Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 541: Daredevil, You Actually Watch Movies!

"I can't stop him." Robbie Reyes fell to his knees, blaming himself.

"It's not your fault." A gentle voice came, and the figure of Phil Coulson appeared in front of Robbie Reyes, with Leo Fitz beside him.

"Yes, Robbie, we can see you." Phil Coulson reached out and pulled Robbie Reyes up.

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"What did he do to us?" Robbie Reyes tried to touch Laol Fitz and found that he could touch it too.

At this point, the problem arises.

[Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes went to rescue his uncle Yin Lai Morrow, but was trapped in the dimension together with Phil Coulson and Leo Fitz, who brought them from the dimension rescued in between? 】

\u0026nbShockwave Daisy Johnson]

[b Bionic Human Ada]

[c Iron Man Tony Stark]

[d Hulk Bruce Banner]

[If you answer this question correctly, you will be rewarded for perfectly controlling the demons in your body. If the answer is wrong, one year of life will be deducted. 】

"Robby, this question is tailor-made for you." Tony Stark couldn't help saying to Robbie Reyes after seeing the question, "Although Ghost Rider is powerful, its disadvantages are also obvious, that is, it cannot be controlled. yourself, but if you get the reward right for answering the question, you can do it."

"Of course it's good to be able to answer correctly." Robbie Reyes asked Tony Stark, "Mr. Stark, you are also in the option to save me from another dimension, I wonder if you can do it? "

"That sounds like Lang's game," said Tony Stark, "not mine."

The implication is that I can't do it.

"So Dr. Banner, what about you, can you do it?" Robbie Reyes asked Bruce Banner again.

"As Tony said,

That was Lang's unique skill. "Bruce Banner also said.

\u0026nb Is there an option between b and b? "Robbie Reyes looked at the options a and b, "But I don't know any of these two people. He asked Tony Stark again, "Mr. Stark, you are an Avenger, and you know a lot of strange people and strange people. Do you know this shockwave girl and the bionic man?" "

"I've never heard of it." Tony Stark shook his head, "But since this Shockwave has a nickname, she must have some special abilities just like us."

"Judging from her nickname, Shockwave Girl's ability should be to emit shockwaves." Peter Parker said, "I just don't know whether she relies on some kind of high-tech equipment to emit shockwaves, or her own ability."

"Whether it's equipment or her own ability, judging from her nickname, 'Shockwave Girl' is obviously good at shock waves, and cross-latitude things shouldn't be her specialty," Clark Kent said.

"Clark, you're taking it for granted. Could it be that Shockwave can't learn another skill while she's proficient in Shockwave?" Tony Stark retorted, "Like Banner, you only know that he If you get angry, you will turn into a fat green man, can you tell that he actually has several doctorates?"

"I didn't say anything and ruled out this Daisy Johnson." Clark Kent pointed to b, "I think this Ada is quite interesting, is she nicknamed a bionic person, or is she herself a bionic person? "

"Compared to a nickname like 'Shockwave' whose ability can be seen at a glance, I am more willing to believe that bionics are the answer." Bruce Wayne said, "If bionics is a nickname, then it means this People have some abilities and characteristics of bionic people.”

"Excuse me, can I ask a question?" Pietro Maximov asked weakly on the side, "What is a bionic man?"

"Simulation robot." Tony Stark said, "A highly developed robot, a robot made for the purpose of imitating humans, looks almost exactly like humans."

"Almost exactly like a human? Can a robot do this?" Raven Darkholm couldn't help asking.

"It may not be possible in your time, but in our time, it is possible." Tony Stark said, "I just don't know which mad scientist invented this highly dangerous thing?"

"Didn't it mean that bionics are robots whose purpose is to imitate humans?" Pietro Maximoff asked again, "Since imitating humans, how can it be highly dangerous?"

"You have to know that bionics have a high degree of intelligence, which means that robots have self-awareness..." Speaking of this, Tony Stark shrugged, "Anyway, this is an extremely dangerous thing. The end of the world."

"It's the end of the world again, isn't it too easy to cause the end of the world?" Pietro Maximoff complained.

"Are you talking about the kind of movie?" Matt Murdoch interjected, "the kind of robot that becomes self-aware and then wants to rule humans and enslave humans?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes fell on Matt Murdoch.

"Why, what are you looking at me for?" Matt Murdoch asked.

"I thought you were blind," Jessica Jones said.

"I'm really blind," Matt Murdoch said.

"So how did you watch the movie?" Jessica Jones asked.

"I can't see, but I can still hear it." Matt Murdoch said, "Many movies don't need to look at the picture at all, you just need to hear it to know the plot." Then Matt Murdoch asked Tony Star Ke, "Mr. Stark, is this what you are worried about?"

"Absolutely, he definitely thought of Ultron." Bruce Banner said.

"Yes, my son really broke Dad's heart." Tony Stark said.

Several people were deeply impressed by Ultron, not only because the Avengers fought against Ultron in the future where there was no room for answering questions, but also because in another universe, Ultron got six gems and almost destroyed the universe.

Of course, the Avengers are now extremely powerful, and the six-gem Ultron, who can easily destroy the universe, can also be easily dealt with.

However, Ultron cannot be underestimated because of this. Ultron is definitely a scourge to the world.

"Ultron? Who is that? Your son?" Jessica Jones asked, "I haven't heard of it."

"You can think of Ultron as an artificial intelligence, and it almost destroyed the world." Tony Stark said, "So we shouldn't touch anything that has anything to do with artificial intelligence. And bionics shouldn't study it either."

"I want SHIELD to pay attention to this, bionics shouldn't be created." Bruce Banner also said.

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