Because, when Qi Jun actively controlled the [mutated gemstone] to absorb sunlight, Qi Jun also felt the warmth of sunlight on his skin again.

Even if it is actively absorbed for too long, Qi Jun's skin will feel a burning sensation.


Because the [mutated gemstone] is actively controlled to absorb sunlight, Qi Jun needs to provide energy himself to turn on this function.

It's like driving an excavator. An excavator running at full power can naturally play a huge role.

But at the same time, the excavator also burns oil. Not only does it burn oil, it also burns a lot of oil. It is a huge oil burner!

Qi Jun discovered that in just ten minutes, Qi Jun's energy reserve of 9 points dropped to 8.5 points.

Sure enough, actively controlling [mutated gems] consumes a lot of money.

Just absorbing sunlight energy consumes so much. Once the [mutated gem] is controlled to absorb higher-level energy, wouldn't the consumption be even greater?

But fortunately, sunlight contains far more pure and advanced energy than electricity. It actively controls the [mutated gemstone] to absorb sunlight. Even after splitting it 50-50, Qi Jun still gained 1 point of energy ten minutes later!

In other words, in tandem, Qi Jun not only did not lose energy, he even earned 0.5 energy, and his energy retention actually reached 9.5 points!


"[Mutated Gem] Niubi!"

"Blow it up!!!"

Qi Jun laughed happily!

Take the initiative to absorb sunlight and earn 0.5 points in ten minutes. Wouldn’t it be 3 points in an hour?

This is only in its most basic state.

Would it be more efficient if Qi Jun went directly to the desert to bask in the sun?

If, while Qi Jun was basking in the sun in the desert, he also erected countless reflectors around him to reflect all the surrounding sunlight back to him, how terrible would the efficiency be?

If we build a convex lens high in the sky and condense all the sunlight passing through the convex lens into one point, how terrifying would it be?

ten times? hundred times? Or a thousand times? Ten thousand times?

hiss! ! !

It’s scary to think about it!

So scary!

Do you really want me to be Superman?

I imagine that one day in the future, I will be like a certain DC hero, standing alone in space without protection, enjoying the sunlight without any refraction, and even all kinds of cosmic radiation energy.

Let everyone on earth who monitors this scene hide aside and tremble.

That is a kind of exciting expectation! ! !



"This damn physical fitness!"

An hour later, Qi Jun's energy points increased to 12 points!

But the burning and stinging sensation from his skin that was basking in the sun brought Qi Jun back to reality from his fantasy.

Qi Jun frowned irritably.

Actively controlling the [mutated gemstone] to absorb sunlight, it is still defective as expected.

When actively absorbing sunlight, the passive protection effect of [Mutated Gemstone] seems to be ineffective?


It cannot be said that it has failed.

After all, while actively absorbing sunlight, Qi Jun could still feel the slightest bit of coldness flowing through his body from time to time.

But this feeling of coldness cannot catch up with the burning damage contained in the hot sunshine.

Without this cold feeling to protect his body, Qi Jun's body would have been burned when he actively absorbed the sunlight.

Although people feel warm when basking in the sun, that is because most of the manic energy contained in the sun is blocked by the skin.

However, Qi Jun took the initiative to absorb the manic energy directly into his body. The damage to the body was not ordinary.

In other words, the passive maintenance function of [Mutated Gemstone] was suppressed to a very low state when Qi Jun turned on active control.




"Nothing in this world is ever completely perfect!"

"However, this is actually a good thing."

"While absorbing energy, continue to increase energy retention."

"You can also use the passive effect to repair the damage to your body when you actively absorb energy, and even make it more condensed!"

"Actually, this is also a different kind of breaking and then building!"

After Qi Jun waited until the burning and stinging sensation completely subsided, he clenched his fist again and felt it.

Sure enough, I can clearly feel that this time I clenched my fist, it was even more powerful than before!

"Compared to the situation where the passive effect of [Mutated Gems] completely protects the body, the body cannot grow without this kind of condensation."

"Looking at it this way, the current situation is the best."

"This world is dangerous after all. Every time you increase your strength, you can increase your ability to save your life!"

"What else can I say!"

"How can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain?"

"Thank you for this great opportunity!"

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