Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 639: Transform deformation


In the [fortress], Tony watched the doctor grab the palm of the source of fire, and his expression was mixed with a bit of complexity.


At the moment when he was distracted, Hercules in front of him waved his huge arm composed of a shovel, and smashed the body of [Fortress] fiercely.

The violent impact rubbed a series of sparks on the body of the [fortress]. However, as a giant armor with strong defense, the attack of Hercules alone is not enough to cause too much damage to it. Inside the armor, Tony came back to his senses, and then controlled the [Fortress] to raise his heavy arm. The huge hydraulic device behind him made a low roar, pushing the arm to produce a heavy bombardment, and a punch hit Hercules. head on.


Under the heavy fist of the [Fortress], Hercules' head wailed, and a large number of broken parts scattered from the Transformers body at the head position, and the originally heavy body fell directly to the ground.

After the fusion, the Transformers have obtained the powerful strength comparable to the leader-level Transformers, but, in a certain way, the combination of several Transformers is also accompanied by a huge weakness, that is, the mixture of five Transformers The body size, compared to the general Transformers Hercules, is undoubtedly relatively slow and clumsy.

After all, the heads and hands and feet are composed of several completely different Transformers. Even if the head reacts to the crisis, when the hands and feet are ordered to dodge, it is often a few seconds late.

And these few seconds, in terms of combat, are undoubtedly deadly.

The Transformer Blender responsible for Hercules' head: "Oops, it's a danger, hurry up and avoid it."

Transformers in charge of hands and feet: "Danger? Where, where, oh, I see."

Hercules, who fell to the ground: "..."

boom! boom!

Transforming the palm of the [Fortress] into a huge nail to fix Hercules on the ground, inside the huge armor, Tony panted and cast his eyes on the source of fire on the other side.

In just a few dozen seconds of his struggle with Hercules, the doctor has firmly taken the source of fire into his hands.

The control arm turned into liquid metal to wrap the entire fire source to avoid the recurrence of Stephen's situation before.

"It turns out that fire is your goal."

Looking at the doctor's cautious move, [Fortress] Nettoni frowned, but it was a little strange.

"If that's the case, why didn't you do it when you were at the base? You obviously had the opportunity to take it."

This is one of the reasons why Tony is slack.

In the base before, the source of fire was clearly within reach for the Doctor.

He handed it over easily, causing Tony to be deceived.

"I need to collect more data on the source of fire, you should be more or less aware of it, Tony Stark, the power of the source of fire is not just about transforming electromechanical into Transformers, it's more important The point is to give these Transformers consciousness, or - soul, this is not the artificial intelligence you created, but the real life body."


The doctor's words caused Tony's expression in the [fortress] to change slightly.

The power of the source of fire is indeed powerful.

Especially in terms of its ability to give life to electronic devices, even if the object of life given by the fire source is limited to machinery, it is already close to the ability of the creator.

"So, your purpose is to transform mechanical life forms through the source of fire, and rule the world like Megatron?"

Inside the huge armor, Tony was silent for a while before looking at the doctor and said.

"Rule the world?"

Facing Tony's questioning, the Doctor shook his head in denial without hesitation.

"I won't set my goal on such a boring idea. Who will rule this world has nothing to do with me at all, whether it is Jiuyou, Penglai, or something else from other universes. Alien, I have only one purpose from beginning to end, and that is to resurrect me..."

Looking directly at the huge [fortress], the doctor told his purpose in a calm tone.


However, the doctor has not yet made it clear about his ultimate purpose.

From mid-air, a huge ray hit his liquid metal robot body.

"I don't care what your purpose is."

In the sky, Megatron's scarlet eyes flickered dangerously, and his sharp metal teeth grinned grimly.

"Since you dare to touch the power of fire, then I will smash you to pieces. Fire belongs to me, Megatron, the great leader of the Decepticons, not you humble and self-righteous humans."

The wing behind the control fell, and Megatron looked at the direction of the bombardment and shouted.

As a Decepticon, it doesn't care what the Doctor does.

In its eyes, the doctor who stole the source of fire is the enemy.

In the face of the enemy, the Decepticons have always been brutal.

In the huge pothole created by the bombardment, the silver-white liquid metal wrapped with the source of fire began to gather, and in a blink of an eye, it returned to the appearance of a doctor again, standing there intact.

Reach out and pick up the ignition source in the center of the pothole.

The doctor looked up at Megatron in front of him, and the silver-white metal face began to simulate returning to a human face: "If this is your answer, then there is no need for the Decepticons to continue to exist."

With the doctor's icy tone, he grabbed the fire source cube and pressed it to his chest, and the liquid metal in his body immediately engulfed the fire source.

Being integrated into the body by the doctor, the source of fire began to flicker with a faint light.

Under the light of this light, the doctor's entire body began to be affected by the power of the source of fire.

The appearance that was originally transformed into a human began to distort and reverted to the silver-white metal posture before. These liquid metals continued to surging and deformed, causing the doctor's original human-sized body to expand, and in just a few seconds. Under the instillation of the power of the source of fire, it became a behemoth no less than a [fortress].

The ability of the source of fire is to transform any electronic device into a self-aware Transformer.

In the doctor's body, each drop of metallic liquid represents a micro-robot.

Under the influence of the power of the source of fire, these micro-robots are transformed into Transformers, although the power of each transformed Transformer is not as good as that of the weakest mini Transformers, but such a huge number of Transformers combined Together, the combat power formed is definitely a powerful existence beyond imagination.

