Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 303: Looking for a helper [Thank you for the gold? Boy's reward]

"All right……"

Shrugging, Natasha obviously didn't take Steve's words to heart.

As an agent, lying is her job.

Naturally, Natasha couldn't change her style and give up her best weapon because of Steve's few words.

Turning the conversation, Natasha immediately shifted the topic to the other party's request: "I think Captain, you should know that being able to become the underworld emperor of Hell's Kitchen shows that Jin is not a simple role, especially from your Judging from the description of the other party, the ability of the other party has obviously been enhanced again and transformed..."

Natasha is not completely ignorant of Jin Bing.

Before and when she was investigating Penglai, she had brief access to information related to Jinbing.

And, as the underworld emperor who can rule the entire Hell's Kitchen, and even radiate power to New York.

Jin Bing himself is one of the key targets of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"A being who knows the darkness like the palm of your hand, if you want to hide it completely, you can't find it with a simple search. What's more, I have more important tasks waiting for me to complete."

Natasha's more important task naturally refers to the search for the reincarnation of Immortal Penglai.

In order to find this mysterious reincarnation, S.H.I.E.L.D. has arranged for many agents to appear in the streets of New York.

However, as the saying goes, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Under the simple clues given by Ah Xing, even the S.H.I.E.L.D. with powerful intelligence gathering capabilities could only be amazed.

Even in the eyes of a super agent like Natasha, it is not easy to find the reincarnation of Immortal Penglai from the population of more than eight million people in New York with such a little clue.

Or it should be said that it is not much simpler than finding a needle in a haystack.

On this side, Natasha was secretly distressed because of the task of immortal Penglai's reincarnation. On the other hand, Steve also noticed the attitude of the other party from Natasha's answer. The super soldier serum may have strengthened his kindness in his heart, but It doesn't mean that he only strengthens his good thoughts. In fact, Steve has far surpassed ordinary people in terms of physical fitness and thinking.

Therefore, with a silent sigh in his heart, the veteran did not impose his will on the opponent.

Instead, he cooperated and shifted the topic to his original purpose.

"Isn't there any way?"

Frowning, Steve looked at Natasha's glamorous face in front of him, and used the old-fashioned aggressive method: "Natasha, you are a super agent."

"You're still Captain America."

Obviously, Steve's method didn't work. Natasha pouted and replied without hesitation to the opponent's stimulation.

Of course, although she was not very polite to Captain America, Natasha didn't really ignore Steve's request.

After all, as Steve said before, no matter what, they are still a team.

Frowning her brows, Natasha began to recall the information about Jin Bing within S.H.I.E.L.D.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has always been paying close attention to Jin Bing, especially after learning that he had been in contact with Jiuyou, Nick specially raised the other party's confidentiality level for this purpose. The original purpose was to use Jin Bing. To catch the big fish Jiuyou, even if you can't lead out Jiuyou's people, you can use Jin Bing's connection with Jiuyou to get more information about Jiuyou."

"However, we obviously ignored the conflict between Jin Bing and the Defenders Alliance. In fact, after Jin Bing's death, S.H.I.E.L.D. once thought that this thread with Jiuyou was broken, but there was no such thing. Thinking of it, Jin Bian actually returned to Hell's Kitchen as a transformed robot, and killed one of the defenders, Danny Iron Fist."

"It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't know everything well."

Hearing Natasha's inside story, Steve couldn't help but say something.

"Although S.H.I.E.L.D. has been working hard to protect peace, we are only a slightly special intelligence organization after all, not an omniscient and almighty god."

Facing Steve's cynicism, Natasha replied without any change on her face.

"In my opinion, S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to replace the status of God, otherwise, how could it have such a dangerous idea of ​​​​the Insight Project."

"Looks like you know more than I thought, Captain."

Hearing the "insight plan" from Steve's mouth, Natasha took a deep look at the other party: "Theoretically, this should be the content of the plan that only level 8 agents and above know."

The "Insight Project" is a special plan formulated by S.H.I.E.L.D. with the consent of the Security Council since the Great War in New York and the frequent dangers that followed. The DNA of everything that S.H.I.E.L.D. deems dangerous, and uses weapons to kill it in the cradle before the threat occurs.

As for this plan of SHIELD, Steve expressed his strong opposition when he learned about it.

In his view, this practice of hanging weapons on everyone's heads is not protection, but another more terrifying threat, but Nick Fury's attitude is firm and will not be shown by Captain America. opposition, and stopped the plan that was almost completed.

"Nick Fury took me to see it. To be honest, I'd rather not know about the plan if I could."

Meeting Natasha's gaze, Steve replied expressionlessly.

"Sometimes, for the sake of safety, we have to make compromises, Captain."

From Steve's tone, Natasha easily guessed the other party's attitude towards the Insight Project.

In fact, from the very beginning, Natasha knew that, with Steve's character, she would never agree to the "Insight Project".

"For the victory of the war and the freedom of the people, I have made many compromises, but this is not a compromise, but fear."

"It's a little too late for you to express your objections now, Captain, the 'Insight Project' is about to be completed."

Perhaps, what Steve said makes some sense, but Natasha is very clear that Captain America's position can no longer affect the implementation of the "Insight Project".

Perhaps, Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD, knew Steve's opposition to this plan from the very beginning, so he chose to hide his choice.

Also, the previous vampire information.


