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Stark Industries, New Energy Building.

Tony looked at the virtual vision in the darkness before his eyes, and there was a look of fear on his face.

That's right, it wasn't Tony himself who appeared in Hell's Kitchen, but the armored suit remotely controlled by the connection device on his body.

In fact, thankfully it wasn't me.

Otherwise, the situation at the moment is not just as simple as fear.

"Jarvis, activate the new armor."

After the fear, Tony did not give up his action because of the failure of the remote control suit, tore off the connection device on his body, and immediately ordered Jarvis in the room.

"Sir, you are sure to go out."

In the face of Tony's order, Jarvis remarked and reminded.

"If you get hit again this time, you won't be as lucky as you are now."

"I know."

Walking to the raised mechanical platform, Tony looked at the brand new battle suit slowly rising inside the mechanical platform, raised his eyebrows and replied, "That's why I prepared a new battle suit."

"Dude, this is your first debut, don't let me down."

Following Tony's mocking self-talk, the battle armor in front of him also lit up his eyes, as if responding to his words.


Click, click—

"Empty shell?"

Taking heavy steps to the front of the steel battle suit, Jin and reached out and grabbed the metal mask of the battle suit on the ground. Looking at the empty situation inside the battle suit, a red light flashed in the machine's eyes, and then he turned his face blankly. The mask in his hand was kneaded into a scrap of iron.

"Just a battle suit?"

Following Jin Bing's actions, Steve could see the scene in the suit clearly, but his face showed a completely different look of joy from Jin Bing on the opposite side.

"So, from just now, it's just an Iron Man's armor? Not Tony Stark himself?"

Since the debut, the steel battle suit has shown a vivid attitude. It is really unbelievable that under such circumstances, there is no one inside the steel battle suit.

It can be said that the performance of the steel suit was not only deceived by Jin and the past, but even the defenders and Captain America were also deceived by Tony's superb acting skills.


He casually threw the mask in his hand to the ground and made a heavy knocking sound, although there was still no expression on his transformed face as a 'pacifist'.

However, judging from its appearance, it is obvious that he is particularly angry at Tony's use of the steel battle suit to play with him.

"Very good, Tony Stark, I admit that you successfully used the shell of a steel battle suit to deceive me." Turning his cold face, Jin and the red light in the eyes made by the machine almost To pop out of his eyes, he looked at the defender and Steve in front of him, and the red light in his eyes kept flashing.

"Unfortunately, defenders, I thought we had enough time to play slowly, but unfortunately, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and I had to say goodbye to you now."

Tony's steel suit was successfully delayed for a while, considering that Ah Xing who went to Harlem could come back at any time.

Kim had to abandon his plan of revenge and turn to a quick fix.

"Listen to you, should I still thank you?"

Facing Jin Bing's fake and regretful appearance, Jessica pouted and sneered.

The expression on his face has turned into an expression like a formidable enemy.

Although she disdains Jin Ping's attitude, Jessica also knows that facing the dense army of 'pacifist' robots around her, she has no chance of winning at all. The other members, she occupied the flight, but the fate of Tony's steel suit clearly told Jessica that in the face of the lasers of the 'pacifists', there was not much difference between flying or not.

No matter how fast she can fly, can it be faster than the speed of the 'pacifist' laser?

"Goodbye, Defender."

The red light in his eyes gradually shrank and returned to his normal appearance. Jin Bian looked at the defenders in front of him and said his final goodbyes.

As his voice fell, the 'pacifist' robot behind him moved the muzzle again, and the dazzling yellow light began to condense on them.


Watching, the defenders and Steve are about to face the laser beams of the 'pacifists'.

Several micro-missiles made a rapid sound, and instantly fell on these robots, erupting violent flames and shock waves.

"Looks like I came just right this time."

After the missile passed, Tony controlled his brand new suit with red paint and dark gold to insert it into the battlefield.

"Tony Stark, I didn't expect you to dare to come here again."

Looking at the steel armor suspended in midair again, the red light that had been extinguished in Jin Bing's eyes burst out again: "Or, this time, you are controlling the shell like before?"

"No, this time I'm playing in person."

He opened the mask on the helmet and exposed his face underneath. Tony looked down at Jin Bing on the ground, raised his eyebrows and said, "Actually, it's not just me, I also brought a lot of friends here. ."

As Tony's voice fell, several steel armors of various styles flew towards the horizon.

Although the Steel Armored Corps of the "Family Party" plan was destroyed a lot in the battle with Killian, Tony re-manufactured many new types of armor during this period of time, in order to cope with the current situation. Plural opponents such as 'pacifists' are also preparing for their next plan to create artificial intelligence.

After all, no matter how powerful the artificial intelligence is, if there is no carrier to carry out the task, then Tony makes the other party without the slightest meaning.

"Captain, we meet again."

With the flying steel armored legion landing on the ground, Tony turned his head and nodded to Steve who was beside him, and then set his eyes on Jin and the 'pacifist' machine army behind him: "Now, the combat power between us should not be as disparate as it seemed before."

"Do you think you can fight against the 'pacifists' made by the Doctor just by relying on these broken pieces of iron?"

Tony's reappearance and the steel armored army he brought successfully wiped out the advantage of the number of 'pacifists' and shattered Jin Bing's revenge plan.

"I'd love to try it out."

The mask opened on his face fell again, and Tony looked at the various muzzles emerging from the opposite 'pacifist': "Is it the 'pacifist' robots that the doctor made in your mouth is powerful, or my steel armor. The army is great."

