Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 250: spicy eyes

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Meiman: Infinite Possession!


The corners of his mouth twitched, looking at the hot-eyed figure in front of him, Tony's expression in the steel armor was indescribable.

After opening his mouth a few times, he reluctantly said, "Mr. Long, what's the matter with you?"

"The effect of containment."

Holding the [Magic Immortal Flute] in the style of a low-quality toy inlaid with red hearts and yellow all over in his hand, the expression of the clone [Uncle Long] is even more bitter than eating a plate of bitter gourd. At this moment, he was wearing a blue Gothic Lolita outfit, with his strong muscles twitching the clothes tightly, and wearing a blue wig on his head, looking quite a bit like Chun Li in the movie "City Hunter".

Same hot eyes.

"The containment [Magic Flute] can give the user the power to cast Barabara magic, but the price is that it must be transformed first."

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

Hearing the explanation of the avatar, and looking at the avatar [Uncle Long] who was transformed into a magical girl in front of him, Tony reluctantly suppressed the thousand words in his heart, and turned it into a sentence with a stiff expression: "Mr. Long, it's really hard for you."

If Tony was still somewhat curious about the existence of the containment before, then after seeing the appearance of his clone [Uncle Long], he was completely convinced that the so-called containment was indeed a group of dangerous objects , the containment, so terrifying.

"Damn, you startled me, what kind of monster are you..."

On this side, Tony was shocked by the horror of the containment called [Magic Flute] and the sacrifice of his clones. On the other side, Evil Spider-Man didn't feel so much. He came back to his senses, looked at the hot-eyed figure in front of him, and immediately cursed at each other.

If it wasn't for the sudden action of the figure in front of him, he might have successfully escaped long ago.


Hearing the scolding voice of Evil Spider-Man, the clone with a bitter face suddenly straightened his expression, waving the [Magic Flute] in his hand and said: "It seems that you haven't recognized the current situation, Balala energy. —Shaluru — sure…”

As the spell in the clone's mouth sounded, the dazzling blue energy light turned into a rope-like object and wrapped around the body of the evil Spider-Man instantly. Facing these ropes formed by the magic energy of Barabara, even the evil Spider-Man with superhuman strength It couldn't be freed for a while.


Twitching the corners of his eyes, looking at the scene of [Uncle Long] casting Barabara magic in front of him, Tony took a deep breath and said.

"Yes, sir."

"Delete all the pictures you just recorded."

"Why, sir, is this magical power one of the supernatural threats that you must guard against?"

"I'm afraid that I can't help but have nightmares when I see this scene again at night."

Even though it is already clear that the reason why this Foundation containment expert has become what he is now is entirely because of the effect of the containment, but whenever I look at such a figure in a blue Gothic Lolita costume With the shaking in front of him, Tony still couldn't adapt. Every time he looked at it, he felt that his three views had been greatly impacted.

For him, the shock brought by the so-called Balabala magic is far less impressive than the appearance of [Uncle Long]'s hot eyes after his transformation.

"Anyway, just do as I say."

"I see, sir, delete the previous name Barabara Magic..."

"Wait a moment!"

Inside the helmet, Jarvis dutifully followed Tony's request and prepared to delete the hot-eyed battle scene in front of him. Tony suddenly seemed to remember something and stopped him. He gathered up his courage and looked up at the dancing [Magic Immortal]. Flute] The Foundation's containment specialist posing as a magical girl, shuddered, touched the goose bumps on his arm through the steel battle suit, and said, "Before that, send a record to Aegis Bureau."

In any case, this is also a manifestation of the Foundation's ability. Although this ability is very eye-catching, Nick Fury, who is the director of SHIELD, should still be very happy to see this content.

Of course, Tony would never admit that he thought of S.H.I.E.L.D. because he was irritated by the scene in front of him, thinking that he could never be irritated by himself.

"Okay, sir."

Although it is impossible to understand Tony's series of psychological activities, in the face of the order, Jarvis dutifully passed it to SHIELD.

[Famous from Nick Fury +300]

[From the legend of Natasha Romanov...]

