Loki ignored the SHIELD people, raised his hand, snapped his fingers, and then disappeared in front of Coulson’s eyes.

He never thought about taking action against these mortals.

Coulson looked at Loki who suddenly disappeared and was stunned for a moment.

After so many years in the industry, this was the first time he had seen such a strange scene.

Fortunately, Coulson’s professionalism was high enough and he picked up the walkie-talkie immediately.

“Attention everyone, the intruder suddenly disappears”

“Start a search immediately, closely observe all hidden points, report any abnormalities immediately, and do not act without permission.”

After issuing the mission to all security personnel, Coulson immediately asked Hawkeye individually.

“Patton, have you found the intruder?”

“Coulson, not yet discovered!”

In the earphones, Barton’s voice was more serious than ever before.

The SHIELD has never encountered Loki’s method before.

“Patton, continue to observe and pay attention to safety.”

After Coulson finished speaking, he glanced at Mjolnir and put away the walkie-talkie. After thinking for a moment, he turned and walked towards the interrogation room.

There was a suspicious person waiting for him there.

Outside the closed passage, Loki passed by the nervous gods as if there was no one around. In front of the armed personnel of the Shield Bureau, he walked out leisurely.

Although the process was a bit twisty, overall, his gains tonight were not bad. Thor was successfully deceived by him for the time being, and the plan went smoothly.

Ji planned to take the next step immediately.

He was going to Jotunheim to see the Frost Giant King.

Loki closed his eyes and began to summon the Rainbow Bridge.

If he wanted to cross the nine kingdoms at will, he would have to rely on the Rainbow Bridge. Only with the power of


Loki opened his eyes and looked at the unchanged environment in front of him. He was very surprised.

Where is the Rainbow Bridge? Shouldn’t he be at Jotunheim?

Why is he still in Midgard?

Could it be that the Rainbow Bridge was not summoned successfully?

Loki, who had never encountered such a situation before, decided to try summoning the Rainbow Bridge again.

Loki raised his hand and thought silently in his mind.

After a moment, Loki opened his eyes and found that he was still in Midgard.

“Why failed again? Could it be that Heimdall was up to something?”

Loki looked up at the night sky. He was not covering up anything. Heimdall could definitely see him.

“Are you waiting for Heimdall?”

A strange man’s voice suddenly came from behind Loki.


Loki turned around suddenly in shock, his eyes fixed on the darkness in front of him.

The night had no covering power for Loki, and it was still as clear as day in his eyes.

But Loki didn’t see anyone in the darkness. , as if the person speaking does not exist

“Don’t those who hide their heads and show their tails dare not show up?”

Loki looked around, his tone although he was scared.

As the second prince of Asgard, although Loki is far less powerful than Thor, he still has a life of thousands of years, and he is still as knowledgeable as he should be..

What’s more, this is still the so-called human country, and as a god, Loki is not worried at all.

“as you wish.”

As soon as the man finished speaking, his figure appeared in front of Loki.

“Are you an angel?”

Loki frowned as he looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Angels exist in most myths.

But in different myths, angels are completely different from each other.

And the most famous thing about angels is that There is no doubt that there is only that family.

Even though Loki has lived for thousands of years, he has only heard of the name of that family of angels and has never seen it.

If the angels in front of him are really that family, Loki really doesn’t know what to do.

“Yes and no.”

After the man answered, Loki frowned even more tightly.

What kind of answer is this?

“Who are you?”

Loki took out his dagger, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Levis slowly approached Loki and glanced at the small dagger in his hand.

In his impression, the dagger was quite powerful.

He cut off the Thor in one stroke. Although it was later proven that Thor ‘s broken hand was fake, it was true that Loki used this small dagger to kill everyone.

“You can call me an angel, or you can call me a judgment angel.”

“Although I am only an earthling, it does not prevent others from calling me that.”

The Mystery of Levi’s Thoughts stared closely at Loki, monitoring the energy fluctuations in his body.

Loki looked at the strangely dressed Levi in front of him. When he heard him say that he was from Earth, his lips immediately turned up in disdain.

A mere human being. , actually dared to play tricks in front of the God of trickery, and made him startled. It was simply ridiculous.

“Human, do you know who I am?”

Loki looked at Levis with his head held high and chest raised.

Levis nodded.

“Of course I know, aren’t you Loki?”

“The younger brother of Thor, the god of trickery in Asgard, and the second son of Odin.

Every time Levi said something, Loki’s inner vigilance quietly increased.

Levi’s understanding of him was a bit beyond his expectation

“Human, it seems you do know me.”

“In this case, as the first human being to see my god, I can grant you a wish.”

Loki put his hands behind his back and looked at Levis proudly.

“Are you going to grant me a wish?”

Levis stood in front of Loki and looked at him with a strange tone.

“Yes, speak your wish quickly, human being.”Loki wanted to look down at Levi’s, but he was not tall enough, so he had to raise his head high and look at Levi’s with his nostrils in the sky.

And behind Levi’s invisible side, Loki had already grasped the dagger in his hand, ready to launch a fatal attack at any time. One blow.

Levis stood motionless and looked at Loki, who looked like he could fulfill any of his wishes at any time.

He felt a little funny if the secret of thought hadn’t been monitoring Loki’s every move.

“Loki, when are you going to take action?”


Levi’s sudden question made Loki panic.

Could it be that this earthling discovered his thoughts?

“Human, what are you talking about?”

Loki, who didn’t know why, suddenly took a step closer to Levis and asked arrogantly.

However, Levis still didn’t move, as if he didn’t notice Loki’s approach.

Seeing this scene, Loki suddenly felt secretly happy in his heart. He felt that Levis was sure just now. It was blowing him up.

Otherwise, why would he be indifferent to his approach?

Loki glanced at the distance between himself and Levi.

He was 60% sure if he could take action now, but he would be 80% sure if he could get closer.

Just when Loki was hesitating whether to take another step closer or take action directly, Levis suddenly said something again.

“Loki, if you don’t take action, I will take action first.”

Hearing Levi’s words, Loki was shocked, and he immediately clenched the dagger tighter with his right hand.


Loki wanted to say something more and took a chance to get closer.

But Levis didn’t give him a chance, so he took action.

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