After all, even the seemingly ferocious Hercules is just a combination of five Transformers.

At the moment, the doctor's situation is indeed a huge monster composed of thousands of Transformers that are difficult to calculate.

It's just that the combination of such a huge number of Transformers is a combination of Transformers.

Confusion in consciousness is almost unavoidable.

The consciousness of a large number of nano-level Transformers is mixed together, even if it is just an ordinary thought, after tens of thousands of transformations, it is difficult to achieve a unified and unobstructed action.

Therefore, if according to the development of normal circumstances, after the Doctor converts the liquid metal robot into a Transformer, the final outcome is only the possibility of a collapse of consciousness.

However, fortunately, it is not just the doctor who is fighting, or the clone.

In the antique shop, Li Ran decided to resort to the means when he noticed the chaotic Transformers consciousness in the doctor's body.

With the red light flashing, a powerful will enveloped the doctor's chaotic thinking.

"It's my turn again."

In the chaotic thinking world of Nano Transformers, a triangle wearing a top hat appeared out of thin air. [Bill Cypher] held his palm, looking at this completely chaotic world without any subject, gently snapped his fingers.

In the next instant, all the chaotic consciousness was swept away, replaced by a doctor figure formed by countless light spots.

For the master of thinking, these nano-transformers with newly born consciousness in the doctor's body are simply vulnerable, and for [Bill Cypher] to settle them, it is not even a warm-up.

"Then, the next performance will continue to be handed over to you. In New York, I have more important things waiting to be done."

In the world of thinking, [Bill Seifer] took off his hat to the doctor and made a gesture of goodbye.

In the next instant, the black and white thinking space regained its gorgeous colors.

Outside of the world of thinking, the chaotic deformations on the doctor began to unify, and the combination deformed into a doctor figure that was magnified hundreds of times.

Controlling the tens of thousands of Transformers in the body to make movement orders, under the influence of the power of [Bill Seifer], all the chaotic thoughts are unified.

The power combined by countless nano-level Transformers is only powerful, which is comparable to the power of A-level character cards.

However, feeling that the source of fire in the body has dimmed a lot, the doctor is very clear that most of the source of power in his body is based on the premise of sacrificing the source of fire, and the essence of its powerful appearance at the moment is actually a group of Supported by extremely weak nano-transformers.

This situation is somewhat similar to sardines in the natural ocean.

When encountering strong enemies, gather together and disguise as big fish to scare off predators.

If the Transformers in it were named, sardines might be the most appropriate name.

Once the loss of these nano-level Transformers is serious, the combat power of the doctor will quickly drop from the combat power of the A-level character cards to the B-level, or even lower. So, in general, the Doctor's situation at the moment is, at best, a one-off A-rank character card.

However, even so.

For now, it is more than enough to put an end to this Transformers War in Australia.


Controlling his huge arm made of densely packed Transformers, the Doctor grabbed the neck of Megatron in front of him, and lifted the leader of the Decepticon easily.

"Are you ready to say goodbye to the Decepticon leader position, Megatron!"

Under Megatron's scarlet eyes, it could clearly see the tiny Transformers on the Doctor's arms. These Transformers twisted their necks and looked at themselves with red eyes, making noises that were hard for ordinary people to hear. of a sharp roar.

"I am Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons!"

From the neck, there was a tightening force, squeezing Megatron's metal neck into a harsh metal bending sound.

However, in the face of such a fatal situation, Megatron still stared at his scarlet eyes and said to the doctor intermittently.

At the same time, at the wing position behind the engine, a large amount of flames emerged from the engine, forming a powerful driving force. Megatron ignored the doctor and just grabbed the arm of his neck and twisted his body, raised his arm to form a sharp point and chopped it on the neck. on the huge arm.


Facing the heavy blow of Megatron's slash on his arm, a major weakness of Nano Transformers was revealed.

The deformation of these innumerable sets of Transformers is naturally incomparable to the single Transformers in terms of structural sturdiness.

Therefore, in the face of Megatron's struggle, one of the Doctor's arms was cut off by him almost easily.

With the broken arm grabbed around his neck, Megatron broke free and rose into the air under the push of the wing behind him.

"You can't kill me."

Getting out of the crisis, Megatron looked down at the Doctor on the ground, and then let out a crazy laugh.


In the face of Megatron's provocation, the doctor just looked down at his broken The next moment, a large number of nano-transformers at the broken arm began to move, and a new arm appeared there in the blink of an eye. .

The doctor was looking at Megatron, and the nano-transformer that formed a broken arm around his neck also began to change shape, and in just a few seconds, it was transformed into a one-eighth the size of Megatron. Doctor, and then this one-eighth doctor differentiated his body again, transforming into Transformers only the size of a little finger, and instantly spread all over Megatron's body.

"No, damn, you cannon fodder Transformers, get out of my body!"

These miniature versions of Transformers began to invade Megatron's body through the deformation gap on his body, feeling the attack on his body. Megatron's original grim face immediately changed, and the engine that controlled the wings was crazy in the sky. The flight shook off the Transformers all over the body, and shouted in horror at the same time.

Here, Megatron is exhausted under the attack of miniature Transformers.

On the other side, Optimus Prime put his blue eyes on the doctor, looking up at the Transformer who is now bigger than himself, silently moving the direction of the blade. ()

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