Bella was swinging the hammer happily and all the men present there were dumbfounded of how that delicate girl picked up the hammer they couldn't even after using vehicles. When the lightning started to fall all of them passed out so they didn't see her transform into Lady Thor. Phil also lost his consciousness only Maria was okay since she was no longer a puny mortal like them.

Bella: I think I like it…. Or maybe not.

She dropped the hammer on the ground and her armor disappeared and the runes again appeared on the hammer. Maria was shocked to see that she dropped the hammer.

Maria: I thought you liked it.

Bella: Bashing in heads or smashing skulls like watermelon is not my type, I am more like ripping out spines and ripping heads off, making art, stuff like that. I cannot make art if I smash the head like a watermelon.

Maria: I would have appreciated if you didn't explain that in such details.

Bella: Details are important you know.

Maria: Ok, whatever can you wake up Phil here?

Bella: Sorry I can't, I am not into healing I am completely into the killing.

Maria: Ok, then let's go back and secure the site first.

Bella: Wait, I can sense an Asgardian here. Though he lost his powers but he is still an Asgardian.

Maria: What A.s.s Guardian??

Bella: No, Asgardian. Norse Mythology ring any bells??

Maria: You mean some kind of God?

Bella: Yes, some kind of God but they are no match for me or Luci. In his full power, he would be equal to you in strength but not even close to me or Luci.

Maria: Then let's go and meet him.

Bella: Yes, I can locate him.

Maria dragged back Phil along with her and Bella was walking by her side. Maria dropped off Phil with her other men and asked them to take care of the rest and secure the area. She took a Humvee herself and Bella got on the other side and Maria followed Bella's given directions. Soon they reached a café but it was smaller and less crowded than Café Morningstar. Maria parked the car in front of the café and went inside along with Bella.

Both of their eyes shot towards a blond man who smashed his coffee mug on the floor and asked for another mug. Bella pointed towards that man, Maria pulled a chair from another table to sit along with them and Bella also did the same. The blond man was sitting along with two women and an old man. They saw two women pulling chairs to sit along with them and became weary. Both of them sat down and turned towards Thor.

Bella: Well Asgardian why are you here?

As soon as Thor heard that he jumped up and it also shocked the other three friends of Thor.

Thor: How did you know that I am an Asgardian??

Bella: Well duh…!! You are different than these puny mortals here so it was easy to find you.

Suddenly one of the women spoke up.

??? : Aren't you human too?

Maria: Don't interrupt her or she might pull out your spine.

The three of them were completely shocked and scared when they heard her.

Thor: I was sent by my father here.

Bella: Well, so I guess you are Thor since it was your hammer.

Thor: You mean my hammer is here??

Bella: Yes.

Maria: You think it would be ok to hand him the hammer?

Bella: Don't worry if he does some shit then I will bash his head inside using his own hammer.

Again all of them flinched again when they heard Bella. It was usual for Maria so it didn't affect her.

Thor: Can you tell me who you are?

Bella: My name is Isabella Osa. (She extends her hand towards Thor)

Thor shakes her hand, even though he was scared of her but decided to shake her hand.

Maria: My name is Maria Hills commander of S.H.I.E.L.D. (She also extends her hand towards Thor)

The old man was shocked and scared but somehow gathers the courage to ask her something.

???: You mean that S.H.I.E.L.D??

Maria: Yes that one. You must be Eric Selvig, I have read your file.

Bella: Why don't we talk in the car?

Maria: Fine with me.

After they got up one of the women extends her hand towards Bella.

Jane: Hello my name is Jane Foster, nice to meet you.

Bella: It is nice to meet you too.

The other woman was looking at her mobile and then again towards Bella.

Darcy: Hello my name is Darcy Lewis, you look quite similar to Ruin Princess.

Maria: She is the Ruin Princess.

They reached the car and everybody got inside.

Jane: What Ruin Princess??

Darcy: Here watch this.

After that, the 3 humans present there started to see the video and Thor also decided to join in. They were completely pale when the video ended since they now knew that Bella would have actually killed them.

When they reached the site, they saw that it was covered by a dome. S.H.I.E.L.D. has already made their private base there. Selvig was still thinking about something.

Erik: What happened to Nick Fury?

Maria: It is much better if you don't know.

Bella: Oh… D*ck Fury, he hasn't shown himself for quite some time.

Maria: I doubt after what happened he will dare to show himself.

Bella: No matter, we are here now let's go.

After that, all of them went inside towards the hammer. When Thor saw the hammer he immediately jumped on it and tried to pick it up but no matter what he was unable to.

Bella: You are not worthy….

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