Regarding the respective positions of the "Insight Project", the atmosphere between the two Avengers is a little stiff.

However, Steve also knows that now is not the time to get angry with Natasha.

After a little restraining the dullness in his heart, the veteran then turned the topic back to the Hell's Kitchen.

"Since S.H.I.E.L.D. has conducted such an in-depth investigation and collection of Jinping, then it should be able to determine the location where Jinping can hide from the past intelligence?"

Steve took the initiative to speak, and Natasha naturally expressed a cooperative attitude.

Following his question, he shook his head and answered: "It's not that simple, in fact, after learning about Jin Bing's 'death', S.H.I.E.L.D. had already taken back the agents assigned to Hell's Kitchen. The locations that were haunted in the past were also destroyed by the gang melee after Jin Bing's death. Now it is obviously impossible to lock Jin Bing's location through those outdated information, and I don't think it is possible. , With Jin Bing's personality, he will leave such a big flaw even when he intentionally hides himself. I even suspect that the positions he exposed to S.H.I.E.L.D. were, in fact, used to hide people's eyes and ears. ."

"According to you, unless Jin Ping shows up again, or we will not be able to find the other party's location at all?"

Natasha's series of reasoning undoubtedly caused Steve's original confidence to suffer a great blow.

"Under normal circumstances, it should be the case."

Looking at Steve who frowned, Natasha slightly raised the corner of her mouth and smiled.

"Under normal circumstances?!"

Unconsciously turning his neck, obviously, Steve also sensed what Natasha's words meant.

"Captain, you seem to have forgotten the part about the pacifist robot that I mentioned earlier."

To meet Steve's gaze, Natasha reminded softly.

"You mean, Stark?!"

Hearing Natasha's reminder, Steve reacted quickly.

In response, she nodded, and Natasha continued.

"Yes, the 'pacifist' robot has been completely destroyed by the defenders, but after all, it is the robot that appeared in Hell's Kitchen at the same time as Jin and, in theory, there should be what we have between them and Jin. Unknown connection, although it is not clear what this connection is, if this robot is brought to Stark, there may be some unexpected gains."


"So, you brought this piece of junk to me?"

Stark Industries, the top floor of the New Energy Building.

Tony looked at the 'pacifists' who were completely scattered on the floor of the office in front of him, then turned to look at Steve and Natasha beside him, couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, raised his eyebrows and said.

"Captain, although I don't mind if you come to sit with me, feel the breath of the new era, and add vitality to your old heart. But it doesn't mean that you can bring everything at will."

Speaking, Tony walked around the broken 'pacifist', the weapon structure exposed inside the machine made him change his eyes. Weapon Architecture. But on the surface, he still had an expression of disgust on his face, and complained to Steve: "In my opinion, the best place to return to this pile of scrap metal is the garbage recycling plant. The package was brought to me..."

"Sorry, Tony."

He was successfully deceived by Tony's apparent attitude. Hearing his words, Steve immediately apologized.

"However, we need your help. After all, among the Avengers, you are the one who knows the most about mechanics."

Natasha could see Tony's pretentious appearance, but she didn't seem to have any intention of revealing it, but she still looked on the sidelines and watched the conversation between the two.

"Since you said so, Captain."

Glancing at Natasha's half-smiling expression, Tony obviously knew the reason to take it as soon as he saw it.

So, after hearing Steve's request, he nodded with a reluctant expression.

"Then I'll help you."

Having said that, Tony rolled up his sleeves and was about to step forward to observe the internal structure of this 'pacifist' closely.


At this moment, Jarvis in the building suddenly spoke.

"The delivery of your order has arrived."

Hearing Jarvis' reminder, Tony immediately stopped his steps and stepped forward, the expression on his face also turned into a proud expression, and raised his eyebrows in response: "Okay, Jarvis , give him temporary authority, tell the other party that I am waiting on the top floor, and let him deliver the takeaway I ordered to him accurately."

In the process of answering, Tony deliberately emphasized the word "accurate".

"Have you ordered takeout yet?"

Hearing Jarvis' report, Natasha couldn't help but glanced at Tony with a surprised expression.

"Is this strange?"

To meet Natasha's gaze, Tony asked back.

"No, it's just..."

Hearing Tony's reply, Natasha shook her head, but her eyes swept across the ' she was not surprised by Tony's actions, after all, they knew from the beginning that this was An existence who often acts recklessly, even if he becomes a superhero Iron Man, his character in his bones will still not change much.

"About this, you don't need to worry."

Noticing Natasha's gaze, Tony shook his head with a nonchalant expression: "Even if that guy sees it, it's no big deal."

From Tony's answer, it is not difficult to see that he is extremely reassured about the deliveryman.


It's just that the more Tony Tony's attitude is, the more strange it is.

On the top floor of the New Energy Building, Steve and Natasha couldn't help but glance at each other, and both saw suspicious expressions in each other's eyes.

However, after a few seconds, the two understood why Tony was so relaxed.

"Sir, the other party has already arrived at the door of the office."

With Jarvis' report.

"Your takeaway has arrived."

He heard a slightly immature voice from outside the office door.

Immediately afterwards, under the gazes of several Avengers members, they saw a red-faced, black-haired, black-eyed Asian child pushing open the door of the office.

With a bitter little face, holding the packaging bag in his hand with a reluctant expression, he said to Tony, "The golden ratio shaomai you ordered has arrived, so hurry up and eat it."

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