Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 567: Cooperate with the performance

"Do you think it's possible?"

He opened his mouth to reveal a sarcastic smile, and the power of time magic on his arm began to flash a faint green light as [Bill Cypher]'s thoughts flashed.

"So, Stephen Strange, do you want to be turned into a bone or back into Mommy's belly?"

"Can I choose neither?"

Hearing the two terrifying choices given by [Bill Sever], Stephen Strange, of course, was unwilling to either.

"bubu, wrong choice..."

With a wicked laugh from his mouth, [Bill Seifer] looked at Stephen Strange, who had a horrified expression in front of him, of course, and then pointed his palm at the future Doctor Strange with only his soul left: "I prefer to watch it. You look like an old man, Stephen Strange."

As the voice of [Bill Cypher] fell, Stephen Strange saw his arm visibly showing signs of aging.

The power of the Time Stone is obviously extremely terrifying, even Stephen Strange, who has only his soul left, cannot escape the power of the gem.

Looking down at his wrinkled and transparent hands, Stephen Strange felt that even his soul had become powerless because of the impression of this change.

"Haha, dissipate, Stephen Strange, your body is mine."

Looking at Stephen Strange, whose whole soul was in an old-fashioned state, the laughter in [Bill Sever]'s mouth became louder, and the light of time magic on his arm became brighter.

It should be almost there.

Of course, while Kama Tajna was playing with the eyes of Agomoto, [Bill Seifer] or Li Ran was also ready.

After all, Kama Taj is the site of the ancient one. [Bill Seifer] made such a big noise. If the Supreme Mage has not responded, then the Supreme Mage who protects the earth from magic is too unworthy of the name. .

Sure enough, just when the time magic in [Bill Cypher]'s hand was about to send the three of them on a death journey again.

[Bill Sever] felt that the space behind him seemed to fluctuate a little.

The scope of this spatial fluctuation is extremely secretive. If it weren't for [Bill Sever], as a creature of different dimensions, he himself has a very keen sense of the spatial dimension, and perhaps it is not enough to detect this subtle change. It can be seen that Gu Yi still has some brushes as a supreme mage, or else he would not have protected the magical world for so many years under the circumstance of Dormammu's peeping on the earth.

Perceive the spatial fluctuations behind.

On the surface of [Bill Seifer], he still looked like he didn't feel anything, and even the vile laughter on his mouth didn't stop at all.

At this moment, it looks like a villain who died in triumph.

Unsurprisingly, at the same time that [Bill Sever] 'all' attention was taken by Stephen Strange.

Behind it, a portal only the size of a fist emerged, and Gu Yi stretched out his palm and slapped it on the back of [Bill Cypher].

Although the power of this slap was unable to destroy [Bill Cypher], it slapped the body that was inside Stephen Strange's body through the magic power contained in his hand.

Under the gazes of Karl Mordo and Wang, they saw a triangular yellow figure flying out of Stephen Strange's body.

At the same time, Gu Yi also seized this opportunity to expand the portal, which was originally only the size of a fist, and directly pulled Stephen Strange's body that had lost its possession and had no response in one fell swoop. 】The slightest chance of being possessed again.

"no no!"

Exiting from Stephen Strange's body, [Bill Sever] looked down at his hands that had turned into lines again, and immediately let out a crazy and harsh cry.

Along with this shout, [Bill Cypher]'s originally flat, triangular pyramid body began to transform into a three-dimensional pyramid, but it seemed to have been disturbed and unable to successfully complete this shape change. At the same time, the figure also seemed to receive a signal. Interfering TV screens generally show blurry changes.

"Gu Yi, **** it, I was able to succeed just a little bit!"

The body was stuck in switching back and forth between two-dimensional and three-dimensional, [Bill Seifer] glanced at the soul of Stephen Strange in the library with unwilling eyes: "Don't be proud, Gu Yi, I know your time is not enough. More, I want to see who else can stop me from coming when you leave!"

With such a sentence, the figure of [Bill Sever] disappeared like a phantom in the library.

And after [Bill Cypher] reluctantly disappeared, Gu Yicai opened the portal again beside Stephen Strange and appeared in the magic library with the body of the Eye of Agamotto.

He stretched out his hand and took off the Eye of Agamotto hanging on Stephen Strange's neck. Gu Yi quickly changed his gestures to complete the magic circle and restored Stephen Strange's aging soul to its original appearance. . Putting away the time magic power in his hand pulled Stephen Strange's soul back into his body.

Gu Yi turned his head to look at the place where [Bill Sever] disappeared, his calm expression could not help frowning.

Indeed, as [Bill Sever] said, her time was running out.

"Maybe I should speed up."

With such thoughts flashing in his heart, Gu Yi glanced at Stephen Strange, who had returned to his body.

"But before that."

But then, Gu Yi turned his attention to the diary 2 on the library.


[From the legend of the ancient one...]

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran raised his eyebrows as he looked at the numerous legends displayed on the system data panel.

In Kama Taj [Bill Sever] used the power of the Time Stone to make Karl Mordo and Wang die and live, and it really brought him a lot of fame.

After all, for now, he couldn't think of anything more shocking than this repeated death.

Unfortunately, the Eye of Agamotto is not only the magic weapon of the Supreme Mage, even Thanos is also staring at the time gem in it, otherwise Li Ran really wants to take the Eye of Agamotto and walk away.

"It's just a time gem. As long as you continue to collect legends and open the treasure chest, sooner or later you will get props or character cards similar to the power of the time gem."

