Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 297: Rescue the hostages

The body leans forward slightly.

Confront the contents of Agent Phil's report.

Even the always calm Nick Fury couldn't hide the surprise on his face.

Not only because of the fact that the legendary agent Peggy Carter was transformed into a vampire, but also because of the name that Agent Phil said.

"Are you sure the intelligence is correct, Agent?"

"I'm pretty sure about that, sir."

Hearing Nick Fury's question, Agent Phil couldn't help showing a bit of a wry smile on his face, shaking his head and replying affirmatively.

As an admirer of Captain America and an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Phil has a very good understanding of Captain America's intelligence. Naturally, he also knows the meaning of the name Dio S.H.I.E.L.D. and the existence of Steve.

"Dio Brando."

Seeing the affirmation of Agent Phil's expression, Nick Fury was also somewhat convinced of the contents of his report, but only thought of the name that appeared in the report. Nick Fury's dark face couldn't help but look solemn: "I didn't expect that even an evil existence like him actually survived, and the era that belonged to him has long since ended."

For the existence of Dio Brando, there is a complete set of records inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, the other party was once side by side with Captain America during World War II and finally turned against him, turning himself into a vampire, and the process of going against the captain, which adds a bit of legend to the story of Captain America Steve.

However, now that in this story, the evil existence in the record reappeared before the SHIELD situation, Nick Fury's mentality naturally couldn't be as calm as reading the data.


Looking at Nick Fury, who was in deep thought, Agent Phil hesitated for a while before he couldn't help but ask, "Should we tell the captain the news of Dior's appearance?"

From Agent Phil's point of view, this involved Steve's former lover Peggy Carter and Dio Brando, the other's former opponent, and the captain should know all this.

However, faced with the advice of Agent Phil.

Nick Fury's only remaining intact eyes flickered with a hint of thought, but he finally shook his head and rejected Agent Phil's proposal.

"It's not the time yet. Telling the captain now is not only useless, but it will cause the captain's unease."

Nick Fury knows Steve well.

This Captain America may be a powerful fighter, but he also has his own perseverance.

If you tell him about Peggy Carter and Dio Brando, it is likely to cause the other party to act impulsively.

Judging from the intelligence reported by Agent Phil, what Dio Brando did seems to have such a purpose.

Nick Fury's idea is good, and even in a sense, it can be said to be the most suitable choice, but the director of SHIELD ignored that sometimes the right decision is the most difficult to accept. which type.

Moreover, many times, the development of things is not something that he can control as a simple S.H.I.E.L.D. Director.


"Channel 7 confirms it's safe."

In the middle of the night, inside the high-flying fighter plane, the fully equipped Steve was doing the final equipment confirmation with a calm expression.

"Make sure it's safe."

Replying in a low voice, Natasha turned her head to look at the serious-looking Captain America behind her, with a slight smile on her face, she softly eased the atmosphere and said, "How is it, Captain, what are the Yuxing activities on Saturday night? ?"

"You know, all my comrades who fought with me before are dead, so..."

In the face of Natasha's inquiry, Steve silently adjusted the contact attack in his ear, and said with some self-deprecation: "No."

"In fact, I've been inviting the captain to go outside and experience the nightlife, but unfortunately, he never showed his willingness to agree." On the other side, Falcon shrugged and continued, "It's still the same as before, Every day is like an ascetic."

"Perhaps, you should come out of the past, Captain."

Hearing Falcon's description, Natasha raised her slender eyebrows: "You can't always put yourself seventy years ago."

"For me, that was my time."

Natasha's advice made Steve silent for a while.

"I was born in that era, and should have died in that era."

"But you survived and came to modern times."

"It was just an accident."

"Maybe, this is your destiny."

"Hey, you two."

Looking at Natasha and Steve who were arguing in front of him, Falcon Tom was acting as a spectator with a face that had nothing to do with him. Suddenly, a report from the pilot in the driver's seat came from his ear, and he couldn't help interrupting: " We seem to have reached our destination."

As Falcon's voice fell, the voice in the cabin came: "Captain, we have reached the parachute landing area."

Hearing the report, Steve immediately stopped arguing with Natasha and opened the hatch.

In an instant, the howling wind poured into the flying fighter, and Steve put on his helmet calmly.

"Maybe, Captain, you should try to accept your new life."

Looking at Steve who was ready, Natasha couldn't help but advise.

"I will try, when I feel like trying."

Steve didn't reject Natasha's proposal, he could sense the kindness in the other party's words.

It's just that, obviously, he's not ready yet.

"It's just, right now, I don't have that idea."

After saying all this, Steve didn't stop, and then jumped off the fighter plane with his shield.

"He's not wearing a parachute yet!"

Looking at Steve's disappearing figure, a member of the S.H.I.E.L.D. action team on the fighter plane suddenly reacted afterward.

"You'll get used to it."

Hearing this, Falcon turned his head and grinned at the team member, then jumped out of the plane with his arms outstretched.

Like Captain America, this one is also not wearing a parachute.

Seeing that the two Avengers members jumped in this way, the members of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team on the fighter subconsciously set their sights on the remaining Avengers member Natasha.

"What are you doing?"

Facing the gazes of the team members, Natasha put on the parachute in her hand with a calm expression.

"I need a parachute."


In midair, Steve shrunk his body behind the shield, trying to control his landing direction so as not to deviate too far from the target ship.

This time, the Avengers' mission is to rescue the hostages.

A group of unknown armed pirates hijacked the ship, and SHIELD agents on board sent a message revealing the ship's location.

