Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 389 energy weapons appear

After dinner, Jiang Yifu will go to the room

Comparing with their bragging is no future, a Luofa Ke who is dying of pneumonia, a little boy penguin, there is nothing to do

For the sake of chatting, why don't you practice magic in your room?

Gong Tong enhances his own magic power source, and it is better to store more magic power.

, so that no one else disturbs you.

The mental power is placed outside, this time I will be more careful,

. Unconsciously, I saw two members of an underground gang set on fire on the street in the distance.

also have pistols

Hacking in the street

In order to compete for territory, you are fighting to the death, and there are no residents on the street, all consciously

Someone with a watermelon knife,

They are hiding at home, the doors and windows are tightly closed, and the cow is afraid of being caught in the fish pond.

Sure enough, the night in the wine market is chaotic, all kinds of firefights, robbery and other things are happening, especially in the slums, there are more drug dealers, pimps, etc.

business has. This is the ugliest scene under the bustling, and the police station? They have long been bought by these gang members, and those who did not conspire, were thrown into the stinking ditch the next day.

went in. Gotham City is so chaotic, if there are people like Joker, it will be more chaotic.

However, this point has something to do with Jiang Yi's 15 cents. He is not a superhero. It's alright to eat some Lu Pian and melon seeds as a public, to maintain the peace of the city? Calculate

Well, thankless things, leave it to Batman to do it,

They are superhero who are eager for justice and justice.

The next day, there was a severe drought, and cleaning staff came to wash off the blood on the street, and the police came to throw the dead guy into the crematorium. This kind of thing happens every day.

It's happening, I'm used to it. It's been like this for so many years, I can't remember when it started, anyway, from the moment Gotham City was established, this situation

has always existed. People from the same gang will also fight each other because of the uneven distribution of the spoils.

Jiang Yifu followed Mrs. Colena to the Gotham City University Library,

Before today was to read other people's papers. Anyway, papers are written for others to see.

What you can learn from the thesis depends entirely on your ability and IQ.

If you can learn it, it's your masterpiece, if you can't learn it, it's your IQ arrears.

If there is no system plug-in, then study honestly, read more books, and read your favorite novels

, then get on a bicycle and go out for a few laps, chatting and drinking coffee with friends

Brown or something, you'll find out in the end, what's more, it's more interesting to open the game and go to Dolanjian to go out.

The door on the first floor was guarded by his younger brothers, and no one could come in. Just in case,

, Jiang Yifu also performed a few illusions, so that people who came in could see the scenery

It's like sitting in a chair and reading a book.

As soon as his mind moved, the magic power controlled the papers to fly out from the bookshelf, and they were automatically arranged in the air.

One after another is easy to read. Study hard, or you won't get anything

The benefits will not be used. Just like Dr. Zola got Tesseract, being able to extract energy and use it as an energy weapon is a small use.

If it is more stylized

One point, it is entirely possible to invent more powerful weapons and other inventions,

Later, the S.H.I.E.L.D that got Tesseract was not much better. Tesseract was used to make new high-level weapons. In the end, it didn’t rely on nuclear bombs during World War II.

, just like a primary school monk reading advanced mathematics, he can't understand it, and he has a wool for it!

of old weapons, and nothing has been researched.

I still have an Oxygen Starship waiting for my own research at home, but I can't play because of my IQ.

I don't know how good it is to chat with my wife or study the origin of life.

Just when Jiang Yifu was studying hard. The form of the battlefield of the defeated continent is mutated,

The original stalemate was broken. It was the HYDRA unit led by Schmidt who launched the assault.

The energy weapon invented by Dr. Zola from the energy extracted from Tesseract, huge amounts of power even surpassed the magnetic rifle, like a laser-like bullet,

On the fortress of repeated soil, a few soldiers can easily destroy it.

The unprepared Soviet troops were directly torn apart by a defensive point. At the same time, the Nazi commanders quickly seized this point and launched a lightning attack, directly sending hundreds of thousands of

The Soviet army was cut into small pieces, and the communication link was cut off, so that each surrounded troop could only fight on its own.

The sudden attack, which led to the Nazi mechanized troops,

plane bombing

, then went around to the rear of the Soviet army,

Tank charge. The torrent of steel is unstoppable, from the frontier

At the beginning, the assault all the way to Leningrad stopped.

Nearly 700,000 Soviet troops were cut off from the stretched front line in the rear. Weapons, ammunition and food are unavailable

, was forced to enter the city to defend, unable to attack at all.


The triumphant advance of the Nazi army was reported by newspapers,

People all over the world were shocked and in an uproar. Even the mighty Soviet Union can't resist it? germany

Are you going to dominate Europe? The French Legion in exile in England felt that the hope of re-emergence was dwindling. England, on the other hand, felt extremely scorched, because once the Soviet Union was defeated

If you have a chance to practice in Europe, it's them,

Then the Nazis will definitely want to clean up their 787s when they turn around,

, they will not miss such a great opportunity.

The Allies held a meeting again to discuss how to contain the Nazis and fascists. Now that the Soviet Union, which has a large number of people and a large area, is taking the lead, their situation will be better.

If left alone, it will be even more difficult for the Nazi fascists to defeat the Soviet Union and annex the strength of the Soviet Union.

"Hello, General,

, may I ask how you recently won the confrontation with the Soviet army? According to statistics, the strength of the two sides is similar

, I'm a reporter for Ball Media,

But why was the German army able to break through the lines of the Soviet army? "A white reporter held a microphone for an interview.

And the Nazi officer with the smell of gunpowder and coke traces on his body said proudly, "The German army is unstoppable,

We have the best officers, the best taxis

We will definitely win the final victory, and no one can stop our progress.

Ping and a command team that is very good at seizing opportunities. And once under the leadership of the great head of state,

Last Hail! Führer Hail! "Just say it, why are you flattering all of a sudden! Eh,

Who said that the people of Deyimo are rigid, this flattery is simply unpredictable!

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