When Li Hui took off the holy clothes on his body, the small universe of the seventh sense instantly fell back. Sure enough, this holy robe has the ability to increase, and he is at the peak of his sixth sense small universe, and after wearing this holy robe completely, he can actually have the power of his seventh sense for a short time.

But now the problem has come again, the holy clothes are so big, how can I bring this holy clothes back?

None of the thirteen holy clothes had a lot of power, but because of the extremely strong density, ordinary people could not move these holy clothes, and even the dwarven king Atri could not access these armors created by his own cooperation.

Li Hui gently stroked the thirteen holy clothes in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh: "If only these holy clothes could be the same as the holy clothes in Omega, they can be turned into pendants and follow their masters..."

But no, as soon as the words fell, then the thirteen holy clothes turned into thirteen dazzling rays of sunlight, and under a burst of dazzling light, the thirteen holy clothes slowly turned into thirteen ornaments representing their respective constellations, except for the one designed by Shen Huaizhou himself, which looked somewhat similar to a small star map.

"They, do they still have this ability?" Atri was stunned for a moment, but only for a moment, and immediately collected his feelings. As the king of the dwarf clan, although it is rare, it is not that he has never seen an artifact, after all, most of the artifacts in the entire universe are flowing out of his hands.

Li Hui nodded, holy clothes, not ordinary battle suits, they are alive. This holy garment of his own, which is completely in line with his mimic small universe, can not only simulate the appearance of all holy clothes, but can even forcibly raise his small universe to the seventh sense.

It's no wonder that the Holy Clothes are the second life of the Saint Seiya, and now it seems that this is indeed the case...

"Stop the boat!".

In the darkness of space, a cone-shaped spaceship slowly passed through a mess of rocks, and at that moment, a dark elf with sharp ears stood up from his throne again, with a strange expression on his face.

"Aether particles disappeared from the Earth?".

At that moment, the aether particles disappeared from the earth again, and seemed to appear in a place that was very familiar to them: "Could it be that Pol already knew about my resurgence, so he took the aether particles?"

No, after thinking about it carefully, I still feel that something is wrong. It has been countless years since he was sealed at the end of the universe, and Pol was already quite old when he fought with him, and the life of the Aesir Protoss was only five thousand years, and Pol would definitely not be alive.

But at this time, Malekais sensed the message of the aether particles appearing on the earth, so he waved his hand and immediately ordered: "Target the earth, go at full speed..."

How peaceful and safe the earth is in the Marvel world, no wonder there is a saying that the people are simple and simple Gotham City, and the nuclear gas New York City...

Today is another day of peace...

After returning from Nidawi, Li Hui returned to the Sanctuary Academy in Hell's Kitchen. After such a period of transformation, the entire Sanctuary Academy covers an area of more than ten acres, which is simply beyond an ordinary high school institution, even if it is the entire New York State, it is impossible to find a school with such a powerful power.

Through Tony's personal connections, some retired Harvard professors were invited here as teachers for the children, playing chess with Professor X when nothing was going on.

On Li Hui's side, he also called Matt over.

"Lee, this is..."Matt looked at the neatly arranged Virgo holy clothes in front of him, and could feel that there was an inexplicable power on the body of this holy clothes calling himself: "Is this the holy clothes, so magical, I don't know what power he has?"

"This is the Virgo Holy Clothes, its small universe is very consistent with your small universe, once you break through the seventh sense, you will be able to get it...", Li Hui waved his hand towards the Virgo Holy Clothes, and the holy clothes turned into a pendant at that moment, reluctantly circling back and forth between Li Hui's fingers.

"Well, he is your future master, you have to protect him well. After speaking, a warm little universe appeared in Li Hui's palm, and there was a slight resonance with Virgo's holy clothes.

It was at this time that Matt's small universe that had not been broken through for a long time broke through at this moment, and even at that moment, he almost reached the middle of the sixth sense small universe directly, and this warm small universe that accumulated slowly made Matt ecstatic!

"Virgo's Sacred Clothes?" Matt tried to wave towards the Holy Clothes, and in an instant, the small universe in his body and the small universe between the Virgo Sacred Clothes resonated, constantly flickering like the sun, and the whole open space began to become scorching.

The holy robe slowly flew into Matt's hand, and the moment he grasped the holy robe, Matt completely knew the ability of this holy robe, and even saw the Virgo-exclusive skill moves that Li Hui had arranged a long time ago from this holy robe.

"Why don't you give it a try?" Li Hui looked at Matt with a smile, but after saying this, Li Hui's figure disappeared into the clearing.

Try it?

As Matt's body on the ground continued to erupt with powerful energy, the suit that had been worn on his body exploded in an instant, and then revealed a pair of powerful arms, and above the arms, the bulging muscles erupted with powerful power, and with a fist, even the earth could not be shattered into pieces.

Immediately afterward, the beginning of the sacred garments was revealed.

The golden holy clothes began to gradually wrap all parts of Matt's body, and the lotus-like skirt naturally drooped down, and behind him, a red cloak formed by the small universe slowly appeared, floating quietly behind Matt with the wind.

"Come, fight me!" Finally saw the Virgo Golden Holy Clothes in his memory, even Li Hui couldn't help but be moved, so that belligerent heart shook unnaturally, and flew down from the sky in an instant.

Matt also opened up his stance and put on a classic move, but it was only a simple fist exchange with Li Hui.


There was a loud bang, and the entire ground completely collapsed, and the playground that had been built with great difficulty was once again destroyed into pieces between the two of them in a simple collision. In an instant, after the smoke cleared, the entire ground was completely destroyed as if it were in turmoil...

Li Hui put his right hand behind his back and stared at Matt faintly, a smile appeared on his face, and he used the strength of one hand to resist Matt who was wearing holy clothes.

"Virgo Matt, I've seen Li Hui's crown!" Matt held Virgo's helmet in his right hand and knelt down on one knee in front of Li Hui.

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