Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 787 Jason's Revenge

The current Emperor Fan must choose between Leo and Ronan.

This is the price he paid for wanting to play both sides at the same time.

At the moment, he has undoubtedly made a choice.

Although for the Difan Group, it is the Kerry Empire that should be more fearful.

After all, that is a huge and powerful cosmic empire, and there are not only countless civilizations within the empire, but also the most powerful technology and methods.

And Ronan, but the accuser of the Kerry Empire, one of the top managers, to be honest, Ronan can also represent the entire Kerry Empire.

Like Ronan's Dark Star, it is one of the top warships in the entire universe.

The Sandal Empire does not have such a terrorist warship, and they are more inclined to create a more united Nova Nova Army.

But to be honest, the New Star Legion is not afraid of the Dark Star. If there is no rough stone to make trouble, the Dark Star cannot break the defense of the New Star Legion.

Even Ronan's most proud of the destruction energy can not defeat the Sundar Empire's new star legion, because they have the most destructive energy device.

In this way, the Kerry Empire and the Sandal Empire are like two completely opposite worlds in the universe.

The Kerry Empire will choose to suppress and utilize all beneficial civilizations within its own empire, and it can dispose of useless civilizations at will.

The development direction of the army of the entire imperial civilization is biased towards attack and aggression.

The Shandar Empire, however, is more calm and gentle.

They love peace even more, and will provide technical support to almost all civilizations within their empire, so that they can adapt to the entire cosmic civilization more quickly.

And with its own capital planet, forged the largest legal trading planet, a city of a thousand stars in the true sense.

Even the main legion in the capital is biased towards control and defense.

But with the powerful technology, no one dared to provoke him, even Ronan didn't dare to get close to Xander's star.

Definitely, for the Difan Group, it is naturally incomparable to the two cosmic empires, and even the Void Land is even an extremely important core base for Difan.

He wandered between the Kerry Empire and the Sandal Empire at the same time, half black and half white, and he was able to make the two empires more prosperous without any accident.

But if once offended the Kerry Empire, then it can almost be said that half of the Difan Group's industry is destroyed.

But now, Di Fan chose to do so.

He trapped Ronan here, and he was more willing to come and befriend Leo, the man with two infinite rough stones.

For Collector Difan, who has not known how many years he has lived, the infinite wealth has shrunk by half, and it is still infinite.

The purpose of the establishment of the Difan Group was to help myself spend the endless time and help myself find more collections.

And to the present point, the amount of money has lost its meaning.

What can be bought, Emperor Fan has, and what can't be bought, how much money is of no use.

For example, the current infinite rough stone, a fetish that can't be bought for any amount of money, the top power in the universe, is now in the hands of one person.

It is rumored that Thanos once held this infinite rough stone in his hands, and in just a few decades, he built the most appalling organization in the universe.

Di Fan has a clear understanding of this, since he can't control this power, then he will embrace the thigh that can control this power.

Although Di Fan naturally had a grudge against this in his heart, after all, even Thanos had come to try to solicit himself.

I have never joined!

However, as a price, the Difan Group must contribute 50 billion yuan to Thanos's army every year to ensure safety.

You know, in this era when you can buy a spaceship for just tens of thousands of yuan, how huge and terrifying this amount is.

Quill's single reward task is only tens of thousands of yuan.

As for the rocket, every time it chooses the most broken spacecraft for repairs, it goes to another planet to scrap it to make money, so there is no need to pay for downtime.

Regarding Quill's 40,000 yuan reward, they all looked like they were going to make a fortune.

Di Fan has always been his boss, and he never thought about following someone.

And what he is doing now is just to make up for the mistake he himself made. This is also the precipitation of Di Fan for so many years, so that he can directly look at his mistakes and pay for it.

For Emperor Fan, there is also an old-fashioned experience, ‘if we lose our horses, we can’t know what is wrong. ’

Di Fan, who learned of the situation of the Destroyer Legion outside, had already made his own choice and walked down firmly.

At least for now, he delayed Ronan in place, and withdrew the defensive force in the passage.

The stalemate lasted for a short time, and it was because of a different voice from behind.

Then, several people saw a guy with a red skin in the distance galloping over here.

This not close distance has already made this guy sweat profusely, his complexion flushed, and his heart beating wildly.

But he still didn't slow down his speed at all, even after seeing the blue figure in a bunch of white people, his speed unexpectedly increased a bit.

This kind of completely overloaded running caused Jason's body to be devastated and injured to a certain extent.

But he continued to run regardless of anything, only the tall blue figure in his flushing eyes.

Looking at Di Fan who was rushing towards this, besides a glimmer of doubt, there was a hint of clarity in his eyes.

This was obviously a member of Leo's team, and he rushed over without any obstacles. It seemed that he had obtained Leo's permission.

Coupled with Gamora in Leo's team, it is not difficult to think of why Leo should target Ronan.

In this way, it seems to be good for myself.

Jason is already like a madman, running wildly like a madman, causing damage to the inside of his body.

And the golden light that was not easily stimulated, unexpectedly began to slowly form in his body, began to repair the originally injured heart and lungs, and even slightly strengthened.

Although injured, the speed of rushing is also extremely high.

There was still a kilometer distance in the middle, but within half a minute, it was within a hundred meters.


In Jason's fangs, there was an extremely sharp hoarse roar.

And in front of him, it seemed that Jane, who was covered in blood and only half of her body, appeared, Wenwen who was about to be burnt to charcoal, and Nini who had died of suffocation.

It was his wife and children, and it was the last time he saw them when he returned to his home planet.

Over the years, everything about them kept tumbling in his mind.

The hatred in it is not only not forgotten over time, but more profound and painful, torturing Jason every day, unforgettable!

Draws out the ether rifle behind him, shooting like crazy, his eyes are already blood red.

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