And Steve led the members of the Avengers and the S.H.I.E.L.D. action team to perform this mission to rescue the hostages.

Compared with the previous actions that may destroy the world, the task of rescuing the hostages seems to be a lot easier, but this is the daily work of S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers.

After all, you can't expect that every day some crazy guy jumps out and wants to destroy the world.

Even super villains have their time off.

"Captain, do you need my help?"

Controlling the metal wings behind him to fly to Steve's side, Falcon looked at the ship below and asked Captain America who was rapidly descending beside him.


Facing Falcon's question, Steve replied with a constant expression, and at the same time gave a quick order: "Sam, I need you to confirm the location of the hostage and cover my actions at the same time."

"no problem."

Hearing Steve's order, Falcon nodded lightly, and the next moment he controlled the wings behind him to roll over, and quickly dived around the ship below.

Late at night, the dark night gave the falcon natural protection.

Looking at the disappearing figure of Falcon, a smile flashed on Steve's face, but the next moment his expression turned positive, holding the shield tightly in front of him.

Falling from a height of several hundred meters, the hardness of the sea surface is undoubtedly comparable to that of the concrete floor.

Fortunately, the shield in Steve's hand helped him perfectly offset the impact of the landing.

The next moment he was submerged into the sea, Steve quickly reached out of his body and swam towards the position of the anchor.

With the superhuman strength brought by the super soldier serum, Steve's actions are exceptionally smooth.

Clinging to the ship's huge anchor, he quickly climbed onto the ship's deck with extraordinary speed.

With a glance, the location of an armed pirate was determined.

Just then, there was another loud noise from the deck and the sound of bullets being fired.

Steve's eyes flickered, and he knew that Falcon began to act according to his own orders.

Seeing this, Steve did not hesitate at all, grabbed the shield in his hand, and rushed towards the pirate who was attracted by the sound not far away.


Get close, throw shields, kick fly.

Steve's ability may not be outstanding in fighting opponents with extraordinary strength, but when facing ordinary people such as armed pirates, it is extremely effective. Even with firearms, these pirates couldn't stop Steve's blow. With just three or two efforts, he had easily eliminated most of the armed pirates on the deck.

"You are a little late."

After eliminating the last pirate patrolling on the deck, Steve reached out to catch the flying shield, turned to Natasha who had just fallen, and said No, it seems that I came just right. "

Hearing Steve's ridicule, Natasha twitched the corners of her mouth and released the parachute behind her.

"Captain, the location of the hostages has been determined."

At this time, the falcon on the other side flew around the ship and informed him of the results of his investigation.

"They were trapped on the third floor of the ship."

"Natasha, you are in charge of the engine room, Tom and I are in charge of rescuing the hostages."

Hearing the Falcon's report, Steve didn't seem to hesitate, and gave the order in an instant.

"pass it to me."

Hearing the task arranged by Steve, Natasha's eyes flickered, then nodded in response, and quickly turned over and rushed towards the engine room of the ship.

Looking at the back of Natasha leaving, Steve retracted his gaze, and then said to Falcon beside him.

"Okay, now it's our turn."

"I can't ask for it." Hearing Steve's words, Falcon raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "The action just now is not enough for me to warm up."


Here, in the face of Steve, the Avengers and the S.H.I.E.L.D. team launched operations.

On the other side, in a warehouse of the ship, a guy who is obviously a pirate leader said with a cold face: "How about, what did the guys from SHIELD say, have they agreed to give money?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has not responded yet."

Hearing this, a pirate who looked like a subordinate replied impatiently: "Could it be that S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't want to pay."

As outlaw pirates, they hijacked the ship for the money.

At least, the ostensible purpose is this.

"Impossible, unless S.H.I.E.L.D. they want all these hostages to die. If so, we will expose them and let the world know S.H.I.E.L.D.'s ruthless practice."

"Maybe, we should kill a few hostages first, so S.H.I.E.L.D. will capitulate."

During the quarrel, one of the ferocious pirates suddenly proposed his own idea.

"However, why do we have to choose S.H.I.E.L.D. as a target, I've watched TV, the group of Avengers..." During the quarrel, one of the pirates couldn't help saying.

Don't think that pirates have no common In this information society, even their group of armed pirates know the news about the Avengers. Although they are desperados, they also know that persimmons are soft to eat, and obviously, SHIELD with the Avengers is not their ideal soft persimmon.

"However, if you want to get money, S.H.I.E.L.D. is obviously one of the quickest channels."

"What's more, the so-called Avengers, maybe it's just something that the American government made up to deceive us, you know, that evil empire is always good at deceiving the world with false pretenses."

For the Avengers, there are pirates who believe, but there are also doubts.

"...In this world, how could someone be able to stop the bullet? Have you forgotten what happened to our compatriots, the evil America cannot be trusted."

"Does S.H.I.E.L.D. belong to America?"

"They all speak English anyway, so if they don't, it doesn't matter."

"But what if everything is true?"

Some pirates also expressed concern.

"do not be afraid."

In the face of the heated discussion among his subordinates, the pirate chief who had been cold-faced said, "I have already prepared for this, so even if the Avengers really appear, I guarantee that they have There's no going back and forth." Speaking of this, the pirate chief's face showed a cold smug smile.

Following his voice, a blond man with a face mask and a grim expression walked out from the shadow of the barn. At the same time, a group of black shadows with flickering scarlet eyes slowly appeared behind the man, surrounded the group of pirates, and let out a low roar.

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