Here, the Avengers are officially assembled!

The original members were Black Widow Natasha, Hawkeye Barton, Iron Man Tony Stark, Thor Thor, Captain America Steve, and Hulk Hulk. Of course, at this time, there is still some gap between Hulk and Banner, which can not be summoned casually.

As for the matter on the Avengers' side, Li Hui doesn't know for the time being. After dealing with the dark elves, Li Hui took these imps back to the Sanctuary Academy.

"Principal, you're so handsome!" Jessica was obsessed with Li Hui in front of her like a, and both eyes exuded a feverish flame, and those who didn't know thought she was an Inhuman.

"Cut, I'm handsome too, okay?"

Little Parker seems to be a little angry, obviously she has done things herself, and Jessica always likes to bully herself.

However, little Laura looked at Li Hui with some concern and did not speak.

Naturally, what little Laura wanted to say Li Hui knew, in today's battle, Uncle Wolf and Matt did not appear, it was because their spirits had entered the holy world, and now they were undergoing inhumane torture.

"In today's battle, there are a few people who need to criticize you!" Li Hui is very strict with these little guys, you can play with them when you are playing, but when you are serious, you can be like Satan, the demon king of hell, which makes people feel terrible.

"Yes..." Speaking of this, the three of them stood aside honestly, waiting for Li Hui's criticism.

However, after waiting for a long time, she didn't wait for any words, so Jessica raised her head weakly and looked at Li Hui.

"Hahaha, yes, you did a great job this time! Parker, you protected the civilians, and you did the superhero title. Jessica isn't bad either, packing up a couple of cursed warriors with Sister Laura..."

Just when a few people thought that Li Hui's words would end here, criticism from Li Hui came.

"But, Parker, you're so reckless! As a superhero, you're not alone, and I've found out three times you've almost been caught by these cursed warriors!"

"Jessica, you too, as an older sister, actually let Laura face a cursed warrior alone, if she didn't do it and was injured by the cursed warrior, are you responsible?"

"Headmaster... I..."

Jessica and Parker both lowered their heads, then pinched their little fingers weakly, a little overwhelmed.

But Li Hui didn't continue to reprimand, after all, today's battle was too sudden, especially when he didn't expect that there would be an Ancient Winter Treasure Crate in the hands of the dark elves, these things that didn't appear in the original movie, could it really be because of himself that he had changed.

"Because of your appearance, I can't see the future of this world clearly..."

This is what the ancient one mage said to himself when he met him for the first time, his appearance was like a butterfly, a little fanning his wings, and the future direction was deviated.

"Okay, you go back and rest, next time, the first thing is to protect yourself, so that you can do more things that are beneficial to others, go..."

The three teenagers slowly left in front of them, and at this time, a rotten, dark, but unclear and intangible, breath appeared in front of their eyes unconsciously.


Li Hui was very vigilant, it could be said that no matter what time his mental power surrounded the entire Sacred Domain Academy, no one could escape his eyes.

At this moment, a six-pointed star magic array suddenly appeared under his feet, and then on the six key nodes of the magic array, six dark green ghost fires appeared, which looked very eerie and terrifying.

Gradually, the shadow of the magic array slowly disappeared.

Immediately after, a small blood-red figure appeared nearby, with a smell of blood on its body.

"Demon?" Li Hui had a strange expression on his face.

But no, this entire sanctuary is surrounded by its own small universe, and if there is a demon's teleportation array, I won't know it.

But what's going on with this demon in front of me, I always feel a little strange, but I can't say what's strange.

"Click... Click..."

The demon in front of me seemed to be reading a file, or rather, reorganizing the language. This demon looks similar to a human, but the only thing that doesn't pass through is that he is blood-red all over his body.

From the hair to the skin, from the feet to the head, and even the cloak on the body was blood-red, as if it had come out of a sea of blood.


Just as Li Hui was looking at the demon in front of him, an ancient language suddenly appeared directly in his mind. The strange thing is that I don't need any translation to understand it.

The eyes of the demon in front of him did not have any look, not even pupils, only a hollow gray, like a dead man.

"Who are you?"

While being surprised, Li Hui was also looking at the demon in front of him.

It seems that in memory, there is an existence dressed like this. But the difference is that that the demon has a powerful power that is not inferior to the ancient one, and the one in front of me, I'm sorry, if I don't say it, I think it's a little minion in hell.

"I, the great Lord of Hell, mortal, and you still don't bow down when you see me?"

The bold demon in front of him was not polite to Li Hui in front of him, staring at Li Hui with a look of disdain, and from time to time he exuded an evil coercion, as if he wanted to try to make the person in front of him surrender at his feet.


Li Hui stared at the demon in front of him with an idiotic look, but with a small universe with his seventh sense, the demon in front of him seemed to be unlooking.

Although the demon in front of him has the same appearance as the Lord of Hell, if you look closely, he is not so high-spirited.

Li Hui just swept around, and easily found that something was wrong with this demon.


"I am the Lord of Hell, the Ruler of Demons, the Great Immortal!"

But the more Li Hui looked at it, the more dignified his expression became. If the person who appeared in front of him was Mephisto, then it was impossible for the Ancient One Mage, as the guardian of the earth, not to appear, so this choice was obviously incorrect.

"Are you Mephisto? me or Satan from Hell's Kitchen!, labor and management don't have time for you to talk nonsense!"

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