Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 313: Tathagata Palm VS Mechanical Polymer


The huge mechanical arm stirred the surroundings, covering the sky above to form a violent gust of wind and dust.

In the face of this overwhelming offensive, Steve and the defenders had to fall into a bad situation of passive evasion again.

Looking at the people below who were constantly avoiding like ants, the gold embedded in the head of the 'pacifist' aggregate and the red light in his eyes kept flashing.

In his view, all this is just a useless struggle by the members of the Avengers and their defenders.

Under the powerful power of the 'pacifist' aggregate, they will be crushed into **** sooner or later.

In the 'pacifist' aggregate, Jin Bing's thoughts flashed, and the attacks of the huge mechanical arm became more and more frequent.


Under the successive collisions, the entire ground suddenly became bumpy and there was no intact place, and Luke Cage, who had been seriously injured during the repeated dodging, finally couldn't hold on, and his footsteps were tripped by the gravel on the ground. He fell, and his thighs staggered and fell down.


Turning over to avoid a rock that splashed under the impact of the mechanical arm, Steve saw Luke Cage who fell not far away, and without hesitation he rushed with the shield in his hand.

However, at this moment, the 'pacifist' aggregate waved its palm again, and the place where it fell was where Luke Cage was.

"Welcome to the West!"

Seeing, the giant mechanical arm full of wreckage was about to fall on Luke Cage's body. At this moment, with a light drink, bursts of Sanskrit with countless golden arms, in mid-air Emergence, hanging and hanging to block the huge arm of the 'pacifist' aggregate waving.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Ah Xing, who had previously gone to Harlem under Steve's arrangement, appeared waving his palm.

[From the legend of Luke Cage...]

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[From the legend of Jessica Jones...]

【From Frank...】

"Ah Xing!"

Seeing Ah Xing coming, everyone who had been evading under the attack of the 'pacifist' aggregate finally had a little time to breathe.

"Sorry, there was a problem in Harlem, so I came back a little late."

Using "The Palm of the Tathagata" to block the huge mechanical arm in front of him, Ah Xing turned his head and glanced at the defenders behind him who were not lightly injured. With timely doubts on his face, he turned his head to look at the huge 'pacifist' gathering on the opposite side. Body: "However, what is this guy?"

"This is Jin Cong, or should be said to be the countermeasure left by the doctor who transformed Jin Cong into a 'pacifist' robot."

After receiving A Xing's question, Tony explained in a deep voice against the [Holy Lord] armor.

"Is this also a 'pacifist'?"

Looking up and down at the appearance of the 'pacifist' aggregate, Ah Xing said with an obvious stunned expression: "It looks a bit similar, but isn't this head a little too exaggerated, and this power is also stronger than Ordinary 'pacifists' are countless times stronger, how many things have I missed during my absence?"

"If you really want to explain everything one by one, now is obviously not a good time to say this."

Tony understands the doubts in A Xing's heart, but he knows that this is not the time to talk in detail. Looking at the mechanical wreckage that is constantly moving on his body under the control of the liquid metal robot, the aggregate of 'pacifists' looks more and more hideous. Tony hurriedly said to A Xing: "The most important thing at the moment is to think about how we can solve this 'pacifist' aggregate in front of us..."

Speaking of which, Tony glanced at the remaining energy of the anti-[Holy Lord] armor, as well as a large number of battle-damaged parts, but reluctantly changed his words: "To be precise, it should be whether you have a way to deal with Jin and control the 'peace'. the 'aggregate'."

"I'll deal with it?"

Although, according to the arrangement of the plan, it was originally set that A Xing would appear to finish off and solve everything.

However, hearing Tony's request, Ah Xing still showed a hesitant look on the surface, looked at the opposite 'pacifist' aggregate, and said solemnly: "It's okay for me to come to the other party, but I don't guarantee it. Can I really defeat the opponent in the end, after all, I have never fought against such a huge behemoth in the past, and I have no experience."

As he spoke, Ah Xing twisted his arms, showed a timely nervous expression on his face, and said with a deep breath.

