Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 585: day of annihilation

"Today is the third day of this bizarre catastrophic event..."

New York, NBC TV, the news anchor reports to the camera with a panicked face.

What was shown on the TV screen was a scene of monsters raging throughout New York City, as well as the cracks in time and space that had unknowingly expanded several times over Rikers Island Prison.

"Some people also call this disaster the 'day of annihilation' or the grotesque apocalypse. Today's weather is black and bloody, and there are grotesque bubbles floating like showers. It will become a deformed monster that will attack wantonly, so unless necessary, don't go out of the house!"

In line with the news anchor's report, the TV screen just happened to show a black man who was wiped by a bubble. A painful roar came from his mouth. The next second, his entire body was deformed as if being squirmed by thousands of bugs. It turned into a deformed monster with an arm on its huge head, and it generally roared while moving its arms and smashing everything around it.

"...The latest news, the Union government has issued an emergency order. From now on, the entire New York City will be forced to enter a state of blockade, and no one will be allowed to leave New York City without authorization. According to the latest data, we have more than 30% of the police on duty. The relationship was injured and admitted to the hospital. Now the hospitals throughout New York City have been overloaded. The president has ordered the deployment of the military, but I am not optimistic about this. Next, we can only look forward to the Avengers and the superheroes of New York City. Hope they can figure out a way, God bless America!"

In the past three days, what has happened in New York City has obviously put the spirit of news anchors under tremendous pressure.

Contrasting and still ignorant, the citizens who know little about the whole situation, as a media worker, he knows more.

It is also clear that, in fact, as early as the first day of the "Day of Annihilation", the White House mobilized the military to enter Rikers Island Prison.

But as a result, there is no doubt that more than half of the American soldiers, under the power of the grotesque bubble, became the monstrous creatures that are now causing unrest throughout New York City. If it wasn't for the Avengers to take action in time, the situation might have been even worse.

However, out of the consideration of people's stability, the American government directly issued a mandatory order.

No media can publish what happened in Rikers Island Prison. The so-called freedom of the press at this time is meaningless.

"Kate, can you give us a detailed introduction to the current situation in New York?"

Suppressing the fear in his heart, the news anchor had a stiff face, and threw the topic to the reporter in charge of the most dangerous location.

"...It's pretty bad."

With the same stiff expression on his face, although the location where he went out at the moment was not the source of the incident, Rikers Island Prison, but looking at the expanding doomsday weather in the sky, even as a veteran location reporter, Kate was still a little nervous.

Taking a deep breath, looking at the camera in front of her, Kate turned her stiff body and reported to the church behind her and the long queue of believers.

"Although, including the president and the mayor of New York City, have issued an emergency order, asking everyone not to go out as much as possible, but obviously not everyone is willing to abide by this order, the church behind me is the most obvious example, Facing all the weird things happening in New York City, believers came to the church to pray."

"Why, the whole New York monster is rampant, why do they dare to go out under such circumstances!"

Obviously, the news anchors on the TV station are quite puzzled by the practices of these believers.

"Perhaps, for them, there is something far more important than the ban."

While speaking, the location reporter Kate held a microphone to interview the believers.

Reporter Kate: "Sorry, I can ask you, why do you feel like going to church at a time like this?"

Stopped by Kate, a middle-aged white woman said with a pious face: "All this is the Lord's test for us. Only the devout believers can survive in the apocalypse."

Kate: "Didn't you think that if those monsters stormed the church, you might all die?"

White believer: "No, the Lord will bless me, I have the blood of Jesus."

Kate: "Once the grotesque bubble falls in church, you all have the potential to become monsters."

Black female believer: "I'm not worried at all, the Lord will bless me."

Kate: "Gatherings like yours are very dangerous. The mayor and the president have banned them."

Caucasian male believer: "No, no one will be hurt, the Lord will bless us all, as long as you are religious enough, all of this is the Lord's punishment for those unbelievers."

Kate: "You know so well?"

White male believer: "Of course I know because I'm a pastor."



New York City, Center.

Steve waved the vibrating gold shield in his hand to knock out a deformed monster with four arms and facial features on his chest in front of him. He turned his head and glanced at the more and more monsters around him, took a breath, and then said to him. He shouted at the fighting figure not far away.

Hearing Captain America's cry, Bucky controlled his metal arm to quickly transform into a long whip, wrapped around the one-eyed bat above his head that was constantly flapping his wings, and pulled it down and smashed it into the pile of monsters beside him. Tiff moved closer together.

"If I knew the situation was so troublesome, I probably wouldn't have promised you to come to New York."

Returning the whip back to the dark metal arm, the Winter Soldier turned to look at Captain America behind him, a faint smile on his cold face.

"How long has it been since we fought together again?"

Hearing his friend's words, Steve's gasping face also showed a smile.

He raised his shield to block the monster rushing up in front of him, Bucky co-operated with his metal arm and smashed it into the air, and at the same time replied: "It's more than seventy years, I didn't expect that after seventy years, we still need us. Keep fighting."


Bucky's words obviously made Steve feel a little bit, but the current environment is not suitable for the two old guys from World War II to reminisce about the past, so they can only continue this endless battle with patience.

"team leader!"

Right where Steve and Bucky were fighting, with a cracking sound.

While using the spider silk to flexibly avoid the dangerous monsters in mid-air, the little spider shouted to the two people below.

"Be careful, there is a big guy here!"