【From Agent Hill...】

[The legend from the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D....]

[From the legend of SHIELD (Hydra) agents...]


"What should we do next, Mr. Long?"

Trying to turn his eyes to the evil Spider-Man in front of him, instead of looking at the hot-eyed figure beside him, Tony asked with a deadpan expression.

"Find out the spell on him first."

Putting down the [Magic Immortal Flute] in his hand, he looked at the evil Spider-Man who was struggling unnecessarily in front of him, touched his chin and replied.

I have to say that although the transformation setting of [Magic Flute] is quite unfriendly, Barabara magic still has some merits, at least after being trapped by Barabara magic, even if it is an extraordinary person like Evil Spider-Man , could not break free for a while.

After saying that, the clone paused for a while, and then planned to reach for the half-spell on Evil Spider-Man.

However, looking at the clone that was approaching him, the evil Spider-Man, who was already out of breath and gave up his struggle, immediately made a fierce struggle again, while struggling, he shouted: "Damn, what are you trying to do? , don't come near me, you..."

【From Peter Parker the Evil Spiderman...】

Evil Spider-Man's unexpected reaction made the clone's outstretched hand froze in mid-air, and the expression on his face became dangerous.

"That, Mr. Long, or I'll do it."

Noticing the unkind look on the face of the clone [Uncle Long], the good Spider-Man on the side hurriedly opened his mouth and said cautiously.

Although he almost died at the hands of another self just now, but seeing the reaction of the evil Spider-Man, the good Spider-Man couldn't help but burst out his compassion.

"You come as you come."

Hearing the words of Good Spider-Man, the clone stiffened and nodded.

Originally, for him, it is not necessary for him to hold a spell or something.

"found it."

With the approval of the clone, the good Spider-Man couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly stepped forward to **** on the evil Spider-Man, and compared with the previous scene of the clone, the evil Spider-Man's actions for the good Spider-Man, the evil spider Xia didn't show much resistance. Maybe after seeing it, the two were the same person, and it's better to be tricked by a good Spider-Man than to be searched by the hot-eyed guy who performed weird magic just now.

After some groping, after a while, the good Spider-Man found the half of the [Tiger Charm] from the opponent's body.


Looking at the mid-air spell held in the hands of Shan Spider-Man, the avatar [Uncle Long] made such an expression on his face, frowned and analyzed: "Look at the pattern printed on this half-spell, this It should be the Tiger Talisman among the Twelve Talismans, as for the ability of this charm, from the current situation, it should be to divide the user into two completely different individuals, representing good and evil or a deeper relationship."

In front of him, the clone made a serious analysis, fully demonstrating its strength as a Foundation containment expert.

It's just that, with his hot eyes at the moment, it always makes Tony and the others unable to concentrate.

"Sorry, Mr. Long, although this is a bit rude to say, but if you can, can you release your transformation state first?"

After hesitating for a while, Tony couldn't help but speak to the clone.

He really couldn't bear the scene of a figure in a blue gothic loli outfit talking seriously beside him.


"For what purpose did you call us here, Victor?"

In the meeting room of the Victor von Doum Company, the shareholders looked at Victor who brought them with a straight face.

"And Ned, why didn't he come?"

After sweeping around, someone noticed that Ned, the most important shareholder, did not attend this meeting.

"Victor, you should be clear that according to the regulations of the shareholders' meeting, as long as the meeting is held, Ned, who is the second largest shareholder, must attend, otherwise the meeting will have no basis and will not be passed..."

Frowning, Ned had come to the conclusion that these shareholders had already come to the conclusion that, in a sense, they were all on the same boat, and of course, Victor was obviously not on their boat.

"In fact, Ned is no longer present at our shareholder meetings."

Sitting in a chair, with his back to the chattering shareholders behind him, Victor replied in a cold tone.

"What's the meaning?"

In the conference room, Victor's words made the shareholders' discussion suddenly quiet.

Vaguely, they had a bad premonition.

"Victor, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Actually, I know it very well."

