Asgard, Loki just walked out of the Rainbow Bridge when he saw Heimdall staring at him with a strange expression.

Loki then looked back at him expressionlessly.

“Loki, I saw you fight in Midgard”

“But you can’t see the ones behind it.”

After saying that, Heimdall looked at Loki again to confirm that he didn’t see anything unusual and stared at him again.

“What happened next?”

“Who are you fighting? Loki looked at Heimdall with an indifferent expression as he mentioned the unpleasant memory in his memory, trying to keep himself calm.

“Heimdall, Midgard is just a country of humans. Do you think there will be someone stronger than me there?”

Who is Loki?

Even though he was beaten so badly by Levi’s, he didn’t have any extra time to react. He didn’t forget to use the little time he had to cast a blinding spell on himself.

He was just on guard against this.

Tangtang If the Asgardian god was beaten to death by a human, Heimdall wouldn’t be able to see it.

Heimdall looked calm. The calm Loki was very suspicious of his words, but no matter how doubtful he was, Heimdall had no words to refute. Except for the Supreme Mage Ancient One, there was really no one on earth who could defeat Loki.

, it is impossible for the Supreme Mage Ancient One to pay attention to a little shrimp like Loki.

“Loki, why can’t I see what’s behind Midgard?”

“And after you enter Jotunheim, I can’t see or hear either.”

“Just like when the frost giants invaded, someone blocked me, please tell me why?”

Heimdall looked at Loki again and asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

“Heimdall, do you suspect that I did something?”

Loki asked directly.

Heimdall’s brows jumped. Loki’s reaction today seemed a bit unexpectedly tough.

“Maybe someone found a way to hide themselves from my attention.”

Hearing Heimdall’s words, Loki did not refute, but laughed.

“Heimdall, you are obviously so powerful, why did my father Odin never fear you?”

“Because I am loyal to the king to the death.”Heimdall frowned and gave the answer. He didn’t know what Loki meant by asking this.

“very good! Loki nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Heimdall seriously:”Heimdall, tell me, who is the king of Asgard now?””

Heimdall looked at Loki and fell silent.

After a moment, even though he was reluctant, Heimdall still had to look at Loki and give his answer.


“Very well, Heimdall, then accept the new king’s first command.”Loki looked at Heimdall intently and said in a tone that he could not refuse.

“Don’t open the Rainbow Bridge to anyone!”

After that, Loki turned around and left without ceremony.

On Earth, outside the Malibu villa, in the black car of SHIELD, the black widow Natasha put on the headphones.

In front of her, there was a thick workbook on the table. Book, which is full of the monitoring contents she wrote down

“I finally felt good today”

“Although Loki’s strength is a bit weak, he is worthy of being the god of Asgard.”

“His physical fitness is indeed enviable. Even after being beaten so badly, it didn’t matter at all. He recovered in the blink of an eye.”

“Damn, if I had the body of a god like them, I wouldn’t have to work so hard to write a diary every day. It’s so infuriating that people are so different from each other.”

“Forget it, I’ll see this guy again later anyway, at worst I’ll give him a good beating when he’s in a bad mood.”

“Speaking of which, when Loki returns to Asgard, will he soon send the Destroyer?”

“Tsk, if the Destroyer really comes, those rookies in S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely be unreliable.”

“The only person on Earth who can fight now is Tony.”

“But the current Tony is definitely no match for the Destroyer, and he will probably die on the battlefield.”

“What’s more, Tony is probably still worried about the problem of palladium poisoning. Even if he knew about it, he probably wouldn’t be able to get over it.”

“No wonder Luodan is obsessed with forming the Avengers. There are so many things going wrong right now, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. that he worked so hard to build is still not useful.”

“There are so many crises ahead. Without the Avengers and the superheroes, the Earth would most likely be gone long ago.”

“Now that I think about it, the first batch of Avengers members formed by Luodan seems to be short of a US team.”

“Iron Man Tony, Hulk Bruce, Thor, plus Black Widow Natasha and Hawkeye Barton”

“Well, there are five of the six people who saved the Earth.”

Writing this, there was a sudden click in the black car, as if something was broken.

Everyone was suddenly startled and looked at the source of the sound.

Natasha took out a pen from the drawer next to her calmly, and then threw it away. The broken pen in his hand was undoubtedly the culprit of the cracking sound just now.

But when the others saw the broken pen, they immediately looked away and continued to do what they were doing. Didn’t hear anything, didn’t seem to see anything

“Humph, you bastard, don’t let me catch you!”

Looking at the contents of the workbook, Natasha couldn’t help but clenched her hands.

Black Widow Natasha made up the numbers….

See what this is called?

Natasha was very happy when she heard that she would also become a member of the Avengers Super League organization.

As a result, I heard the above sentence the next second.

Natasha felt like she had been hit by ten thousand critical blows in an instant.

Why is she, Natasha, the Black Widow, just a passerby in the superhero organization?

Isn’t Iron Man Tony rich? He put on an iron shell for himself, and if he had the ability, let him take off his armor and have a fight with me.

See if I don’t beat the guy until he calls me mom!

And Bruce, the Hulk, how big can he be?

If you have the ability, stand up and show me that I haven’t beaten a tall man called a giant before.

How powerful it can be! Why should you line up in front of me?

And that thunder god…

Okay, this old lady admits that she can’t beat her. He is a god, but she is a human being.

There is no shame in being unable to defeat God.

As for the last Captain America who hasn’t appeared yet, isn’t he just an American super soldier during World War II?

I’ve been in the Soviet Union for so many years, what haven’t I seen?

They’re just super soldiers, so weird.

Do you know about the Soviet captain”Red Guard”? I still call him daddy!

I haven’t seen how powerful it is, it’s not just like that!

What about Captain America? How strong can it be! Come and practice if you have the skills!

The more Natasha wrote, the more unhappy she became.

If she hadn’t known who wrote the diary, she would have followed the internet cable and chased him.

It blinded him, and he dared to say that she, the Black Widow, was just making up the numbers.

It was just a casual comparison. Except for Thor, Natasha didn’t feel that she was inferior to anyone.

As for Hawkeye Barton, who ended up in the same rank as him.

Natasha naturally ignored him beautifully.

Although the two have a good relationship as colleagues, when it comes to personal reputation issues, Natasha thinks it’s better to keep things separate.

Anyway, no matter what the status of Hawkeye Barton is in the Avengers in the future, Natasha, the Black Widow, can never be just a make-up.

Thinking of this, Natasha couldn’t help but clenched her silver teeth.

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