Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 270: Missing

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"Sir, there are rockets heading towards..."


As the voice of the [Holy Lord] fell, Jarvis sounded the alarm.

The next second, with a huge roar, the cliff villa suddenly fell into a sea of ​​fire.


In the huge explosion, Tony first thought of the little pepper who was still on the second floor of the villa. Fly away from where Pere was.

"Jarvis, tell me Pepper's location."

"Sir, Miss Pepper is..."

Infrared swept across the second floor of the villa, and Jarvis quickly locked the location of Little Pepper.

Because of the explosion, a large number of walls fell. Fortunately, Tony gave instructions to protect Pepper in the steel battle suit in the villa. At this moment, a black steel battle suit Mark18 assumed the role of bodyguard, and would be frightened. The little pepper is under the protection.

Controlling the steel suit on his body and stepping forward, Tony stretched out his hand to lift the stone pressed on Mark18's body: "Pepper!"


Hearing Tony's voice, the panicked Pepper seemed to have found the backbone, and quickly hugged Tony who appeared.

"It's alright, I'll be next."

Reaching out his hand and gently patted Pepper's back, Tony comforted softly.

He comforted Pepper, who was frightened. Facing the intensive launch of rockets, Tony quickly restrained the expression on his face and looked up at Mark18, who was on the side. The steel suit received the order, and immediately opened the armor in front of him. Small peppers wrapped up.


In Mark18, Chili Pepper still had a look of panic on his face, looking at Tony in astonishment and asked.

"Take Pepper out right now."

Facing Pepper's surprise and confusion, Tony didn't explain much, and gave instructions directly to Mark18.

As Tony's voice fell, the eyes on Mark18's helmet lit up, and his hands and feet sprayed flames and flew out of the exploding villa with Chili peppers.

Watching the back of Mark18 fly away, Tony silently retracted his gaze, and when he lowered his head, he saw the cracked ground beneath his feet, and the still indifferent [Holy Lord] standing in front of the villa.

Rockets roaring from the sea blew the cliff villa to rubble.

Tony, controlling the steel battle suit, avoided the roaring bullets from the gunship, and landed in front of the [Holy Lord] again.

"This is your purpose, Holy Master?"

Now, in the face of a fierce attack on him by gunships on the sea.

Tony naturally associates it with the means of the [Holy Master].

"Actually, I didn't do anything..."

Facing Tony's questioning, the [Holy Master] shook his head, turned his head to look at the bullet that was ejected from the helicopter, and grinned with a weird smile: "It's you who created your own demon."

After saying all this, the [Holy Lord] ignored the Iron Man beside him, and even with its arms open, surging bullets still shot at itself.

"We'll meet again, Tony Stark!"

As the words of the [Holy Lord] fell, a whistling rocket hit its body, and the huge explosion directly knocked out Tony who was standing facing him.

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]


"...10880 Malibu Beach, chairman of Stark Industries, member of the Avengers, and superhero Iron Man Tony Stark was attacked by terrorist gunships in his villa, and not long ago , Mr. Tony Stark once in front of the media..."

"I knew, Tony Stark, something would happen sooner or later."

In the Ba Shi Building, Shitou Ben looked at the content of the news report and couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, which were not very obvious, and said in a deep voice.

"I don't know what he thought, but he actually published his address."

For Tony's announcement of his position and provocative actions to the [Holy Lord] on TV, the outside world's reaction was different.

Ben thought that his move was too stupid. Even if he had exposed his own life because of an accident, he still carefully protected his privacy to avoid being known by interested people to his home address.

In fact, this is what the vast majority of superheroes do.

Although they are fighting against evil, most superheroes do not want their family members or friends to be involved in their battles.

"Don't you think this is cool?"

Hearing Ben's words, Johnny the Fireman raised his eyebrows and said involuntarily.

In his eyes, Tony's method of directly challenging the [Holy Lord] in front of the media is obviously too much to escape from this behavior, and the appetite of the flame people who go their own way.

"I don't think so."

Shaking his head, it seems that even within the Fantastic Four, there are two completely different attitudes towards Tony's actions.

Ben: "Tony Stark has taken revenge for his attack."

"Actually, Ben is right."

Arriving in front of the two, Susan's eyes swept over Johnny's eager expression, and she opened her mouth to get a vaccination.

"So, Johnny, don't get us into trouble."

Susan obviously knew a lot about her restless brother. If you don't pay attention to him, you may not know what kind of things will happen next.

"I haven't done anything yet."

Hearing Susan's words, the expression on Johnny's face collapsed, and he suddenly shouted in dissatisfaction.

"It's just because of that, that's why I remind you." Facing Johnny who was dissatisfied and shouting in front of him, Susan's expression didn't change in the slightest, and turned to look at Ben beside him: "Ben, look at Johnny for me, If he dares to do something wrong, just knock him unconscious."

"Hey, you're not a mother."

"I'm your old lady."

"No problem." Hearing Susan's words, Ben squeezed his thick stone fingers and looked at Johnny beside him with a malicious look.

Along with that, their relationship with each other has been greatly improved after the previous battle with "Doctor Doom", but the two still have a lot of things they don't deal with. Therefore, seeing Johnny's unfortunate situation, Ben not only did not sympathize, but laughed even more schadenfreudely.

"Is Reed spinning around that meteorite again?"

Hehe smiled and agreed to Susan's request. Ben looked up at the invisible woman in front of him, and couldn't help but ask.

"It's still the same."

Hearing Ben's question, Susan's anger at Johnny turned away at once.