Standing up, Victor slowly turned his body, exposing his face, which had begun to appear silver-white metal, in front of the shareholders. Radiation transformed his body faster than Victor expected. His body has begun to become as hard as metal, and his feelings have become cold: "As I know very well, the purpose of calling you guys here is the same."


As Victor's voice fell, the door of the conference room that was open was immediately closed by a flash of lightning.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of electric lights flashed in the conference room accompanied by shrill screams.


"Now we have half a piece of [Tiger Charm] in our hands."

Put away the transformation of the [Magic Fairy Flute] and changed back to its original appearance, the clone held the half charm obtained from the evil Spider-Man in his hand, and continued: "However, if you want to divide it into two If the Spider-Man is turned into a person again, he obviously needs to find the other half of the [Tiger Charm]."

"The other half?"

Glancing at the spell in the clone's hand, Tony was finally able to continue talking normally as the other party's transformation was lifted.

He turned his head, looked at the good Spider-Man on the other side, and asked, "Child, do you remember where the other half of the spell was dropped?"

According to what Peter had said before, the other half of the spell seemed to fall out of his hand.

"I remember……"

Frowning, the good Spider-Man made a thoughtful expression.

"You don't have to think about it, the other half has already been taken by the thief Kidd."

At this moment, the evil Spider-Man on the side pouted and said.

His opening can be regarded as a favor to Li Ran, so that he does not need to guide him deliberately.

"Phantom Thief Kidd?"

Sure enough, after hearing Spider-Man's reply, Tony's face immediately showed a surprised expression.

"That's right, although this guy was scared to death, but I saw that the thief grabbed the other half of the stone when he grabbed him. So, if you want to find the other half of the stone, you can also Kidd has to be found first in New York City."

Having said that, there was a bit of schadenfreude on the face under the evil Spider-Man mask.

In fact, he had also searched for the phantom thief Kidd for another mid-air spell before, but obviously, as a phantom thief who has not been caught so far, the opponent was not so easily caught.

"Unfortunate, unlucky, in the end, do you still have to contact the monster thief?"

Hearing the words of Evil Spider-Man, the clone [Uncle Long] cooperated with a distressed look.

"Isn't it possible for the Foundation to catch the Kaiju Kidd?"

Noticing the appearance of the clone, Tony couldn't help asking curiously.

In his opinion, it should be a fairly simple matter to find the phantom thief in a containment with so many magical effects.

"Before, Mr. Long, you used the compass to find this bad boy who was sorted out, can't you?"

"It's not that simple." Shaking his head, the clone replied with a serious expression: "Before, members of the Foundation used the containment to find Kidd, the phantom thief, but since then, the other party has been more vigilant, it seems After that, he found a containment that could hide his traces, and since then, even the Foundation has not been able to easily locate his traces." Having said this, the clone paused: "Of course, it is not that the Foundation is concerned about this. There is no way. In fact, if you make up your mind, there are also containment objects in the foundation that can find the location of the thief, such as the containment object [Globe], which can designate any target to appear at your location at will, but the price is that every time you use it With the ability of this containment, a species on earth will soon be wiped out, and the most recent use of the Foundation has led to the complete extinction of the Texas Red Wolf."

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[From the legend of the good Spider-Man Peter Parker...]

【From Peter Parker the Evil Spiderman...】


The words of the clone [Uncle Long] made Tony take a deep At the same time, he thought more, what if the extinct creature in this containment was not a Texas red wolf but a human? Thinking of this, even Tony couldn't help but shudder. After all, according to the dragon, the effect of this extinction is completely random.

"Could it be that we really don't have any way?"

Shaking his head and suppressing his fear, Tony frowned and asked.

"That, Mr. Long."

At this moment, the good Spider-Man, who has been quiet all the time, said cautiously: "If we put the target guided by the compass on the other half of the spell instead of the phantom thief Kidd, I wonder if it will work?"


Hearing this proposal from the good Spider-Man, the face of the clone [Uncle Long] suddenly showed a stunned expression. He quickly took out the compass, watched the rotating pointer slowly point in one direction, and looked up at Tony and the others in front of him. , nodded heavily: "Yes!"

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