The moment I saw several tactical bombs being thrown into the house.

Frank subconsciously relies on his own tactical instincts.

He jumped forward violently, pressing his wife and daughter under him.

Then, as if thinking of something.

He quickly reached out and pulled towards Lynn, knocking over the table and hiding underneath for cover.

But then....

boom! ! !

A deafening sound and scorching flames rushed towards him.


He saw a faint smile on Lynn's face, and then heard him whisper.


Almost instantly.

Visible to the naked eye, a pale yellow light curtain enveloped him and his wife and daughter, including Lynn.

The scorching flames and the exploding debris instantly blocked it.

They came out unscathed! ! !

Frank's pupils shrank.

Extraordinary Ability! ! !

Unexpectedly, this big shot has extraordinary Ability, which is enough to defend against tactical bombs.

When he was in the army, he had heard more or less rumors of transcendent ability.

Even, one of his friends is specially responsible for managing Transcendent Ability.

Then, it was too late to think about it.

I saw that a few figures suddenly appeared from the originally broken window.

I saw that they were holding the submachine guns in their hands and started shooting.

Bang bang bang! ! !


The yellowish defense screen didn't go away.

Under the terrified gaze of those figures, they were blocked one after another.

Then, with a keen sense of hearing, he heard the big shot Lynn laugh softly.

"Wind Blade!"

The voice fell, and I saw several light blue wind blades emerge, and in an instant, they passed through the window.

Cut off their submachine guns and, at the same time, cut off their arms.

what! what! what!

Frank only heard a miserable scream from the window.

In an instant, he woke up, and the person who attacked them was powerless and completely reduced to a human stick.

At the moment, Lynn enjoyed seeing Frank the Future Punisher's astonished gaze.

This matter, through the artificial intelligence Wei La, everything is under his control.

Including when the action, how many people, where they are, even what weapons, how many bullets, all clear.


In order to maximize profits through this matter and gain favor.

He chose to go to their house in person to send favors at this time point.

He doesn't believe it...

Even if Frank is arrogant and able to reject himself, I am afraid that even his wife will complain.

Well, with some small tricks, I'm afraid things will go more smoothly.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said quickly and silently, his voice was as small as a mosquito.

"I think: The Frank family will agree with my words even more!!!"

Feeling a strange wave enveloped the three of them, a faint smile appeared on their faces.


Lynn whispered to Frank.

"Frank, you can take a look at the people who attacked the family. I believe you should be very familiar with it."

Frank was a little taken aback when he heard what Lynn said.

At first he thought the attack was all about Lynn, not the family.

After all, a big shot like this must be much more likely to be assassinated than they are.


Hearing what he meant, this attack had nothing to do with him, it was purely an attack on their family.

It even seemed that this time he went to his house to eat to save their family.


Frank stood up and helped his wife and daughter, who had been pinned down under him.

Silently thanked Lynn and strode towards the window.

Going to the window, I saw the attacker who had no ability to move under the window, and was cut into a stick.

Pupils shrink!

Two of these people are very familiar.

The difference was when he and his family were having dinner in the park a few days ago, when he saw them lynching them.

Immediately after, he heard footsteps behind him, and then Lynn whispered.

"Frank, according to the information I have investigated, they attacked you because you witnessed their wrongdoing."

"So, just in case, they want to kill all of your family."

"Before, didn't you ask why I came to your house for dinner?"

"That's why I choose to come to your house for dinner today."

"Because, I think you are a rare talent. If you lose your family or even your own life because of such a thing, I feel very sorry."

Hearing this, Frank turned his head and looked at Lynn with grateful eyes.

At this moment, he completely believed what Lynn said, and his heart was full of gratitude.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of anger quietly rose, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

This anger, this killing intent, was aimed at the gangsters who attacked and killed them.

Originally, he did nothing when he witnessed the death penalty. As a result, the other party actually wanted to kill and silence.

Then don't blame him for being ruthless, he has been in the army for so many years, and his temper is not small.

With the best combat power in the entire United States army, he is confident that he can sweep these gangsters overnight.

Lynn felt Frank's anger very clearly, and he felt a little bit of it.

Originally, he himself hadn't made a move on HYDRA, but the other party actually wanted to make a killer.

Therefore, if he doesn't take revenge and go back, he will be regarded as a transcendental person and an extraordinary person in vain!

So he patted Frank on the shoulder and said comfortingly.

"I understand your mood very well. I also encountered such a thing a few days ago."

"My anger is no weaker than yours."

"So, I support all your actions, and I will give you a lot of support."

With that, he handed Frank a smartphone, a pair of headphones, and whispered in his ear.

"It will help you, and I will take care of all traces of you."

Then, he turned to leave, walked towards Frank's wife and daughter, and comforted them.

And At the moment, Frank, was full of struggles.

To be honest, he is very angry now and really wants to kill all these gangsters.

However, a long period of military discipline and a period of peaceful life gave him some hesitation.

Then, under the influence of a strange wave.

The expression became more and more firm, the anger and killing intent in his eyes rose to the extreme, and he became extremely calm.

I can't even feel any mood swings at all, giving people a feeling of calm to the extreme.

This is his combat state! ! !

Lynn, who was comforting the Frank family, seemed to feel something, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

After a short while, he had a brief chat with Frank.

They drove, and then Frank's wife and daughter went to live in the hotel.

The scene, because the bombs are already in tatters, will only bring deeper fear, and it is simply uninhabitable.

Frank, on the other hand, stayed at home and cleaned up the scene. *

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