Chapter 96 Monster World War (Part 1)

Peter Spider-Man has been a bit bad lately. The final exam is coming soon, and he is busy fighting criminals who skip school and miss school countlessly.

If you continue to continue, I’m afraid that Uncle Ben’s anger will come alive, so today Peter hasn’t stalked the Queens area for a long time.

However, for the sake of responsibility, he turned on the TV at the same time and hadn’t been hot, and the news anchor was like a chicken blood.

“Temporarily insert a piece of news, please don’t leave, connect to the scene now.”

Then the black screen also lit up and left the radio station and appeared at a high altitude. Then the cameraman pulled the lens down, Manhattan, New York.

Several armed helicopters hovered in mid-air, and tanks on the ground were rolling across the road.

A large number of soldiers rushed to a street with strong strides, and the police rushed out to pull up a tight blockade on the periphery.

Evacuate the crowd at the same time and keep people away.

what happened? Has the third world war started? Terrorists attacked New York again? Or is it that aliens have invaded?

The Americans in front of the TV unanimously hit an exciting spirit, and the blood rushed to their brains for no reason, and asked them to call friends and call friends to wait for the live broadcast.

Soon as the camera zoomed in, a huge monster nearly four meters away came into view, causing the people in front of the TV to take a breath at the same time.

It was dark brown skin all over the whole body. The bone spurs were like small hillocks and terribly overgrown the spine on the surface of the body. The arms and thighs were like beam rooms and pillars. It is full of yuwang that destroys everything.

The monster raised a terrifying fist and slammed it in front of a car, and immediately slammed it through, frightening everyone in front of the TV.

It wasn’t refreshing enough, so I jumped onto the car and stepped on my feet. It was as fragile as tofu, and it collapsed in the blink of an eye and turned into scrap copper and rotten iron.

He spread his thick arms, his horny head roared into the sky, a living behemoth.

Da da da!

The heavy machine gun shot fell on the body like a peas, and the monster rushed through the line of defense unstoppably.

Sandbags and other bunkers can’t stop at all. The huge body is like a human-shaped bulldozer, and the speed is not only astonishing, and the powerful physique stepped on the surface and shook the earth.

There was nothing to slow his pace. He jumped up in the air and made a strong chop. The armored tank suddenly sank, and then hugged the front of the car.

“I am invincible!!”

With one hand, the chariot was torn to pieces like paper, and in the other hand, he picked up a small car and smashed it into the high-altitude armed helicopter.

The wreckage roared with black smoke from the sky, followed by a soaring explosion.

Military vehicles are as fragile as a child’s toy, and the line of fire formed does not even leave a small mark.

The anti-tank rocket launcher was hollowed out and it didn’t make the monster back even a small step.

Such a powerful military was crushed and beaten by monsters from start to finish, and was clearly photographed in.

“I am power, I am hate!”

He hates the swaggering vent of power in front of the media helicopter. He wants to let the world know who is the strongest on earth.

Abomination is Bronsky. In order to be strong, he injected a blood sample of Hulk and turned into a monster.

Abomination cannot be transformed between humans and monsters, and he can maintain a certain sense of reason when he is permanently set.

He is a soldier, proficient in military fighting skills and rich combat experience, but because of the upper limit of the power that can not be brought about by anger.

While yelling at Hulk, a weakened man fell from the helicopter in the sky just as he hated the killing.

While yelling at Hulk, a weakened man fell from the helicopter in the sky just as he hated the killing.

The ground was smashed into a big hole in an instant, a spider-web-like crack broke open, and rubble was splashing everywhere.

A fat green man climbed up from the pothole with a torn and roar in his mouth. He had a body shape similar to hatred. He tore off the exploded rag, leaving only a shorts wrapped in it.


Hulk Hulk chopped his feet in a demonstrative manner, spreading his hands and shouting at disgust.

Abomination and Hulk didn’t even talk nonsense, they just threw their fists directly, and the two fought fiercely.

He didn’t even consider what was around him, and demolished everything he encountered. The walls, buildings, buildings, etc. were not in the eyes of the two monsters.

They are venting their anger, and no building can survive under the power of terror, raising dust in the sky.

In a few moments, more than half of Broadway was demolished and turned into rubble. The Mayor of New York was so angry that he cried and violently abused the military’s incompetence.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident Building

“Quickly, has Stark notified?” Nick Fury frowned and stared at the huge high-definition display, exclaiming and passing orders.

“Also go and invite the Fantastic Four. After all, Manhattan is their home and it is impossible to ignore it.”

Commander Hill came to Nick Fury and said anxiously: “The President and the Security Council issued an order that these two monsters must be driven out of Manhattan without using weapons of mass destruction.”

If New York is the economic capital of the United States, then Manhattan is the lifeblood of New York’s economy. Nearly 80% of the prosperity comes from here.

Because Wall Street is located near Broadway.

As the center of the world economy, if it turns into rubble, it does not matter that there are less than 100,000 people who line up to jump off the building every day.

But the economic downturn is enough to drive them down.

Nick Fury grinned with a green face: “How to rush? No one can intervene but wait for Fantastic Four and Tony Stark to stop and try.”

“You reply to 993, saying that S.H.I.E.L.D. currently has no spare capacity. Hulk is a product of the Super Soldier project handed over by General Ross. They were all signed at the beginning.”

“Now that something goes wrong, I only know to find someone? Put pressure on the Security Council to get them to pass the Avengers plan this time.”

“Otherwise, let the military clean up.”

After Hill turned and ran to reply, Nick Fury stared blankly at the display with just one eye. No one knew what the king of agents was thinking about.

Peter shuddered, watching the two monsters ravaging Broadway, quickly opened the closet and put on the Spider-Man uniform, swished and swung out.

Relying on his fighting skills and combat experience, Disgust kicked Hulk, kicked into a building, and rushed in.


The thunder blasted, and Hulk flew out and knocked down the beams and pillars. The building was about to collapse in the shaking ground. There were dozens of fleeing people nearby.

He looked at the three remaining pillars without saying a word, raised his fist and planned to smash them one by one, letting them crush people to death.

Rage, bloodthirsty, and destruction constitute hatred.

“Hey, did you do this with my consent?”

The ridiculous voice came from a distance, and a golden-red steel armor directly rushed in, hugged his waist and flew out.

ps: Thank you for your reward and support. .

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