Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 162 Gathering on the Sky Mothership (Large Chapter)

Rogers stood up, glanced at Phil Coulson, and said vigilantly.

"What's happening here?"

"I do not know either."

Phil Coulson never thought that such a situation would happen.

In the rapid roar whistling sound, he did not hear Leo's voice.

"Phil Coulson, it's me, Leo, open the hatch."

Leo, who followed behind the plane, stepped back a few meters.

With golden light in his eyes, he directly found the mechanical lock device of the cabin door and pressed it down forcibly.

At the same moment, a hazard warning sound appeared in the cockpit, and the flight speed quickly dropped.

The hatch opened slowly. At the moment, the flight speed of the aircraft had dropped below 100 meters per second.

Phil Coulson heard Leo's cry and was also slightly relieved.

"It's okay. This is one of our partners. I didn't expect to find him directly. Director Nick Fury has been looking for him for a long time."

Rogers still didn't let his guard down.

"In terms of information, it seems that there is no such information called Leo, are you sure?"

The hatch was only half opened, and Leo flew in.

Reaching up, he buckled the hatch again.

"Phil Coulson, long time no see, how have you been?"

"Captain Rogers, admiring his name for a long time, this time I've seen a real person."

Leo looked at the two people in front of him and greeted them very well.

Rogers, wearing a brown jacket, took two steps back slightly, his muscles tense and he did not dare to relax at all.

Phil Coulson stepped forward and blocked the middle.

"It's been pretty good recently. It's your sudden appearance that really shocked us, Leo, you have changed a lot!"

The two pilots looked back and Phil Coulson said directly.

"Continue to execute the command and return to headquarters."

"Yes, sir."

The plane also started to speed up again.

"Leo, why are you here? This is Captain Rogers, Captain, this is Leo, our consultant."

Phil Coulson stood beside Rogers and whispered.

"The level of confidentiality is high, and it is not registered in the database. It is directly contacted by Director Nick Fury, but it is also among the people under consideration for this operation."

"Isn't this just going home? I saw you on the road, so let's go and meet Fury together."

Leo stood in front of Phil Coulson, only to realize that he had grown a lot taller. It is estimated that he was about 1.75 meters tall.

"Captain Rogers, nice to meet you."

Leo extended his right hand to Rogers.

Rogers also stretched out his right hand, one large and one small, the palms of both hands held together tightly.

"Hello, Leo, this way of meeting really surprised me. How did you do it, what new equipment?"

He thought about Stark's suit of battle armor capable of supersonic flight in the personnel information this time.

"This, it's a long story, and it's also one of my abilities."

"Really, convenient Ability."

Rogers sighed. The strange touch in his hand with Leo made Wei Wei use a bit of strength.

But I only felt that the palm of his hand was irresistible, and Leo's palm dropped out.

"Phil Coulson, speaking of it, we haven't seen each other for more than a year. The last time we had a goodbye in New Mexico, what happened recently?"

Phil Coulson smiled and took the electronic screen that the captain had placed on the seat.

"Leo, I'm very lucky to be able to meet you. This is the data of this operation. Please take a look first."

Leo took it over and read it carefully.Phil Coulson and Rogers stand together.

"Phil Coulson, Leo seems to be very strong. Is there any information about him?"

"Captain, no, Director Nick Fury keeps Leo's news strictly confidential. For the time being, Natasha Romanoff and I have been in contact with him. He is not easy."

Phil Coulson looked at the captain and said, still a little excited.

"It's not easy for him to see it."

Leo has not finished reading the information in his hands.

Tony Stark called.

Putting on the glasses, Tony's image immediately appeared before his eyes.

"Leo, where are you now? What did you do, disappearing for so long?"

Facing Leo who had disappeared for so long, Tony also became a little angry, and asked with a hint of anger.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark, there was an accident, and I didn't expect it to be so long."

Leo walked to the rear of the cabin and said apologetically.

This time, his disappearance did give Tony Stark a lot of pressure, and it was the most unacceptable pressure from family members.

Definitely, in Tony's anger, there is also concern for Leo and worry about him.

"I'm on the plane to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. Thank you, Mr. Stark, for taking Auntie and them out of New York. Thank you very much."

"Are you in S.H.I.E.L.D now?"

