Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 579: go to jail

"Becoming an anomaly?!"

This is the other side of the [container] that the Avengers never heard from the SCP Foundation.

Humans can actually be transformed into anomalies through experiments.

"Trust me, you definitely don't want to be like that."

Meeting Tony's gaze, Jack Simon spit out the cigarette in his mouth, and said slowly in a reminiscence tone amid the smoke.

"The reason why anomalies are called anomalies is that they are completely different from ordinary people or common sense. Therefore, once an anomaly becomes an anomaly, it means that you are no longer human, at least among the objects I have come into contact with, except for a special case. In addition, most of the remaining researchers completely lost the human mind after becoming anomalous, thinking and acting in a completely different species or existence, and as we can see, most of the anomalous existences are themselves to humans. It's a threat."

"This is why the Chaos Insurgency attaches great importance to the anomalies [containers] that can communicate, because such anomalies that can communicate with humans belong to the minority of the minority..."

"special case?"

In front of him, Jack Simon kept describing the anomaly and the dangers of studying it.

However, Tony's attention was naturally drawn to the exception mentioned by Jack Simon.

Although he was very concerned about the abnormal research experiments revealed by Jack Simon inadvertently, Tony obviously understood that the present was not a good time to discuss this situation.

Therefore, suppressing the desire to explore in his heart, Tony took a deep breath and put his eyes back on the Rikers Island Prison in front of him.

"Hopefully, the anomaly we encountered this time is not as dangerous as what you said, Jack Simon."

Inside Mark51, while Tony was talking, he turned his helmet to look at Vision.

The latter, nodded, and activated his ability knowingly.

With the faint light of the gem on the forehead flickering, Vision's entire body became transparent like a phantom.

Raising his virtual arm, Vision reached out to the Rikers Island Prison in front of him without hesitation.

At the moment when his fingers touched the iron gate of Rikers Island Prison, the flashing light of the mind gem on Vision's forehead skyrocketed a bit, and at the same time, his virtual body appeared a lot like ripples in the water. ripple.

"What happened, Vision!"

Aware of the strangeness in Vision, Tony immediately asked.

He retracted his palm that touched the iron railing, and at the same time controlled his virtual body to stabilize again.

Vision looked down at the finger that he had just touched Rikers Island Prison, and seemed to be lost in thought.

"I don't know, Mr. Stark. There seems to be an unknown force in Rikers Island prison that is invading my mind."

The vision with the mind gem is almost the most stable existence in the mind world in the entire universe.

Although, because of the powerful relationship of gem power in the past, the power that Vision can use is only a few.

However, even so, the power of Vision is extremely powerful in the Avengers.

can affect his consciousness.

Suffice it to say that what happened inside Rikers Island Prison is unusual.

"However, although the means of this kind of conscious invasion are secretive and difficult to prevent, as long as you take precautions in advance, you should be able to resist."

Shaking his head, he swept away the strange feeling in his heart.

Vision recalled the feeling of this conscious invasion to himself, and reminded Tony and others in front of him.

"Subtle mind control?"

Hearing Vision's words, Tony muttered again.

From the previous network communication to the influence of thinking, before they even set foot in Rikers Island Prison, they had already encountered some minor troubles.

"I know that as long as anomalies are involved, no action can be simply completed."

In front of Rikers Island Prison, when everyone was silent.

Jack Simon, who played the member of the "Chaos Insurgency", opened his mouth and guided him.

I saw him curling his lips in the protective clothing formed by the [Yellow Lantern Ring], with a disgusted but skillful expression on his face, he lit a cigarette again and took it, his eyes swept across the Avengers in front of him.

"Since it has been decided, don't hesitate, the effects of many anomalies are often superimposed, which means that the danger of anomalies will continue to expand or increase with the passage of time, and eventually reach the point where it is difficult to handle, although I don't know when the abnormal situation in Rikers Island Prison started to happen, but from the current situation, it is obvious that Rikers Island Prison is already under the influence of abnormal power. If you don't want to watch this If the situation continues to expand, we have to take a risk.”

"After all, anomalies won't wait to cooperate with your actions."

"The longer it drags on, the worse it will be for us."

The reminder given by Jack Simon as the "Chaos Insurgent" obviously played a crucial role in Tony's judgment.

Hearing Jack Simon's words, Tony immediately gave up his original plan to test outside Rikers Island Prison, took a deep breath, and the expression in Mark51 became solemn.

"Perhaps, you are right, Mr. Jack Simon, now is not the time to hesitate at the prison gate."

"I'm just doing what a collaborator is supposed to do."

After biting the cigarette **** in his mouth, Jack Simon and Tony in Mark51 looked at each other: "In addition, as a person who has experienced abnormality, I need to remind you that when facing abnormality, you must Be vigilant, not just for the anomaly but for everything around you, including your teammates."

Having said this, Jack Simon stretched out his hand and shook the soot, then raised his palm in the flickering of the [Yellow Lantern Ring], showing a half-human-height sharp sword that cut off the iron gate of the prison, and was the first to lead the way. Step into Rikers Island Prison.

Tony and the others spent a lot of time outside Rikers Island Prison, so he had to speed up a bit.

Seeing that Jack Simon entered first, Tony didn't have time to think about the meaning of the other party's words, and immediately controlled the Mark51 on his body and chased in.

Immediately afterwards, Vision slowly lifted off, and the blue light in Ultron's eyes also entered Rikers Island Prison.


"This is……"

Because of the various encounters outside Rikers Island Prison before, Tony raised his palm the first time he entered the prison.

