Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 299: assistance

In fact, just as Steve wondered.

Although the same is the vampire transformed by the stone ghost face, but according to the difference of the stone ghost face, the potential stimulated by the transformed person as a vampire is not the same.

If it is said that the card [Dior] drawn by Li Ran to transform into a vampire is the most complete and close to the potential of the stone ghost face to stimulate the peak. Then, most of the stone ghost masks that Li Ran used [Kaz] to create these stone ghost masks were inferior in the effect of stimulating potential.

After all, according to the setting, the appearance of the stone ghost face is a tool made by [Kaz], the man of pillars, in order to overcome his own weaknesses and achieve perfect evolution and transform into a super creature. Since it is made, there will naturally be some uneven stone ghost faces in the process.

These stone ghost masks, although they also have the effect of turning people into vampires.

However, the transformed vampire has a certain degree of disparity from the full state of [Dior] in terms of strength and healing ability.

Of course, even if there is a gap, these vampires are terrifying existences that are difficult for ordinary people to defeat, and they also bring a lot of trouble to the Avengers who came to the ship.


The thoughts in my mind flickered.

Steve looked at the vampire who was still struggling, then lifted the shield in his hand, stepped forward and pressed it against the vampire's neck, and asked coldly, "Tell me, your purpose, vampire?"

"Hey," turning his scarlet eyes, the vampire stared at Steve in front of him, and replied in a hoarse voice: "The purpose, our purpose is to kill all of you who ran into the ship S.H.I.E.L.D. , do you think I'm the only vampire on the ship?"


The vampire's words made Steve's heart flash a little uneasy, and he quickly asked his earphones.

"Natasha, Natasha!"


After waiting for a few seconds, I heard Natasha's slightly rapid breathing and answer from the other side of the headset.

"...Sorry, Captain, I may need a little more time here, and the local resistance is a bit fierce."

As she spoke, Natasha turned her head to the opposite vampire who was charred black and had a grim expression, and turned the blue glove in her hand.

Under normal circumstances, although she is not a vampire's opponent.

However, with the equipment developed by S.H.I.E.L.D. through Qitarui technology, it can narrow the gap between the super agent and the opponent, so that the battle between the two sides will not be too great.

However, looking at the wound on the other's face that was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, Natasha couldn't help but pouted.

Even if her will is firm, she still feels a little headache for a guy with super self-healing ability like a vampire.

"Tell me your location, Natasha, we'll be right there..."

Hearing the situation on Natasha's side, Steve's expression wrinkled and he was about to pass.

"team leader……"

He heard the Falcon behind him say in a helpless tone: "Judging from the current situation, it is not necessarily accurate who will support who."

As he spoke, Falcon's eyes swept across the dense figures that appeared unconsciously around him, especially their identical scarlet eyes and a solemn look on their dark faces.

Obviously, just like what the vampire said before, there are not only a lot of vampires on the ship, but on the contrary, there are more than they thought.

"In this world, have even vampires become pirates?"


bang, bang—

The slender and sturdy thighs were tightly wrapped around the vampire's neck, and Natasha waved her fist wrapped in the blue light, and slammed it on the other's head suddenly.

The continuous heavy blows were accompanied by a strong sense of suffocation, which even a vampire could not bear for a while.

After all, although it also bears the name of vampire.

However, there is still an essential gap between these vampires and the so-called vampires in legends.

If it is said that the legendary vampires are evil magical creatures that have been transformed by curses, then the vampires on these ships are more inclined to superhuman monsters whose bodies are mutated. All of their abilities come from something called the Stone Face, although like vampires they have near-immortality, superhuman strength and speed, and recovery.

However, these abilities have certain limits, especially the powerful self-healing ability he showed before, which requires a certain level of life ability to be effective, and the required life ability is not low.

Right now, in the battle between him and Natasha in the computer room, there is obviously no other goal to replenish the vitality of healing.

Therefore, encountering Natasha's successive offensives, she lost her powerful self-healing ability as her trump card.

The vampire's resistance naturally became weaker.

Natasha is obviously aware of this, and will launch a steady stream of violent attacks towards the opponent.


Waving the metal wings on his back, he knocked out the vampires that were rushing in front of him. Falcon looked at the vampires who were still rushing up like zombies in front of him, and shouted staggeringly.

"Captain, we can't go on like this!"

"If it goes on like this, even if we are not killed by vampires, we will be dragged to death by them."

Although he has a high-tech wing as an aid, in essence, Falcon is still just an ordinary person. Against vampires whose strength and speed are far beyond ordinary people, it is not bad that he can persist until now. However, obviously this is close to the limits of the Falcon.


Waving the shield in his hand, he smashed the opposite vampire on the deck, and Steve took advantage of the victory and smashed it towards the opponent's neck again.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of bones shattering, the vampire on the ground let out a shrill scream and ran to the side.

Steve took a deep breath, put away the shield, and also showed a somewhat tired look on his face.

Compared with Falcon, although Steve who was injected with super soldier serum has stronger endurance, he obviously still felt a little bit struggling with the steady stream of vampires in front of him.

However, during the battle, Steve also clearly felt one thing.

Then, although the vampires in front of him are difficult to deal with, they are not so difficult to resist compared to the vampire powers that he has come into contact with in the past. Therefore, although there are many vampires, they have not yet reached the level of despair.

If, every vampire's power is as if he once fought Dio.

Then, no matter how good Steve's stamina and willpower are, there is no motivation to fight.


