Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 118: broken hand

Manhattan, Kingsman Building.

Danny hid in the shadows and silently watched everything in the building.

As a member of the upper-class society in New York, he knew very well that the prison could not hold Jin Bing. Sure enough, with the powerful contacts in his hands, Jin Bing was able to get out of the prison in a few months.

Of course, the reason why Danny is here is not to bring Kim and back to prison.

On the contrary, through his personal connections and status, Danny successfully got a clue in the prison where Jin Bing was before, and Jin Bing had been in contact with a mysterious man in black who could not see his face.

The mysterious person who appeared in the prison reminded Danny of the mysterious existence who had injured him before and before his death. It was this hunch that prompted him to decide to monitor Jin and if the mysterious person was in contact with Jin, it would be an extremely dangerous thing for Hell's Kitchen and even New York.

Danny didn't forget that in the previous battle in Chinatown, the powerful force displayed, but such an existence was injured by the mysterious man, and even became the key flaw in its final defeat.

"If you can, you must stop this from happening."

Making a decision silently in his heart, Danny turned his attention back to the building.

The twilight is getting darker, and there are still no notable clues in the Jinnong Building in front of him.

Danny sighed helplessly.

Sure enough, he thought it was too simple.

However, at this moment, a tall figure in a coat walked out of Jin Bing's building.

Looking at the tall figure that suddenly appeared, Danny's eyes suddenly changed. The figure coming out of the building was very unfamiliar, not anyone he had seen before.

Perhaps, this is the clue that I have been searching for.

Thinking of this, Danny no longer hesitated, and after seeing Jin Bing's building, he stepped forward and followed in the direction where the figure disappeared.


"Come out, I have found you."

Passing through a messy alleyway in Hell's Kitchen, the tall figure suddenly stopped his steps and shouted to the seemingly empty place behind him.

"Who are you?"

Revealing his figure from the shadows, Danny looked at the man in the alley and asked in a deep voice.

"Who am I?" Hearing Danny's question, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of the figure's mouth, he turned to look at the iron fist that appeared in the alley, and said softly, "You have been looking for our clues, but in the end you didn't even know who we were. Nobody knows."

The man turned around, and Danny could see clearly that under the other party's coat was a set of golden armor. He had only seen this type of armor in Kunlun in the past.

Hearing the question from the man in armor, the expression on Danny's face suddenly became solemn.

Obviously, from the other party's words, it was clearly named, the other party knew the mysterious person who had worked with him, or the mysterious person who was going to be injured, was the other party.

If it is the latter, then the problem is troublesome.

Thinking of this possibility, Danny couldn't help but regret his reckless actions. The existence that can hurt is obviously not something he can contend with right now.


Inside the antique shop, Li Ran stared at Danny who looked like a great enemy in the alley.

To be honest, the appearance of Iron Fist was a little unexpected to him, but it happened to be helping Li Ran with a crooked punch. He was worried about how to reveal Jiuyou's news.

Thinking of this, Li Ran raised his eyebrows and began to manipulate the clone in the alley: "Then, as the last moment of your life in this world, remember that the person who killed you is called absolutely no god."

That's right, Juewushen is the name Li Ran prepared for having Sanwa. After all, if he really appeared as a gourd baby, it would feel a bit too inconsistent. Therefore, after some design, Li Ran immediately put the name of the villain in the comic "Fengyun" on the avatar's body.

Anyway, seriously speaking, both have the same.

As for the others, you don't need to pay attention to so many details. Anyway, whether it's Jin Bing or Danny, they don't know what the prototype of Juewu God is, and they don't believe what Li Ran says.

"There is no god."

Silently repeated the name uttered by the clone, Danny concentrated the power from Kunlun in his body, and formed a gleaming golden light in his fists.

The existence in front of him who claimed to have no gods caused great pressure on him, forcing him to strike first and use the power of an iron fist to attack first.

Concentrating the iron fist power he got from Kunlun in his body, Danny shouted loudly, and suddenly waved his fists to attack the clone in front of him.

Facing Danny's aggressive attack in front of him, he was absolutely absent but had no intention of dodging. Not only did he not dodge, he even intended to meet Danny's iron fist.


Danny's ability to run an iron fist slammed into the armor of absolutely no gods, but the power that could shatter boulders hit the opponent's not only did it not make him go back half a step, Even the huge anti-shock force that came back from the armor made Danny's face change.

She took a few steps backwards before she took a firm and direct footstep.

"This is your strongest attack?"

He raised his head and glanced at Danny, whose expression had changed drastically in front of him. Jue Wushen raised his hand and swept the part of the armor that was hit by the iron fist: "It doesn't hurt or itch at all."

While speaking, the clone walked towards Danny.

The speed of Juewushen's walking is not fast, but it obviously caused great panic to Danny.

The iron fist he was relying on couldn't do any damage to the opponent, and this result hit Danny's confidence in his eyes.

Seeing the ever approaching Jue Wushen, Danny gritted his teeth and used the power of the iron fist in his body again, and threw his fist out.

"I've said it all, your attack can't do me any harm."

He raised his hand and directly caught Danny's fist. Sanwa's ability was obviously much more than Luke Cage's invulnerability. Even Danny, who mastered the power of the iron fist, couldn't do any damage to him. . Although, this has a certain relationship with the power controlled by the iron fist itself, which is not strong.

As he said that, Jue Wushen raised his other hand and slammed it down towards Danny's firmly grasped arm.


Accompanied by a crisp sound of bone shattering, Danny in front of him suddenly let out a shrill scream.

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