Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 116: Turtle Qigong

"Turtle Immortal Liu, Turtle Immortal?"

This is not the first time Natasha heard this name from Ye Wen's mouth.

Noticing the expression on Ye Wen's face, Natasha realized that this was an opportunity and immediately asked, "Can you be more specific?"

Just waiting for you to ask.

Glancing at Natasha silently, Ye Wen immediately turned on the Ke (dig) and Pu (pit) mode: "As I said before, Penglai masters the cultivation method of immortals, among which are similar to "Tathagata's Palm" that has been handed down since ancient times. However, there are also talented ancestors who have created a school of immortality that suits their own talents. Teacher Wu Tian is the founder of the school of immortal turtles, so he is also known as the immortal turtle in Penglai. ."

"Create your own fairy method."

Listening to Ye Wen's description, Natasha turned to look at Li Ran who was fighting with hatred.

It is really unimaginable that this thin old man in front of him is actually the founder of an immortal method.

Especially, under the premise of understanding the power of immortal magic through Ye Wen's narration before.

Tony frowned, remembering the content of the conversation between the two in front of him. Although he was a little dazed about what Ye Wen said about the immortal method, the turtle fairy and the like described him, but this did not prevent him from perceiving this from Ye Wen's words. importance of the message.

Perhaps, after I go back, I need to specifically inquire about the information about Penglai.


Here, successfully completed the Ke (dig) and Pu (pit) through Ye Wen's mouth.

On the other hand, Li Ran felt that the battle in front of him had come to an end.

After all, the power of a card is not unlimited, and he was worried that it would be troublesome if the card's usage time was exceeded.

Using the "Multiple Afterimage Fist" to dodge the heavy blow of the hatred force, Li Ran stepped back a little and looked up at the brutal shape of the hatred in front of him. He opened his mouth and said: "Okay, the game is over here, and then I have to move a little more seriously and be a little more serious."


Li Ran's voice was neither light nor heavy, but it happened to be heard by Natasha and the others not far away, and there were expressions of surprise on their faces.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I finally plan to use the true power of Guixian Liu." On the side, Ye Wen opened his mouth in a timely manner and filled the fire.

"The real power of Turtle Immortal Liu?" Hearing this, Natasha turned her head subconsciously and blurted out.

"You wouldn't think that Teacher Wu Tian, ​​who is the founder of the Turtle Immortal School, is only at this level." Ye Wen immediately smiled at Natasha's surprised gaze and said, "I see clearly. , Next, is the time to show the mighty power of the Turtle Immortal Stream."


As Ye Wen's voice fell, Li Ran, who was in disgust in front of him, stepped out and gave a light drink. The next second, his bony body suddenly swelled as if inflated, and his soaring muscles burst through the Hawaiian jacket he was wearing. , The originally thin figure in front of him was replaced by a strong figure with strong muscles.

Undoubtedly, the scene where Li Ran played the immortal tortoise turned into a muscular man greatly shocked everyone present, but obviously this was not the end. Waving his sturdy arms, forming his hands into calyx-like shapes, placing them on his waist and watching the hatred in front of him, Li Ran couldn't help shouting, "Turtle, Pie..."

As the voice fell, blue energy visible to the naked eye condensed in his hands.


In the next instant, a beam of light from both eyes shot out from Li Ran's hands, and the dazzling light it flashed made Natasha and others who were present close their eyes one after another.

When he opened his eyes again, the hateful figure standing in front of him was gone, and he saw a straight impact wreckage that penetrated the tall building and disappeared to the edge of the sky.

Perhaps the scene in front of them was too shocking. After a delay of five or six seconds, everyone present finally recovered, and then a large number of legends began to appear on the system's data panel.

That's right, it's worth fighting so hard for me.

Taking back the action of his turtle qigong, Li Ran looked at the large amount of legend on the panel, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, turned around and was about to walk back, suddenly the keen perception from the turtle immortal flow made him aware of an unusual fluctuation nearby , his eyes under the sunglasses swept the surroundings keenly, vaguely aware of the position of the fluctuation.

Using the remaining qi in his body to lock the position of the wave, Li Ran immediately asked in his heart, "Who are you?"

It was this one.

With the data flashing in the system data panel, Li Ran already knew his true identity without the other party answering. However, this discovery, instead of reassuring Li Ran, made him more vigilant.

After all, the other party is not someone that the current self can easily provoke.

Hearing the voice from his heart, Gu Yi, who was in the multi-dimensional space, showed a slightly surprised look on his originally calm face, but he was only slightly surprised.

She immediately spoke and said indifferently, "Don't worry, I don't have any malice, I just noticed what happened here, but it seems that I am a little late."

As the voice fell, the next moment, the wave disappeared, and Li Ran swept the surroundings again, but he could no longer find the position of the wave.

Frowning his brows, he took his eyes back. The appearance of Gu Yi had affected Li Ran's excitement to a certain extent because of the huge amount of legendary gains. Fortunately, the current Gu Yi is all focused on Dormammu in the dark dimension.

If possible, he naturally hopes to be able to pursue it, but obviously the actual situation does not allow it. Li Ran can clearly feel it. After using the turtle qigong to smash the hatred into scum, the use of this card has also arrived. When the time limit expired, he looked down at the card slot of the system.

Li Ran could clearly see that the silver card originally represented in it started to become transparent, and finally disappeared into the card slot of the system.

With the disappearance of the card, Li Ran's original muscles began to disappear, so he quickly used the transformation technique to return to the skinny appearance of the turtle fairy before.

While putting the card back into the empty card slot, Li Ran made a staggering appearance, and swayed in the direction of Natasha and the others, saying as he walked: "Ah , I can't do it, you guys don't come and help me."

Following his words, Natasha and Ye Wen stepped forward at the same Wu Tian? "

Ye Wen smiled bitterly, looking at Li Ran who was lying in Natasha's arms, the expression on his face was a little speechless.

"Why, do you think I'll fall into your arms?"

Looking down at the appearance of Li Ran in her arms, Natasha saw that he was still full of energy, and the previous battle with the hatred did not have much impact on him at all.

It seems that Wu Tian is more powerful than he imagined.

She made a decision silently in her heart, but Natasha showed a bright smile on the surface: "Mr. Wu Tian, ​​you are really amazing. It must be very hard to defeat such a terrifying monster."

"It's not hard, it's not hard."

Feeling the soft touch coming from his head, Li Ran immediately put on a proud expression and waved his hand politely.


Tony stood aside, looking at Li Ran's look of an old man, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

He really couldn't connect it with the powerful figure before.

Glancing at the dilapidated street, although the hatred that caused everything in front of him has been resolved, the damage he left behind still exists.

"Jarvis, contact the nearby hospital and the police station immediately and ask them to come and save people."

He bowed his head and said something to Jarvis in the armor. Tony turned his head and saw Banner, who was lying in the ruins and reverted to his human form.

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