"In his eyes, maybe I'm not as important as that meteorite."

"You know that's not what Reed meant, Susan."

Looking at Susan who was full of anger in front of him, Ben couldn't help but smile bitterly and began to justify his friend.

"Reed was just a little too specialized in new research for a while, especially in the past few days, the meteorite's strong response suddenly stopped, and even began to decline, so Reed..."


New York, because of Tony's reaction to the attack on the Cliff Villa.

became the focus of national attention.

On the other hand, in the antique shop, Li Ran also successfully gained a lot of fame from Tony through the appearance and disappearance of the [Holy Master].

[Legend]: 65565

However, he looked up at the legendary figures displayed on the system data panel. Although he had saved a lot during this time, there was still a long way to go before he could exchange for the next [Silver Treasure Chest]. After all, since this period of time, although he has made use of the appearance of the vampire hunter Joseph Joestar or the [Holy Lord], he has earned a lot of fame, but in the absence of a big scene, he wants to get A lot of legend is obviously impossible.

However, Li Ran was not too worried about this.

Because, for this, he was already prepared.

What's more, he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Li Ran had done so much foreshadowing. He just had to follow the established steps step by step. The legend or something would be available sooner or later.


"What, Tony is missing?"

In S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury heard the news that Agent Phil got from Little Pepper, and even his calm face showed a slight fluctuation.

Because of Tony's previous remarks in the media, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s position directly fell into a passive state.

They didn't have time to ask the originator of everything, and as a result, they got such a message from Pepper.

Frowning, Nick Fury couldn't help asking: "Can't determine his location? Jarvis, can't it be determined through Jarvis?"

"Sorry, sir," Agent Phil glanced at the ruined villa in front of him after hearing Nick Fury's words: "The entire cliff villa has been razed to the ground by the rocket attack, and Jarvis is not I know what the reason is and can't make any response."

Agent Phil's remarks made Nick Fury's original frown in S.H.I.E.L.D. deepen.

Tony's disappearance is obviously a big problem for S.H.I.E.L.D.

"From now on, the special team will be by Pepper's side to protect her comfort. If Mr. Stark returns, let me know as soon as possible."

Raising his hand and rubbing his forehead, Nick Fury gave an order to Agent Phil in a deep voice.

"As ordered, sir."

Without hesitation, he replied to Nick Fury on the other side of the earphone. Agent Phil ended the contact, looked at the sad little pepper in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and then stepped forward and began to comfort him.

"Pepper, Tony won't..."

Although he is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., he is also a friend of Tony and Pepper.



Here, Nick Fury has just dealt with Tony's disappearance, and there is no time to rest. On the other side, Agent Hill appeared in his office and reported solemnly: "The person you are waiting for is here."

"Take me to meet them right away."

Hearing Agent Hill's words, Nick Fury restrained his expression and got up.

"So, this is the secret base of the legendary and mysterious secret service organization?"

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Tri-Wing Building.

A thin, gray-haired Chinese-American old man stretched out his hand and pushed the presbyopic glasses on his face, turned his head and shouted at the Foundation Containment Specialist [Long] on the other side, "Why do I think the location of this base is not secret at all? Ah, Aaron? It's not as good as the location of the Foundation, at least until now, I haven't figured out where your foundation is."

"Dad, this is not at home."

Hearing the old man doing his own way, the clone [Uncle Long] deliberately made a headache, and persuaded with a bitter face: "If the person who provokes SHIELD is unhappy, it will be bad."


Raising his hand, a hand knife hit the head of the clone [Uncle Long], and the old man said with a dissatisfied face: "You are making me unhappy again, Aaron, don't forget, who is because of the [Holy Master] I have told you before that the [Holy Lord] is not something we can provoke, but you just don’t listen to the father’s words. It’s alright now, because the [Holy Lord]’s Relationship, Dad has to accompany you to give up the business and run to S.H.I.E.L.D.”

"it's me."

Covering his head that had been knocked on by his father, the clone [Uncle Long] replied with a frowning look: "I didn't expect [Holy Master]'s situation to be so complicated. , [Holy Master]'s hidden means, even the Foundation can't find it without using the containment, so, in order to find the trace of [Holy Master] in front of me, I have to trouble Dad, you and me. I'm coming to New York with me"

"Since you are asking for someone, you should look like you are asking for someone."

Angrily, he taught the clone [Uncle Long] for a while. Dad put his hands behind his back and continued to look at everything in front of S.H.I.E.L.D. He swept across the computer in S.H.I.E.L.D. Uncle] said, "Aaron, daddy is thirsty and wants to drink hot tea."

"Dad, this is not home."

Hearing what Dad said, the clone made an embarrassed expression, glanced at the SHIELD agents beside him, and said with a bitter face.

"Could it be that SHIELD is such a big spy organization doesn't even have a cup of tea?" Hearing the clone's words, Dad immediately said with a dissatisfied expression.

"Of course there is tea."

As the old man's complaints fell, a deep voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of Nick Fury appeared in front of the two of them, and his eyes swept over the income expert [Uncle Long] in front of him, and then he landed on the old man, with a smile on his dark face: "Welcome To the S.H.I.E.L.D. two, I'm the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury."

Nick Fury was talking on this side, and on the other side, Agent Hill cooperated with a cup of hot tea and appeared in front of the two of them.


"Dad, it's good, why did you hit me again?"

Rubbing his head that was hit by the hand knife, [Uncle Long] shouted with a blinded face.

"Because you lied to Dad, there is obviously hot tea in S.H.I.E.L.D."

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