"Yes, I ran into a Phil Coulson fighter plane on the way back, so I just dropped by on the way."

"Forget it, don't disappear, I have some questions I want to ask you at that time."

Since Tony Stark already knew about Leo, he didn't ask more.

And he has been analyzing the detailed information of this Tesseract operation.

Without talking a few words, he hung up the phone.

Afterwards, Leo looked at the two people in front of him, and lightly pressed on the frame of the glasses.

A simulation layer quickly covered the face, changing the appearance of the face a lot.

"Leo seems to know Stark very well?"

"Captain, I am not very clear about Leo's situation, but it is indeed Leo who came into contact with Tony Stark."

Facing the captain's question, Phil Coulson did not refuse.

But about Leo's specific situation, Phil Coulson will only bury it in his heart. He believes that Director Nick Fury must have his own purpose for concealing it.

Phil Coulson and Rogers were still chatting friendly, Leo sat quietly in the cabin, looking at the information in his hands.

The fighter plane was still flying fast, and it didn't take long before I saw an aircraft carrier with huge amounts of far away.

Leo stood behind the cockpit, looked at the aircraft carrier in front of him, and smiled slightly.

"Phil Coulson, are all the others here?"

"Should have almost arrived, but Barton agent, I don't know how he is."

The fighter plane stopped under the guidance of the command center.

The cabins had just opened, and Natasha Romanoff with short chestnut red hair came over here.

Several staff members also came up and packed Rogers' equipment.

Phil Coulson introduced them to the two.

"Romanov agent."

"Captain Rogers."

The two people who met for the first time called each other Roar.

Natasha Romanoff said directly to Phil Coulson, "You have to go to the bridge, and they are starting to locate and track."

"See you later."

Phil Coulson talked to Rogers and Leo, and walked aside.

Leo looked at Natasha Romanoff. It hasn't been a long time since Stark left.

"Natasha Romanoff, long time no see."

"Leo, come together, Director Nick Fury has been waiting for you for a long time."

Natasha Romanoff looked at Leo with curious eyes and a keen sixth sense, letting her know the identity of the person in front of her.

In the action report, Leo's figure was suddenly inserted, which had never happened before.

Rogers followed quietly.

"You are considered a man of the world here. I thought Phil Coulson would faint when he saw you. Did he ask you to sign his collection?"

Natasha Romanoff said to Rogers.


"That's a treasure he is proud of."

"Captain Rogers, you are his favorite idol. The first time I saw Phil Coulson, I felt nervous."

Leo, who was standing on the side, also followed.

Not far away, a figure was watching everywhere, and he, who had just got off the plane, was also a little at a loss.

Rogers recognized at a glance that it was Dr. Banner on the profile, and shouted directly.

"Dr. Banner."

"Oh, my goodness, hello."

Banner also looked back, stretched out his hand and shook it, "They said you will come."

"They said you can find the Rubik's Cube?"

Rogers is more concerned about the situation of the mission objectives.

"Well, have you only heard so much?"

"I only care about these."

Rogers looked at Dr. Banner who was a little nervous and said.

Leo on the side couldn't help but glanced at Rogers, ‘very high emotional intelligence, very scheming. ’

Stepped forward and looked at Banner and shouted.

"Hey, Dr. Banner, how are you feeling lately?"

"Oh, Leo, are you here? Yesterday someone from S.H.I.E.L.D found me, do you know what happened?"

Banner finally saw an acquaintance. Although he had only met a few times, in this unfamiliar environment, he still had an inexplicable favor.

"Natasha Romanoff should have introduced you to it, I know almost that, but I'm glad you are here."

"Gentlemen, you'd better go in quickly, you won't be able to Roar suck outside for a while."

There was also the sound of huge amounts of broadcasting on the entire aircraft carrier deck, as well as the sound of huge mechanical operations.

"Flight crew, clear the deck."

Rogers' first reaction was, "Is this a submarine?"

"It turned out that they wanted to lock me in an iron pot hidden deep in the water."

Dr. Banner, who has persecution delusions, also said smoothly. Speaking of which, Banner has never felt relieved about S.H.I.E.L.D.

