Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 518 The Ghost Rider joins the answer!

Los Angeles, California. night. Robbie Reyes is tinkering with a Dodge, smiling and looking forward to what's next. "Does Uncle Yin Lai know you borrowed his car?" A teenager pushing a bicycle came over, it was Robbie Reyes' younger brother Gabe Reyes. "Why haven't you slept yet, boy?" Robbie Reyes asked his brother. "No work, no football practice, people who don't want to go to college can sleep." Gabe Reyes pushed the bicycle and asked, "Why haven't you slept yet?" "There is a chance to make money." Robbie Reyes said. "You're racing again?" Gabe Reyes asked. "How should I put it, this guy is just a cash machine." Robbie Reyes said with some smugness, "I won him a thousand dollars last week, and he wants to replay now." "It's fifth The people on the street?" Gabe Reyes was worried, "There's a reason those people are called lunatics." "No, he's not like that." Robbie Reyes is blinded by money , "He just wants to race again." He also touched his brother, "Are you coming?" "No, no." Gabe Reyes shook his head and refused, "I still have to finish the lab report for science class. "Learning, not playing," concludes Robbie Reyes. "That's why I was admitted to Stanford and Berkeley." Speaking of which, Gabe Reyes was also a little proud. "But does that make you happy?" Robbie Reyes asked soulfully, "Look at uncle, he has a bunch of degrees, bought such a good car but no time to drive, he has always only known work, Do you want to be like him?" At this time, Robbie Reyes was really thinking about his younger brother, so he persuaded his younger brother to go out and play with him, but what he didn't know was that in his trip, the will be a catastrophe. Originally, he was the only one who would bear this disaster, but he had to take his brother with him, which led to the destruction of his brother's entire life in the second half of his life. "Let's go." Robbie Reyes patted Gabe Reyes on the shoulder, "Live happily!" Gabe Reyes had a good relationship with his brother, and was persuaded by his brother. , some couldn't hold on. "I'll help you with your homework when you get back." Robbie Reyes opened the door. "Okay." Gabe Reyes agreed. "But don't help me with my homework. I still have to get a." The two brothers got into the car, and Dodge drove slowly into the night. "How fast can we drive during the race?" Gabe Reyes asked excitedly while sitting in the co-pilot. As a good student with excellent academic performance, he has never participated in the exciting racing experience. Activity. "First, instead of 'we' go to the race, I race and you watch," Robbie Reyes corrected, "Second, it's not about speed, it's torque, 0.25 mph, 0 to 60 max acceleration "..." As he said that, he noticed that his brother was looking at him like that, and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?" "Why didn't you finish your studies?" Gabe Reyes asked. "You know," Robbie Reyes said. "That was then, and we're much better now," Gabe Reyes said. "If you went back to school, maybe you could be an engineer like your uncle." "Gabe, I love my job, what I do. Very good." Robbie Reyes reassured his brother, "Besides, I prefer to fix my car rather than spend my life in the office." "Have you noticed that Uncle has been weird lately?" Gabe Reyes I never mentioned letting my brother go to school again. "I noticed, it was the project he was working on," Robbie Reyes said. "He said his boss was going crazy, like he was going crazy for power. You see, this is another one I love my job. Reason, the only thing I need to worry about is horsepower." At this time Dodge drove behind a parked van, because it happened to be a red light, and Robbie Reyes had to stop, but when the red light in front turned After it was green, the van in front still did not drive away. At this time, Robbie Reyes didn't realize that the catastrophe was imminent, and he honked his horn at the van: "Quickly leave the old man,

We are waiting to win! "The back door of the van suddenly opened, and one person smashed Robbie Reyes directly with a burning wine bottle. "It's Fifth Street!" "Robbie Reyes' face changed greatly, and he reversed the car quickly, not forgetting to explain to his younger brother, "Get down, we can escape!" "Boom! Just half a meter out, Dodge hit a car and had to stop. He didn't even notice that the car was following him from the moment he set off. It wasn't an accident at all, and It was a conspiracy to kill! Fortunately, Robbie Reyes had good driving skills. He turned the car a few times, turned the car around, and drove out of the encirclement. The other party would not give up like this, and he drove after him. Da Da Dah dah! One was driving, the other was shooting the Dodge with a machine gun. Robbie Reyes was just a car repairer, and his brother Gabe Reyes, a student, neither of them were hiding Over the ability to shoot, they were shot. Everyone was shot. Naturally, the car could not drive normally any more. It was like a headless fly. It hit the roadside and rolled over. Gabe Reyes is still there. In the car, but Robbie Reyes was thrown out of the car window, like the car, tossing in the darkness. At this time, Robbie Reyes was not dead, and his heart was full of He regretted it. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his death, it was his own fault, but his poor brother didn't deserve to die. "God! God! Or the devil, whoever it is, let Gabe live! "The moment before he died, Robbie Reyes prayed for his younger brother. Slam! Then, Robbie Reyes' body fell on the road. Woohoo! At this time, a motorcycle drove over, and one person Get out of the car. The man first drags Gabe Reyes out of the burning car, then walks over to Robbie Reyes' body. "Do you want a second chance? "Do you want to punish those who hurt your brother?" ""Do you want to avenge yourself? "Robbie Reyes is dead, but he still hears a voice. "Think. "So, he answered. Then Robbie Reyes woke up and opened his eyes. He saw a guy with a skeleton head and a burning fire crouched in front of him, and the monster touched his hand with his hand. Himself! The next moment, Robbie Reyes' head also began to burn, turning into a skeleton. "What's going on? Why am I alive again? Who is that skull head? What's wrong with me? "When Robbie Reyes turned into a human form again, he had no idea what was going on. Just when he was at a loss, he found that it was dark in front of him, and he came to a dark space.

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