Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 147: liquid metal robot


Jin Bian looked at the familiar figure in front of him, and the expression on his face suddenly changed.

According to his understanding, he had already been burned to ashes in the previous battle with the defenders, how could he be resurrected again.

"No, no, you're not!"

However, Jin Pian soon noticed the unusual place in front of him. Although he still looked wickedly bandaged, the other party did not have the kind of desperate madness.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help frowning and denied it.


Seeing that Jin Bing discovered the problem so quickly, he smiled slightly, and then saw that his whole body turned into a silver human-shaped metallic liquid, and under Jin Bing's shocked gaze, he transformed into a stern man in a white uniform.

"It is the liquid metal robot t-1000 manufactured and developed by Dr. Chen."

Facing Jin Bing's shocked gaze, Jue Wu Shen said.

"Dr. Chen? Liquid metal robot!"

Looking at the liquid metal robot that looked exactly like a real person, Jin couldn't hide the surprised look on his face, tightly holding the crutches in his hand, he felt that he had to re-evaluate Jiuyou's power.

Jiuyou, more terrifying than he originally expected.


Xu Shi Wu Tian's refusal tone was too succinct.

Even Tony didn't react for a while, and the smile raised at the corner of his mouth froze instantly on his face before it had time to bloom.

"Teacher Wu Tian?"

On the side, Ye Wen opened his mouth in a timely manner and persuaded in a helpful tone.

"Right now, only you can save his life."

"No." Rejecting Ye Wen's persuasion without hesitation, Wu Tian stretched and yawned and replied nonchalantly: "I just finished traveling the world, I plan to come back and have a good sleep, not so much. Take your time to deal with such things."

Hearing Wu Tian's willful answer, Tony didn't know what expression to use to face the situation in front of him.

In the past, he always thought that his arrogant and conceited character was annoying enough, but he didn't expect that a mountain was still a mountain high. The immortal in front of him is not worth much more than him.

"Perhaps, I can wait until you wake up, Immortal."

However, thinking that this person in front of him might be his only hope for survival, Tony still twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a reluctant smile.

"Yes, if you can wait." He nodded, hearing Tony's words, Wu Tian unexpectedly did not refuse, but looked at him with a half-smile.

"what happened?"

Noticing the strange smile on Wu Tian's face, Tony suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Ye Wenwen beside him.

Seeing Tony's uneasy gaze, Ye Wen showed a wry smile on his face and said, "As an immortal, Teacher Wu Tian sleeps longer than ordinary people, so..."

"Some?" Tony's unease grew stronger.

Wu Tian: "Actually, it didn't take long. I would be able to wake up in a month or two."

"Two months?!"

By that time, my funeral will be finished, and even the grass on the grave is more than two meters high.

Hearing Wu Tian's reply, Tony fell silent completely.

Natasha has been silently observing the conversations of several people in the martial arts hall, collecting relevant information about Penglai.

Wu Tian's unexpected return was somewhat unexpected to Natasha. She needed to evaluate the impact of the Turtle Immortal's return to New York on SHIELD and New York. After all, Natasha had a clear understanding of what kind of terrifying power was hidden under the thin body in front of her from the previous battle with hatred.

However, the most important task right now is to restore Tony's body to normal.

Thinking of this, Natasha immediately twitched her hair and raised the corners of her mouth to reveal a charming gesture: "Teacher Wu Tian."


As Natasha's voice came, Tony could clearly see that the expression on Wu Tian's face in front of him suddenly changed from the appearance of ignoring him to a spirited one.

"What's the matter, Natasha."

Walking with the box in front of Wu Tian, ​​Natasha turned her head and blinked at Tony, then turned back to look at Wu Tian with a smile on her face, and asked softly, "You can really save it. Palladium poisoning in Mr. Tony Stark?"

"Of course." Wu Tian's attitude towards Natasha and Tony's attitude were completely two extremes. He nodded hastily, and he replied almost without thinking: "The poison on his body is serious. , but also for you mortals, there are many solutions in Penglai that can solve the toxins in his body."

"Then, Mr. Wu Tian, ​​since you have a way, go and save Mr. Tony Stark."

Hearing Wu Tian's answer, Natasha raised her eyebrows subconsciously, but then she restrained the expression on her face, still holding Wu Tian's hand with a smiling face, leaned forward and said. In fact, not only for Tony, SHIELD also needs to use this to learn more about Penglai.


Feeling the soft touch from his arm, Wu Tian's expression was obviously shaken.

Tony has been thinking about the meaning of Natasha's wink at him since the, and when he saw Wu Tian's appearance when facing Natasha, he finally had a few thoughts in his heart. Clearly.

He turned his head and glanced at Ye Wen, who had a helpless expression on the side, and became a little more certain about his own guess in his heart.


"Yes, sir."

"Immediately arrange a big party for me and contact the modeling agency. The more people, the better."

"Okay, sir."

After arranging the party, Tony looked at the immortal Turtle who was excited by Natasha, and a confident smile appeared on his pale face.

"Immortal, I wonder if you are interested in attending a party?"


As Tony's voice fell, he saw Wu Tian, ​​who was standing beside Natasha in front of him, disorientate, and in the next second, he was already in front of him.

"The party you're talking about, is it the kind on TV where there are many beautiful beauties drinking together?"

"Sir, the opponent's speed is close to the speed of sound."

At this moment, Jarvis's analysis came to his ears.

However, Tony had a long history with the ability of the immortal turtle, because although he was a little frightened by his elusive speed, he immediately restrained the little fright, nodded, and replied meaningfully: "Bi, It's more exciting than that."

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