Dr. Banner and Rogers came to the edge of the aircraft carrier, watching the huge amounts of spinning wheel gradually floating up and spinning rapidly, the two of them couldn't help but step back a few steps.

The entire aircraft carrier began to rise slowly.

Rogers opened his mouth and looked at everything in front of him, and Banner was also a little dazed, watching the Sky Mothership gradually lifted into the sky.

"No, it seems to be worse."

Leo and Natasha Romanoff stood behind and watched.

"Natasha Romanoff, do you still think Dr. Banner is terrible?"

Leo said with a smile on his face.

"Leo, this joke is not funny. You should have told Dr. Banner about our situation earlier. This task is even more terrifying than going to the battlefield."

Natasha Romanoff still has lingering fears about Dr. Banner's roar yesterday. For Hulk, the more he knows, the greater his fear.

Several people walked into the command room of the mothership.

Leo, who was not inferior to Dr. Banner's height, was not so conspicuous when he walked with a few people.

In the entire command center, dozens of people are constantly busy, checking the mothership's data and reporting the current situation.

All actions appear so orderly.

Rogers looked at the busy atmosphere around him, but it made him excited, regaining the touch of his previous feeling.

Dr. Banner was a little unhappy, walked towards the gate unconsciously, saw the two armed guards, also touched his nose, and turned back.Hill agent made the report quickly.

"All engines are operating normally, S.H.I.E.L.D emergency procedures, 19326 has been activated."

"We have reached the predetermined scale, sir."

Reported to Nick Fury who was standing on the central command podium.

"Very well, let's get started."

"Activate the background reflection panel." Hill said.

Under the entire huge amounts of aircraft carrier, a simulation layer appeared, covering the whole underneath, perfectly blending with the sky, and could not be observed.

Fury finally turned around and looked at the three of them.


Rogers looked at the people and things around him and couldn't help but want to know more. He liked the environment here.

He took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, took out a ten-dollar sheet, and handed it to Nick Fury.

Then he continued to walk forward, collecting the information here.

Fury looked at the ten dollars in his hand, and he forgot the joking bet.

"Thank you for coming, doctor."

Stretched out his hand to show kindness to Banner.

Banner hesitation for a while, and also stretched out his hand, "Thank you for your kind invitation."

Nick Fury turned his head to look at Leo, the eye without the blindfold, staring at Leo deeply.

"Mr. Leo, long time no see, thank you very much for coming."

The two hands are held together.

Fury also said softly, "Leo, you are really hard to find. You haven't been seen for a few months, but this time you came here directly. In the original plan, you didn't exist."

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Leo, there are still many people in S.H.I.E.L.D who don't know your existence, but this time, you are exposed to everyone."

"I have hidden my true face, so no one will find it."

Leo also said while standing beside Fury.

"Because of your reminder, I started to feel something wrong. It's best to be careful in everything."

"But now that I am here, I will arrange a new identity for you."

Nick Fury looked at Leo and said calmly.

Banner walked to Leo's side.

"Leo, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, Director Nick Fury, is there any progress regarding Tesseract?"

Leo looked at Fury and said.

Fury pointed to Phil Coulson who was standing downstairs among the commanders.

"We are monitoring every wireless camera, mobile phone, and laptop in the world, as long as it is connected to the Internet, it will be our goal."

Natasha Romanoff on the side actually flipped through Barton's clues interface, "I still can't find them."

Dr. Banner was also swiftly unexpectedly.

"It should be narrowed down. As many spectrometers as you can find, mount them on the roof and calibrate them to gamma rays. I will set up a tracking algorithm, and then..."

Natasha Romanoff took Banner to his dedicated laboratory.

Leo looked at the Sky Mothership under him, his eyes closed slightly, and his hands opened.

Immediately, he took control of the entire aerospace carrier.

Now, he can twist the splint at will, stop the engine, and destroy the entire mothership with ease.

It can even lift the entire mothership to Flight in the air.

The control value reached 149 points, but the level of strengthening is the same as that of iron bones, and the card can't move here.

Or, use time and resources to rush through.

Either, find a higher level of energy or metal materials.

Looking at the tens of thousands of tons of the sky mothership under him, Leo suddenly had an idea in his mind and swallowed his saliva.

‘If you finish eating the mothership, can you pass this barrier? ’

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