As the little spider's voice fell, he saw a corner of a high-rise building behind him. A huge palm wearing yellow gloves grabbed the building and made a huge rumbling sound, and a lot of gravel fell from the floor. , At the same time, the owner of the palm also slowly walked out from the corner.


Lift up the red big-toed shoes, and easily step on the car on the ground into a discus.

Coming out of the corner is the Uncle Clown mascot of the chain fast food restaurant.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The clown's cheerful laughter kept coming out of his mouth, but with the increase in size, the mascot's laughter also turned from cheerful to infiltrating.

Walking through the center of the road in the center of the building, the wide road became extremely narrow at the feet of the giant clown.

Looking at the sky shrouded in the huge shadow of the mascot, even Steve and Bucky, who had been fighting hard, couldn't help but stop their movements.

"It never occurred to me that one day I'd be fighting the mascot of a fast food restaurant, and it's still an enlarged version."

"I used to like their burgers."

"Sorry, Captain."

The spider silk sticky bomb was fired to stick the monsters on the ground one by one, and the little spider landed beside the two of them, panting hard.

"I can't stop it, so I just came to ask you for help."

Peter has been saving innocent people in New York City since three days ago when the spider sensed the danger.

"You've done a great job, Spider-Man."

"Actually, I think you should take a break. After all, the situation at hand can't be solved with support."

Looking up and looking at the huge mascot in front of him, Steve first comforted the little spider.

Immediately afterwards, another Avenger was contacted through the device.

"Tom, we are in trouble here and need Hulk's power."

"no problem."

New York Center, another battlefield.

Hearing the request from Captain America, Falcon Sam agreed without hesitation.

He controlled the metal wings behind him to lift into the air, and at the same time shouted at the Hulk who was wreaking havoc in the battle not far away.

"Hey Hulk, Captain needs us!"


However, in the face of Falcon's cries.

The angry Hulk obviously wouldn't respond. It kept roaring and smashing the monsters around it, and the whole body swelled a bit again because of the rising anger.

"Sure enough, it's the same again."

Looking at the Hulk who was once again in anger and fury, Falcon shook his head as a matter of course.

Hulk's strength is stronger, but every time he loses control, it also gives the Avengers a headache.

Fortunately, although Hulk was already in a state of anger at this time, Falcon knew how to attract each other.

"It can only be done."

Rubbing his palm, Falcon pulled the trigger in his hand, and a faint blue laser ray accurately landed on Hulk's huge body not far away.

"Hulk, get angry!"

Being hit by the laser of the falcon, although the power of the laser gun is not enough to break the powerful defense of Hulk, but obviously his move has successfully attracted the attention of Hulk, and he let out a roar, Hao. Ke suddenly jumped towards the Falcon.

"That's it, follow me, there are more suitable opponents waiting for you than me, Hulk."

Seeing Hulk chasing towards him, Falcon didn't hesitate, waved his wings immediately, and flew in the direction of Captain America and the others.


"How's it going?"

Rikers Island Prison.

Stephen Strange looked up at the increasingly huge space-time crack in the sky, with a worried look on his face, and then asked Carl Mordo who came over.


Putting away the magic in his hand, Karl Mordo looked at the twisting space in front of him and shook his head.

"Gu Yi exerted a powerful magical power on the mirror space nearby. Unless the power reaches the level of the Supreme Mage, we can't break the confinement of this space at all."

Beside Karl Mordo, Wang also put away the magic circle and said silently.

"That is to say, in this crisis situation, we can only watch from the outside and can't do anything?"

Hearing Karl Mordo and Wang's answers, Stephen Strange was a little hard to accept.

They have been in this state since three days ago, when Gu Yi trapped [Bill Cypher] with the 'mirror space'.

"What do you think?"

Dissatisfied with Stephen Strange, Karl Mordo turned his head to look at him and said.

"Gu Yi is a powerful supreme mage, and the magical world she is in contact with is far more dangerous than we imagined, so you should be thankful now that the 'mirror space' is not damaged, at least it means that Gu Yi's power can still trap [Bill] Cypher]."

"According to my calculations, this time may not be too long."

In this regard, Wang made a pessimistic speculation.

"Although Gu Yi has the power of the Eye of Agamotto, as long as the space crack in the sky does not disappear, the power of [Bill Cypher] will become stronger and stronger as the crack expands. When the world in which Fei is living has completely entered into reality, even the ancient one can no longer stop Bill."

"In that case, shouldn't we think of a way to stop this space-time crack from continuing to expand?"

Hearing Wang's words, Stephen Strange subconsciously looked up at the crack in time and space above Rikers Island Prison, and said anxiously.

"There is no way."

However, in this regard, even Karl Mordo appears to be With our magical power, we cannot stop the continuous generation of the space-time crack, any magic power only needs to touch this space-time crack. , it will be twisted and grotesque, [Bill Cypher]'s world and our world have two completely different rules, even magic is affected by the other's world..."

It's not that Kama Taj hasn't tried to stop the rift in space-time from continuing to expand, but this is something that even the ancient one can't do, let alone the rest of Kama Taj's magicians.

In fact, it's not just magic. In the past few days, the US military has also launched several missiles in an attempt to destroy the space rift.

However, the results were not optimistic.

There was even a cannonball that was affected by the power of the grotesque bubble during the launch, and gained grotesque consciousness. If it wasn't for the blocking of Tony and others, it would have almost blown up the Kers Island prison under Lay.

"We can only hope that the 'mirror space' will find a way to seal it or defeat [Bill Sever]. Otherwise, maybe the world will really fall into the hands of [Bill Sever]."

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