After comforting himself a little inwardly, Li Ran temporarily took his eyes away from Kama Taj.

The role of [Bill Sever] in Kama Tajna has temporarily ended, but it does not mean that the character card in his hand is useless.

In fact, there are other projects in New York waiting for [Bill Sever] to carry out.

But before that, other character clones can't be idle either.


"Chaos Insurgency?"

In the Avengers Building, Johnny Blazer couldn't help frowning looking at Jack Simon, who was seriously inviting him.

Johnny Blazer came to the Avengers Mansion because of Chang Amir's affairs.

Unexpectedly, this blond man named Jack Simon invited himself at the Avengers Building to join a strange organization called the Chaos Infantry.


Under Johnny Blazer's astonished gaze, Jack Simon nodded lightly, and at the same time lit a cigarette, frowned and held it in his mouth reluctantly, and said, "I have read your information, The appearance of being a Ghost Rider is obviously an anomaly, so from the standpoint of a 'Chaos Insurgency', it is necessary for me to invite the abnormal with wisdom to determine whether the other party is willing to join the 'Chaos Insurgency'. From the current point of view, there are very few anomalies that the 'Chaos Insurgency' has really persuaded to join, and most of them still end in containment."

"Anomalous, contain!"

Two familiar words that emerged from Jack Simon's mouth reminded Johnny Blazer of some not so good memories.

He looked up at the blond white man in front of him, and dangerous flames began to dance in his eyes.

"What if I refuse?"

"So sorry."

Faced with Johnny Blazer's questioning, Jack Simon said with some regret: "I can only enforce mandatory containment for you, after all, you are abnormal."

As Jack Simon's voice fell, the fire of **** that was only in Johnny Blazer's eyes began to spread, forming a black mark on his face and a faint smell of meat wafting out.

"I was joking!"

However, just as Johnny Blazer was about to transform into Ghost Rider to answer Jack Simon.

I saw the blond man with a cigarette in front of him suddenly change the conversation, shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said: "We 'chaos insurgents' are not the scp foundation's group of guys who see anomalies and continue to contain them , Although we also contain anomalies, we tend to cooperate more, so as long as the damage you cause is not as big as that of the Canadian guy, there is no problem."


Hearing Jack Simon's words, the fire of **** that was entangled in Johnny Blazer also gathered up.

Looking at the man with a careless appearance in front of him, Johnny Blazer couldn't help frowning.

Although Jack Simon's attitude seemed very lazy, for some reason Johnny Blazer always felt that the other party was more dangerous than the Bruno Bugarati he had encountered before.

Moreover, from Jack Simon's words, the organization "Chaos Insurgency" seems to be related to the scp foundation that stole the contract of St. Van Gonzalo before.



New York, in the dark sewers.

A mouse crawled through the stinky waterway, noticed the pitch-black bugs crawling in front of him, and opened its mouth to hunt.

However, under the sharp front teeth of the mouse, the bitten bug even made a sharp roar without being injured at all, and opened his fangs to face the creature five or six times his size in front of him. The mouse bit it.


Faced with the provocation of the bug, the mouse naturally fought back without hesitation.

However, after a few seconds, the belly of the rat was broken and crawled out of the fur-only rat. The pitch-black and ferocious insect crawled along the sewer pipe and finally came to a bony figure and let out a roar. figure.

He stretched out his skinny palm and let the scarab climb up. At the same time, Chang Amir felt the message from the scarab with the faint red glow of the [Scarab] seal on his palm. At the same time, only the skin was left. A wicked smile appeared on the skinny, dark face that wrapped his head.

"Looks like the old guy finally gave up."

After the battle of St. Van Gonzalo, Chang Emir has been pursued by the old guy. During this period, he has fought many times, but there are often scenes where the power of the scarab is restrained by the opponent.

Look at the paradoxical, even ridiculous magic tricks that Dad has used.

However, he frequently restrained himself from the scarab power given by the [High Priest]. If it wasn't for Chang Emir's clear understanding of the scarab's destructive power, he even once doubted whether the power he obtained was fake.

Fighting and fleeing along the way, Chang Amir wanted to be extremely difficult, and the old guy obviously had magic that could find his traces in his hands.

Li Ran: "Yes, it's me."

No matter where Chang Amir hides, he will be found by the other party.

However, I don't know what happened. Ever since Chang Emir hid in the sewers, his father who had been chasing him suddenly disappeared.

Originally, Chang Emir, who was suspected of fraud, did not dare to go out, and could only use scarabs to explore the surrounding situation.

But after more than a month, nothing happened, and the figure of the old guy didn't appear for a long time.

Chang Amir felt that the other party seemed to have given up searching for him.

Although did not know the reason why the old guy gave up, Chang Amir, who had confirmed this fact, became excited.


There were terrifying laughter in the sewers of New York, and a large number of scarabs emerged from Chang Emir's body, filling the entire sewer, venting Chang Emir's inner resentment during this period of time.

It can be said that the damage Dad has caused to him during this period has made him the most hated object after Wakanda's Black Panther and Ghost Rider Johnny Blazer.

"Wait, old man, when I release the great high priest from the seal to obtain a more powerful gift of power, I will tear you up bit by bit to feed the scarabs!"

Emir Nechang of the sewer touched his shriveled belly, then lowered his head and swept over the corpses of rats and animals around him, cursing resentment in his mouth.

During this time, his life in the sewers was not easy.

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