However, inside Rikers Island Prison.

In front of him, the scene presented by the entire prison was far beyond his imagination.

I saw that in Rikers Island Prison, a dense crowd gathered in an orderly manner, including prisoners in prison uniforms and uniformed prison guards.

It's just that these two completely opposite beings are standing quietly together in front of Tony's eyes at this moment. There was neither a riot by the criminals nor a repression by the prison guards.

It was as if they were partners who got along well.

However, anyone who knows about the American prison knows that this is simply impossible.

This strange harmony made Tony feel even more strange.

"Jack Simon?"

His eyes stopped for a while at the strange scene of the peaceful coexistence of prisoners and prison guards in front of him. Tony quickly shifted his attention to other places. In Mark51, his eyes swept around but did not find Jack Simon's figure, and frowned.

"Mr. Stark."

But then, the familiar voice of Vision from behind made him feel less anxious.

Turning his head, he saw the vision of Vision and Ultron.

"Looks like the whole Rikers Island prison is here."

The arrival of the remaining two Avengers reassures Tony.

"They all look very odd."

Controlling his body to fall slowly, Vision swept across the crowd in front of him, the gem on his forehead flickered, and then he said.

"If it's normal, the whole scene will not be as quiet as before."

Shrugging, Tony looked back.

"It seems that the abnormality of Rikers Island Prison is more bizarre than it looks. What is he doing to gather so many people in the prison? Wouldn't he just want to see the scene where the prisoners and the prison guards get along peacefully?"

Looking at the very different scene in his eyes, Tony couldn't help but start to think about the purpose of the anomaly.

Immediately afterwards, he remembered Jack Simon's reminder to himself outside Rikers Island Prison before, not to use common sense to speculate on abnormality.

However, the person who reminded him also disappeared in Rikers Island Prison.

"Maybe we can find someone to ask."

Looking at the crowd gathered in front of him, Vision said silently.

"we can only do this."

Although Tony had contacted the containment of spells several times because of the relationship between the SCP Foundation [Uncle Long], the abnormality in Rikers Island Prison in front of him was obviously very different from the previous spell containment.

Especially after losing the experience of Jack Simon, he couldn't think of a good solution for the things in front of him for a while.

The current situation is very different from the battles the Avengers have faced in the past.

Even Tony didn't dare to act too rashly when he didn't even know what anomaly he was facing.

After all, Tony has heard from [Uncle Long] many examples of SCP Foundation Foundation containment failures.

Every failed ending was extremely tragic.

He didn't want to be one of many failures.

After receiving Tony's reply, Vision did not hesitate at all. His eyes swept across the dense crowd in front of him, and he quickly determined his goal.

Controlling his phantom body, Vision approached a figure in a corner.

Grabbing the figure's arm, the spiritual gem on his forehead also began to shine at the same time, readying the opponent to resist.

However, the whole process was unexpectedly smooth.

In the face of Vision's series of actions, the uniformed prison guards did not resist at all, and they were motionless like dolls.

"This situation?"

Aware of the weird and frenetic expression on the prison guard's face in his hand, Vision released his grasp of the other's palm, and turned his head to scan the surrounding crowd.

He found that not only the prison guards, but also the people in the surrounding crowd, not everyone in the entire crowd in front of him, had the same weird and frenetic expressions on their faces.

This kind of discovery made a vision, who rarely had fluctuating emotions in his heart, feel a little shudder.

The light of the mind gem on his forehead flickered, and through the power of the mind gem, Vision quickly understood the situation of everyone in his eyes.

"Mr. Stark, the minds of these people are controlled by the intrusion, just like the kind of intrusion I sensed outside the iron bars of Rikers Island Prison before."

Knowing the situation of everyone, an extreme uneasiness in Vision began to flow out. Under the urging of anxiety, Vision began to use the power of the Mind Gem to expand to the dense crowd in front of her, and began to perceive the thoughts in these people's minds. thinking.

"I can feel that in the world of their will, there seems to be a mysterious force that is constantly guiding them to carry out a terrifying summon..."

On Vision's forehead, the light of the Mind Gem became brighter, and his body began to shake.

Obviously, using the power of the Mind Stone to perceive everything is not without cost.

"Vision, stop it, your body won't be able to bear it any longer."

Looking at the vision whose expression had become painful, Tony had to speak to stop him.

"No... Mr. Stark... You don't understand, the danger behind this... What they are doing is an extremely terrifying summon... Not only these people, but the entire Rikers Island Prison has more than tens of thousands of people. The summons made...if successful then..."

The Mind Gem kept getting information from the thinking fragments scattered by the crowd, but without further information, the expression on Vision's face was painful, and the fine cracks around the forehead gem began to appear on Vision's face, the Mind Gem. The power of his body caused a huge burden on his body. After all, this was the first time he had used the power of the mind gem on so many people.

To be clear about the illusion that has the ability of virtual and real, the body is harder than diamond, but even such a hard body still begins to shatter under the power of the mind Stop, Illusion ,This is an order! "

Seeing that the vision's situation was getting worse and worse, Tony's tone became tougher.


Following Tony's order, the radiance of the original flashing mind gem on Vision's forehead dimmed, and the whole person also fell backwards like a collapse.

Seeing that Vision was about to fall, Ultron pushed his body to support him.


Falling on Ultron's body, Vision turned his head to thank the artificial intelligence, but the expression on his face was unprecedentedly solemn. He turned to look at the crowd and said.

"It's too late, Mr. Stark, the ritual of summoning..."

"It has already begun."

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