"Anyway, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Tony is also clear that putting everything on Xing's body is not in line with the usual style of the Avengers.

However, Tony's eyes in the armor against the [Holy Lord] swept across the embarrassed people behind him.

Judging from the current situation, they don't seem to have any other better way than relying on A Xing.

"Ah Xing, if it really doesn't work."

After hesitating for a while, Jessica pursed her lips and gritted her teeth and said, "Just leave, you don't need to fight for us."

"Jessica is right."

After hearing Jessica's persuasion, Matt spoke silently.

"Don't worry everyone, I know what to do."

Hearing the persuasion of the Defenders, Ah Xing shook his head slightly, then turned back to show them a consoling smile, then turned back to restrain the expression on his face, and looked at the huge 'pacifist' gathering on the opposite side. Body, put on a standard kung fu posture and waved: "Then, let's make a move, Jin Bing."

"It looks like the time for warmth is over?"

On the 'pacifist' aggregate, Jin Bian turned his flashing red eyes to aim at A Xing below, and the shrill electronic voice sounded again: "To be honest, A Xing, if I can, I don't want to be so early. Fight with you, after all, Lord Dior's plan still needs you, and we obviously need you, a person from Penglai, to find the reincarnation of the Penglai Immortal, but unfortunately..."

"Wait a moment!"

Hearing the words of the 'pacifist' aggregate or Jin Bing, the expression on A Xing's face suddenly changed, looking at the inlaid Jin Bing on the aggregate's head, he blurted out: "How did you know the immortal reincarnated news?!"

"All of this, of course, is Jiuyou..."

Using the 'pacifist' aggregate to answer, Jin Bian took advantage of the moment when Ah Xing was stunned because of the news he deliberately revealed, the red light in his eyes flashed, and the next second was composed of mechanical wreckage. The huge arm has been raised high, and suddenly smashed towards the position where A Xing was standing.

"Ah Xing, be careful!"

Seeing the conversation between Jin Bing and Ah Xing, Tony hurriedly reminded him anxiously.

"Fo moves mountains and rivers!"

Seeing that the attack of the 'pacifist' aggregate was about to fall, Tony's reminder seemed to have played a role. After he shouted, A Xing suddenly came back to his senses, and hurriedly raised his arms and lay on his chest to form a seal. , the other palm is raised above the head, forming a vague golden Buddha statue with kindly brows behind it, and the two palms can block the attack of the 'pacifist' aggregate.


The huge mechanical palm landed on the Buddha statue, causing a violent impact to spread around the statue.

Under the powerful impact, even Tony, who was protected by layers of armor, could not help but take a few steps back before releasing the terrifying impact.

"Huh~ That moment just now, it's really dangerous."

He raised his head and looked at the robotic palm that was just one hand away from him, and at the densely packed mechanical wreckage on the palm of his hand.

Ah Xing let out a long sigh of relief and put on a look of fear for the rest of his life.

On the surface, it seems to be close to death, but in fact, everything is under the control of A Xing, or should be said to be Li Ran.

After all, the so-called information disclosed by Jin Bing was actually revealed by him, either actively or inadvertently, through the mouths of Dior and the doctor.

Just imagine, how could Ah Xing be really surprised in the face of a lot of news that he already knew.

"Fortunately, you were able to block my blow."

Looking at the attack blocked by the golden Buddha statue, Jin Bian controlled the 'pacifist' aggregate to exert power again, to find that the Buddha statue seemed to be illusory and dissipated at the touch of a touch, but no matter how hard he tried, it was still firmly on the top. There, protect Axing underneath.

With a red light flashing in his eyes, Jin Bing slowly lifted the huge mechanical arm, revealing the intact Ah Xing underneath: "However, you can block the attack of one arm, so what about two, three..."

As the mixed electronic sounds fell, behind the 'pacifist' aggregate, under the control of the liquid metal robot, a large number of mechanical wreckage moved to form a brand-new mechanical arm under the gaze of everyone.

