Martian Hunter said with his arms over his shoulder, "We have to find it before him. The decisive battle is coming, and I am here to help."

"Sorry, who are you?" Bruce Wayne asked.

"I have many names and many forms, and just like you, I find myself responsible for the world, and it's time for me to fight for it," Martian Manhunter said.

"We definitely need help," Bruce Wayne said. "So, glad you came."

"I never thought I'd see the Guardians of Earth come together and fight side by side," Martian Manhunter said, looking at Bruce Wayne, "This wouldn't have happened without you, Bruce, your parents would be proud of you. "

"I hope so," Bruce Wayne said.

"I'll keep in touch." Martian Manhunter turned to leave, but he made clear his identity before leaving, "By the way, some people call me Martian Manhunter."

The voice fell, and the Martian Manhunter rose into the air and flew into the air.

"So, Martian Manhunter is really an alien?" Seeing this, Barry Allen said, "Could it be that he is a Martian?"

"When I was in school, the textbook told me that among the planets of the sun, the earth is the only planet with life. Now it seems that the teacher is wrong." Bruce Wayne said.

"Is the technology of the Martians too advanced, or are all Martians capable of supernatural abilities?" Arthur Curry said, "If there is really life on Mars, it makes no sense that no people on Earth have discovered it yet."

"It may have existed before, but it was extinct, and the only survivors of Mars came to Earth." Clark Kent said in a deep voice, "It's like Krypton, just like me."

"It's still possible." Steve Rogers said, "In the past, human technology was not so developed, and it was impossible to land on Mars.

So can't find it. And when humans have the technology to detect Mars, life on Mars has already disappeared, so it makes sense. "

"That Martian Manhunter, he looks like that, he should be blinking, it makes no sense that no one will find him." Thor said.

"He will definitely change his appearance," Steve Rogers said. "Like the Skrull, otherwise there is absolutely no way that appearance can hide his identity."

"The Guard is Here"

"This Martian Manhunter looks very powerful, and he can fly!" Barry Allen said, "I just don't know that they are aliens. Who is stronger and who is weaker than Clark and him."

"Although I don't know anything about Martian Manhunter's strength now, I don't think he can be stronger than Clark."

"I also think Clark is stronger." Tony Stark said, "Clarke's strength, even if it is obtained in the multiverse, is absolutely top-notch compared to so many elders and geniuses in the multiverse. "

"So this Martian hunter came to him by himself, and no one persuaded him at all." Arthur Curry said, "Some of what he said was very interesting, what does it mean 'I never expected to see the protection of the earth will be united'?"

"It's really unusual here." Bruce Wayne said in a deep voice, "He saw the guardians of the earth unite, that is to say, when he was united, he didn't shoot, just watched. Which time was that, Was it me, Arthur and Diana who fought Doomsday together?"

"Maybe people only know it after the fact, through the Internet, newspapers and other channels?" Barry Allen said, "You can't just say that people stand by."

"This is one possibility, but there is another possibility, that is, the battle he said we were united and fought against the enemy together was not against Doomsday, but another war, another enemy." Arthur Curry said.

"No." Bruce Wayne shook his head, "The Martian Manhunter made it very clear that everyone is united because of me. If it were me, I would definitely start looking for everyone immediately after Doomsday, it is impossible to wait until the new The enemy appears before doing this. So the Martian Manhunter is talking about the Doomsday, mother no doubt."

After Aquaman and Martian Manhunter, the third person to appear in the video is Cyborg Victor Stone.

"Okay, Victor Stone." At the beginning of the screen, Diana Prince is sitting at the computer, trying to find information on Victor Stone.

And Alfred Pennyworth, the man behind Bruce Wayne, was making tea while he was very "virtuous".

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