Tony: "Jarvis, activate!"

Kim Bing: "Pacifists, attack!"


bang, bang—


Huge explosions and flames flooded the battlefield.

Under the fierce laser beam, a steel armor that could not dodge was hit, and it was instantly cut in half.

On the other side, a steel armor with a blue upper body in the shape of an inverted triangle stretched out a sharp blade from its arm, and flew to the opposite robot at an ultra-high speed that the 'pacifist' had no time to react, and penetrated in the blink of an eye. A 'pacifist' head.

Bang, bang!

With red light flashing in its eyes, a 'pacifist' robot turned its head one hundred and eighty degrees, grabbed the dark-colored steel armor that was wrapped around its back at a lightning-quick speed, and then its arm burst out. The terrifying power instantly tore the steel armor in his hand into two halves.

Turning his head behind him, the 'pacifist' released his hands and was about to throw away the steel armor that had been withdrawn in half.

However, at this moment, the steel armor that was thought to be damaged in the hands of the 'pacifist' suddenly restarted, and a violent shock wave was launched from the upper and lower body of the armor to hit the 'pacifist' in front of him.

Destroying the arms of this 'pacifist', the upper body of the detached steel armor sprayed fire, and reunited with the torn lower body.

Mark57 Magician, this is a battle armor designed by Tony inspired by the ability of Bruno Bucciarati of the Foundation. Not only the waist, most of the joints on the Mark57 can be freely disassembled to attack alone, and after the parts are destroyed, they can be disassembled and separated and matched with other armors to continue fighting.

In a sense, there is also a bit of anti-zipper armor in it.

After all, the ability that Bruno Bugara proposed at the time was too impressive for Tony, especially when he wanted to escape and take over and was caught by him and felt the ability of the other party, in order to avoid future When Bruno Bucciarati again had no countermeasures like before, Tony naturally mentioned to be prepared.

It's a pity that the Mark57 magician can't be loaded, otherwise Tony might be more confident about meeting Bruno Bucciarati

Looking back from the Mark57 magician armor and the defenders who also joined the battle, as well as Steve, Tony looked at Jin Ning, who was still motionless, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked: "It seems that you seem to be Don't care about the damage of 'pacifists'?"

"No, I actually do care a lot."

In this regard, Jin Bing's reply was somewhat beyond Tony's expectations.

Glancing at the surrounding 'pacifist' robots that were constantly damaged by battle, Jin Bing replied with a blank face.

But in terms of destructive power, the laser attack of the 'pacifist' is obviously much more than Tony's steel armored corps, and often the damage of two steel armors can destroy a 'pacifist' robot. However, this is New York, and it's not too far from Tony's home base.

No matter how serious the loss of steel armor is, under Jarvis' control, there are still other types of steel armor coming in continuously.

And the number of 'pacifist' robots does destroy one less than one.

Not to mention, there are also defenders and Captain America's shots.

The addition of superheroes makes the damage of the 'pacifist' a little faster.

Withdrew his gaze and put it back on Tony who was wearing a steel suit in front of him. The red light in Jin Bing's mechanical eyes kept flickering: "It seems that although I have considered the threat of Axing, I ignored it, the Avengers. The alliance factor."

Of course, this is not entirely Jin Bing's fault. After all, everything Dior did in New York will not be reported to him, so even if Jin Bing is powerful, he cannot predict that because of Dior's relationship, history will be involved. Tiff also attracted Tony to join the battlefield in front of him.

"It seems that the failure of the 'pacifist' is inevitable, so in order to prevent the doctor's plan from being delayed, it is my turn to fight."

With one hand, he crushed the crutches in his hand, and Jin twisted his body to look at Tony on the opposite side.

"Tony Stark, see clearly, the 'pacifist' transformation that the Doctor has made for me is not something that these mass-produced robots can compare."

As Jin Bing's voice fell, a huge roar sounded in his huge body.

The next second, under the action of a huge driving force, Jinbian lifted his foot and stepped on a deep pothole on the ground, and then at an extraordinary speed, he rushed in front of Tony in an instant.


Looking at Jin Ning who came to him in an instant, Jarvis in the steel suit didn't have time to remind him.

The next moment, a huge force suddenly came from Tony's chest.

Under the influence of this terrifying force, even with the protection of the steel battle suit on his body, Tony did not seem to be knocked out.

In midair, Tony shot out a shock wave from the palm of his hand to barely offset this force, and then he staggered to stop his body, twitching the corners of his mouth and looking at Jin Ning, who silently retracted his shiny metallic arm on the ground.

With just one blow, Kim Bong proved the difference between his transformation and the mass-produced 'pacifist' Mr., the opponent's strength has clearly surpassed other 'pacifist' robots More than twice, the power generated by the opponent's attack just now is almost not much different from that of a fast-moving truck, and judging from the situation shown by the opponent, such power is obviously not his limit. "

In the ear, Jarvis's analysis made Tony in the steel suit couldn't help but rejoice.

Fortunately, because of the end of the steel suit before, he cautiously changed into this new suit made of vibration-jin components. Otherwise, with the strength Jinbian showed, his armor in the past would not have much resistance at all.

"You think I can't do anything if I fly into the air, Tony Stark."

Looking up, looking at Tony suspended in mid-air, Jin said something coldly.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of jets emerged from his back and legs. Under the impetus of huge flames, Jin Bian controlled his huge body and slowly rose up and gradually paralleled with him under Tony's astonished gaze. .

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