The new arm formed by controlling the back turned towards Ah Xing on the ground, and the three mechanical arms rotated each, making the entire pacifist' aggregate look more deformed and hideous: "I want to see, you can block it. How many."

"Jarvis, record the data. If I want to make a similar robot in the future, you must remind me that there is such a negative example."

The shape of the 'pacifist' aggregate did not quite fit Tony's aesthetic. After adding an arm, this Iron Man was even more powerless to complain.

However, having said that.

However, Tony also had to admit that after the combination of the third arm, the threat of the 'pacifist' aggregate increased significantly.

I just don't know if A Xing can survive under this situation.

Looking at the 'pacifist' aggregate that looks more and more terrifying, the worry on Tony's face becomes more and more obvious.

"Will it be deformed?"

Looking up, looking at the third mechanical arm that emerged from the back of the 'pacifist' aggregate, Ah Xing's face matched with a solemn expression.

"Looks like a big move is coming."

As he muttered, his left leg slightly stepped back half a step, and at the same time, he stood with one hand in front of his chest, and his left hand folded the two middle fingers, half fist and half palm, and then appeared in "The Palm of the Tathagata" The strongest move since the ninth form [Buddha Dharma is boundless]. In an instant, the sky-shattering Sanskrit sound resounded from A Xing's side, and a huge golden Buddha statue emerged from behind him.

Although the illusory Buddha statue is not as large as the "pacifist" aggregate, it is worthy of half of the opponent's body.

Facing the ferocious mechanical aggregate in front of him, the Buddha statue opened his eyes slightly, raised his golden palms and turned them into a sky full of Buddha light and palm prints, and greeted them. Suddenly, a huge roar and a peaceful Sanskrit sound filled the entire battlefield, and the scene alone seemed to have a taste of subduing demons and subduing demons.

However, this Buddha descended from a huge mechanical creature.

Therefore, the whole picture is always inexplicably weird.

Boom! boom! boom!

Because he knew the combat power of the 'pacifist' aggregate, Ah Xing had no plans to stop when he made a move.

With one move, a large amount of mechanical wreckage on the 'pacifist' aggregate fell down as if it didn't cost money, and a huge mechanical arm of the opponent in the Buddha's light in the sky was forcibly beaten by the Buddha statue that emerged behind A Xing. Two break. At the front of the arm, the huge mechanical palm fell to the ground and instantly turned into scattered mechanical wreckage.

Under the great power of "Tathagata's Palm", he was beaten and retreated. On the head of the 'pacifist' aggregate, the red light in Jin Bing's eyes flickered frequently. At this moment, it was clear why Lord Dior was facing the When he was in Penglai, he would be so cautious.

And, why did Jiuyou arrange for them to come to New York to kill the Penglai Immortal's Being hit by the huge Buddha statue on the opposite side, the 'pacifist' aggregate staggered back a few steps, A large number of mechanical wreckage fell like raindrops.

In less than a minute of fighting, the 'pacifist' aggregate has already lost ground under Ah Xing's "Tathagata's Palm".

Controlling the liquid metal robot in the 'pacifist' aggregate, Jin Ping is planning to counterattack.

However, from the obscure feeling of the liquid metal robot in the body, Jin did not react. The 'pacifist' aggregate is not a perfect attack form. In fact, from the initial design of the doctor, this is in all the The last resort in the event that all plans fail.

Using the characteristics of the liquid metal robot, it is forcibly connected to the mechanical wreckage and overloaded to launch an attack.

Under such circumstances, neither the liquid metal robot nor the connected mechanical wreckage can last.

However, the battle that was supposed to be quick and decisive was dragged into a protracted battle because of the appearance of A Xing.

In this case, the liquid metal robot and mechanical wreckage on Jin Bing's body naturally soon had problems.

"I didn't expect that the final battle would end with such a result."

Feeling the weaker and weaker connection and control of the 'pacifist' aggregate on the body, the eyeballs originally formed by the liquid metal robot in Jin Bing's eye sockets began to dim, and the red light in the eyes also became dim, as if it would go out in the next second. .

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