On the one hand, it is the extremely powerful Virgo nirvana, and on the other hand, after being recognized by the Aries Palace, the Aries Palace nirvana has been learned. At this moment, two powerful small universes collided with each other.



A huge explosion erupted throughout the Sixth Palace of the Holy Realm, and this apocalyptic force collided, and it was only the palace itself that was harmed.

"Aries nirvana, you... I see..."Virgo's words seem to be mixed with other meanings, and I don't know what's going on, but I just think it's very strange.

At this moment, the explosion of galaxies and galaxies made the entire Virgo Palace a little shaky, and countless golden energies burst out from the palms of both sides, so powerful that they had no friends.

However, at this time, Li Hui saw an opportunity. It was only for a moment that SaGa seemed to let his guard down. As a result, the power containing all of his own small universe appeared on his fist, bursting out at his fingertips in an instant.


At this moment, Saga withdrew his tricks, leaving only another crumbling immovable king on his own fall.

In the midst of this powerful galactic explosion, with a clicking sound unnaturally sounded, the Immovable Ming King, who was enveloped in Sha Jia's body at that moment, instantly cracked.

"You have my approval..."With a bang, Li Hui's fist suddenly approached Sha Jia's face, and at that moment, the scene of the entire space changed, and Li Hui's figure disappeared in the place where the Virgin Palace was located, and instead appeared in his own small universe.

A golden beam of light fell from the sky, it was the starlight belonging to the constellation Virgo, and at that moment, he was recognized by Shaga because his fist was close to Shaga.

Among the eighty-eight constellations that resonate, the stars belonging to the constellation Virgo begin to be inscribed.

At that moment, a lotus-like holy robe slowly emerged from the starlight where Virgo was located, of course, this time Li Hui only left this projection in his small cosmic world for the time being.

The baptism of starlight has been maintained for a long time, and during this time, Li Hui has not been able to leave his small universe world at all.

I don't know how long it took, until an extremely strong sunlight slowly appeared from the surface of his body, and at that moment, because of the dazzling sunlight, Li Hui woke up.


This is, the outside world?

When I opened my eyes, I realized that it was dawn.

Uncle Wolf beside him is still awake and is still exercising in the Sanctuary World, but Matt's figure has disappeared into the room...

"One-two-one, one-two-one, one-two-three-four!" On the playground, familiar voices appeared in his ears, and under the perception of telekinesis, Matt's figure appeared in his own perception range.

"Whoosh" and left the room, and Li Hui appeared on the playground.

The children, led by Jessica and Parker, had a two-hour basic physical training around the playground.

On Matt's side, I saw him sitting cross-legged on a huge stone with his eyes closed, and that look, as well as the smell, was as if he had seen a real Virgo Gold Saint Seiya.


Little Parker's voice came, and then he saw Jessica and little Laura wave at him, but before he could say this, he saw a coercion appear on the playground.

"Talk while training, add an hour of running!"

The school's playground is not small, and it is at least ten kilometers to run for an hour, Li Hui came to Matt's side with a smile, and quipped: "Matt, you are becoming more and more like a coach now..."

"No way, who told Uncle Logan that hasn't come out yet, and you often see the head and the end of the dragon, there must be someone in charge here, right?"

"Okay, okay, I'm definitely not going far this time..."

Matt and Li Hui laughed together, and at this time, Matt suddenly got down from the stone, and then made a half-kneeling posture, lowered his head and said to Li Hui: "Virgo Matt, see Li Hui's crown!"

"Virgo Matt?"

Li Hui was stunned for a moment, and then understood.

Then, Li Hui waved his hand in the direction where the sun was, and in an instant, a golden beam of light flew quickly towards the ground.

"Now, in the name of Li Hui, I officially grant you the Virgo Holy Clothes! This Virgo Holy Clothes will grow with your growth, you are bronze, then this Holy Clothes will not be able to exude the brilliance of the sun, and when you reach the seventh sense of the small universe, you will truly be recognized by this Holy Clothes. "

At this moment, the powerful small universe between the two began to burst out, and at that moment, the Virgo holy clothes and the small universe between the two began to resonate, this time the resonance is the resonance of the small universe and the heart, this time the holy clothes, can be regarded as a real recognition of Matt's status.

"Bell, bell, bell!"

Pieces of the holy garment began to gradually fall off the humanoid, and then, under a dazzling ray of sunlight, a man dressed in golden holy robe appeared in front of his eyes.

Armor resembling an inverted triangle, knee pads and bracers depicted in Sanskrit, and ancient totems symbolizing the mystical symbols of Virgo are all presented on this golden garment.

At this moment, Matt is truly recognized by this holy garment.

Matt at this moment is the real Virgo Saint Seiya.

"This afternoon, a huge lizard appeared near the Osborne Group Building, and dozens of casualties were caused, please do not be nervous after discovering the target, call the official number immediately, and the great and free American police will arrest him. "

At noon, when it was time to eat, a voice appeared on the TV. On the screen of the TV, a picture seems to be placed in front of everyone's eyes.


"Hey, it's not good that this zoo released something that would cause casualties. "

"Don't worry, the police will definitely get this fat lizard back. "

While everyone was discussing the huge lizard, little Laura interjected inappropriately: "However, this lizard is at least four or five meters tall, can those uncles really cause harm to it?"

(PS: Today's update is starting again!Please support Thirteen!Subscribe!Flowers!Collection!Monthly pass!Smash them all!!)

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