Trying to adjust his breathing, Steve's eyes swept over the vampires around him, clenching the shield in his hand and was about to step forward.


There was a brief sound of gunshots, and a vampire on the opposite side was shot and fell to the ground.

Although the vampire who was shot quickly stood up again, the situation in front of him clearly explained the situation.

"Captain, let's help you."

With the sound of gunfire, the voices of members of the S.H.I.E.L.D. operation team soon came through the headset.

"What about the hostage situation?"

Hearing the support of the team members, Steve's expression relaxed, but he immediately thought of the safety of the hostages.

Even in the face of repeated attacks from vampires, he still did not forget that the purpose of his mission was to rescue the hostages hijacked by pirates on the ship.

"The hostages have all been sent to safety."

In the headset, the response from the action team completely reassured Steve, who was still a little worried.

Holding the shield in his hand and looking at the vampire in front of him, he said solemnly, "Then, I'll leave it to you."

"Don't worry, Captain."



Pulling out the special wire rope around his waist, he firmly entangled the weaker and weaker vampire.

Natasha gritted her teeth and pulled her hand down abruptly, instantly tightening the wire rope around the vampire's neck. Seeing the completely unconscious vampire on her hand, she continued to pull the wire rope for dozens of seconds.

Then he gasped and let go of the rope on his hand, looked down at the red mark on his hand, and then turned to look at the content of the transmission that was still displayed on the computer screen.


bang, bang—

Inside the ship, there is the assistance of the action team.

Steve and Falcon's situation has clearly improved dramatically.

Although the surrounding vampires were still attacking, but relying on the team's powerful firepower assistance, it was obvious that the vampire's original offensive was slightly blocked.

Although they were transformed into vampires by the stone ghost face, it does not mean that they can ignore bullet damage.

The bullets of the action team hit the body. Although they could not kill these vampires, the damage caused still made the vampires grin in pain.

They are vampires, and they are not insensitive stones, and even because of the transformation of vampires, their senses are somewhat sharper.

at the same time,

"Captain, do a good job of evasion, we will use the big guy."

After successive attacks, the action team apparently also discovered that their bullets were not as effective as they had imagined.

After all, these are not the opponents they usually encounter, and ordinary bullets are obviously not as useful as they think.

Looking at the vampires who kept falling and standing up, and the fewer and fewer bullets in their hands, the action team began to switch tactics.

As I said before, as the S.H.I.E.L.D. action team, in order to cooperate with the actions of the Avengers members, the equipment they are equipped with is not ordinary.

Following the reminder of the team members, Steve and Falcon looked at each other silently, and without hesitation, they fell to the side to avoid it. And the next second they fell, with a harsh launch sound, a missile specially made by S.H.I.E.L.D. roared into the galley of the ship where the Avengers and the vampires were.


A huge fire light accompanied the impact and burst out in an instant.

"Cough cough..."

Coughing sounded from his mouth, shaking his drowsy head and getting up from the ground, Falcon looked at the metal steel frame around him that was slammed by the explosion, and then turned to look at the broken and charred metal wings behind him. He couldn't help twitching his eyes and said, "I don't know if S.H.I.E.L.D. is responsible for maintenance. If it doesn't work, I can only find Tony."

Because of the reminder of the action team, Falcon controlled the metal wings on his back to make a defensive action before the explosion. However, even so, he did not expect that the effect of the explosion was so amazing, perhaps because the design of the ship's galley itself did not have too much buffer, so that the effect of the missiles launched by the team did not have much catharsis, and it was completely filled. The entire kitchen interior.

Under such a huge explosion, the falcon is somewhat fortunate that he has a pair of metal wings so-called cover.

Therefore, although the equipment was damaged, at least people were not affected by the explosion.

Not like these vampires,

While thinking in his heart, Falcon's eyes swept across the vampire in front of him.

Seeing their tragic situation at the moment, even if they were each other's opponents, they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Unlike him and Steve who mentioned being prepared, these vampires were not prepared at all before the explosion, because it could be said that they were completely exposed to the power of the explosion. Under the action of the huge explosion and firelight, even a vampire with a physical fitness far beyond ordinary people could not resist, and was instantly burned by the hot flames generated by the explosion.

In the galley of the entire ship, their stumps and mourning were everywhere.

At this moment, the powerful self-healing ability that the vampires were proud of was not a good thing, but became the source of their pain.

Compared with the dead vampires, the vampires who survived the explosion gradually recovered under the ability of self-healing, but the life energy in their bodies at the moment was simply not enough for them to heal completely. Dragging their charred bodies and a few partially healed wounds, these vampires struggled to move their bodies, dragging charred marks on the deck.

Holding his shield up from the ground, Steve is in better condition than Falcon, not only because of his stronger physical but also because of the vibranium shield in his hand .

Coming to Falcon's side, Steve looked at the wailing vampires around him with a silent expression on his face.


After all, Steve does not only know the existence of kindness. Although the super soldier serum has strengthened his kindness, his combat career in World War II has also made him very clear about how to treat the enemy.

Withdrawing his gaze, Steve immediately thought of another teammate, Natasha.


Thinking of this, Steve didn't hesitate too much, and immediately rushed towards the engine room with the shield in his hand.

However, just as he rushed out of the ship's galley, there was a heavy impact.

A shimmering metallic arm slammed towards him fiercely.

Faced with this sudden attack, Steve hurried. Hold up your shield.

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