Marvel: Unlimited Possession

: Finish this testimonial

When I wrote the last chapter, my heart was quite complicated.

The book friends in the group should have known it long ago, and the book has already been agreed. My outline for this book is 2 million words.

Going forward, I felt that I could no longer control it. I blocked it several times on and off, and had to modify it. The combat power also collapsed, and I really couldn't read the S card, so it is better to do it at the right time. Go to the end, although I think many book lovers will not be satisfied with such an ending, but the novel always has an ending.

From the beginning to the end of possession, from 2019 to 2021, although it has been updated by Tucao, at least it has reached the end.

As for the new book, the concept and outline have been written, but it may take a while to open it.

Take a good rest for two months. If there are book friends who are still looking forward to a new book, then we will meet again.

Hope to see you all the day.

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