Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 325: rolling

Latest website: Although the appearance of the humanoid spider monster transformed by the Hydra is unsightly, its own strength and speed have obviously surpassed the level of human beings.

Even, because the transformed experimenter was seriously eroded by the spider DNA, even the Hydra had to add a control device to its body while transforming the experimental body to prevent the transformed spider monster from being affected by the hunting instinct. Under the wanton attack.

And Natasha, as one of the top agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., has top-notch combat effectiveness.

But this is only limited to the agents, and her more abilities are still reflected in the collection of intelligence tasks.

Especially, because of the sneak mission, she couldn't prepare too much equipment at all.

Therefore, in the face of the spider monster's attack, Natasha's means of resisting are quite limited.

Alexander obviously saw this, so he made the judgment of victory without thinking.

Just, obviously.

It was a little too early for him to be happy.

In the face of the spider monster rushing in front of her, Natasha's arm holding the gun did not shake in the slightest, and even the expression on her face still maintained her previous calm attitude.

"Buddha's light is emerging!"

Natasha's calm performance is naturally relied upon.

Sure enough, with the attack of the spider monster under the command of Alexander.

With a soft drink, a palm print made of golden Buddha light slapped the spider monster in front of him fiercely.


In an instant, the hideous-looking spider monster was like a real spider, and was slapped on the ground.

[The legend from the spider potion experiment...]

[From the legend of Alexander Pierce...]

Looking down at the conspicuous five-finger prints on the floor of the office, Alexander couldn't help twitching the corners of his eyes.

As the headquarters building of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Three Curved Wing Building has considered possible problems as early as the construction site, because it was built to be extremely strong.

However, obviously, the solidity of the three-curved wing building could not stop this flying slap.

"Obviously, the final victory doesn't seem to belong to you."

Raising her gun and looking at Alexander, who was facing her, Natasha then made up the knife in a hoarse voice.

Following her voice, the Asian Security Council member who had been standing silently on the side also clicked the position of his temple, and with the distortion of his face, A Xing's face was revealed.


Looking at Ah Xing in front of him, Alexander couldn't help shouting with a gloomy expression.

Everyone in Penglai has always been one of the objects that Hydra has been guarding against.

"It's not about you Penglai."

"It is the duty of my generation of martial arts practitioners to act as a chivalrous person and help the wounded, let alone the name of your Hydra organization. It doesn't sound like a good person."

In this regard, A Xing replied without hesitation.


Although what A Xing said was a bit one-sided, Alexander had to admit that what the other party said was indeed the truth.

After all, even he clearly understands that with Hydra's behavior and things, it is indeed not a good organization as the other party said.

"Looks like there's nothing to talk about."

Glancing over Natasha in front of him and Ah Xing beside him, the expression on Alexander's face could not help but turn cold.

"In fact, from the beginning, we didn't have anything to talk about."

There has been no seeming room for negotiation between them and Hydra since Steve settled on a plan of action.

Moreover, as a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Natasha didn't think she had anything to say with Alexander, the spy chief of Hydra.

"……alright, I got it."

Looking at the expression on Natasha's face in front of him, Alexander immediately realized it.

He nodded, but his raised finger secretly pressed the ring on his index finger.

Immediately afterwards, several bodyguards who fell to the ground let out roaring figures, just like the previous bodyguard, they transformed into deformed spider monsters.

"How many human experiments have you conducted!"

Looking at the twisted and ferocious spider monsters with their compound eyes blinking around, Natasha's originally indifferent expression turned solemn as she looked at Alexander in front of her.

"More than you think."

As a terrorist organization, Hydra has no psychological barriers at all for so-called human experiments. After all, even their former leader, the Red Skull, was someone who dared to experiment directly with his own body and inject super soldier serum.

With the help of the results of human experiments, they quickly mastered the spider DNA on the broken claws, and successfully transformed it into combat power that can be used by Hydra.

"You bunch of unscrupulous lunatics."

"Actually, at this point, you should be clear that there isn't much difference between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra."

Being able to become one of the leaders of Hydra, Alexander naturally couldn't feel guilty because of Natasha's responsibilities, especially as he was the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. There are also many experiments carried out by SHIELD behind the scenes.

"At least we know how to stop our mistakes."

In this regard, Natasha's expression is firm.

"Wrong, I don't think so."

As Alexander's answer fell, the deformed spider monsters all roared around, blinking their dense compound eyes, and launched an attack on everyone around except Alexander.

"Fo moves mountains and rivers!"

There are many spider monsters in the office.

However, for Axing, there is not much difference.

Looking at the deformed Spider-Man attacking fiercely, he gently placed his arm on his chest to form a seal, and raised the other palm above his head, accompanied by a rolling Brahma sound, and a faint golden Buddha statue with benevolent eyes and benevolent eyes loomed behind him.

In one breath, the violent palm wind swept across, and the spider-man who was still roaring in the office was immediately printed on the walls and floors in all directions according to the appearance of the previous spider-man.

[From the legend of Alexander Pierce...]

Even though he had always seen the power of Ah Xing's "Tathagata's Palm" in the data, after seeing it with his own eyes, Alexander still found that he had a little glimpse of the power of this mysterious man from Penglai.

"Now, you should have no other means."

Glancing at the spider monsters that were inlaid like amber, Natasha looked at Alexander in front of her and asked in a hoarse voice.


Facing Natasha's questioning, Alexander looked at the ring on his hand with a silent expression.

"Ah Xing, help me look at him."

Seeing this, Natasha's eyes changed, and then she turned her head and said something to A Xing who was beside her.

As she spoke, Natasha handed over the pistol in her hand if she couldn't, but stopped halfway through.

She looked at the clear palm prints left by the other party around the office, and realized that for this man, whether there is a pistol or not doesn't make much difference at all.

Thinking of this, Natasha put the pistol away from her waist and walked to the position of the main control computer.


"Hawkeye, report your situation..."

In the SHIELD headquarters, in a computer control room occupied by the Avengers, Agent Hill asked while looking at the data on the "Insight Project" aircraft carrier displayed on the screen.

"working on it."

Controlling the metal wings behind him to avoid the fire, Hawkeye replied.

"Captain, how about you?"

bang, bang—

Waving the shield in his hand to stun the surrounding S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra spies, Steve raised his hand and pressed the communication device in the helmet: "I'm close to the location of the aircraft carrier."

"If you can, both of you please hurry up," he quickly tapped his fingers on the keyboard, and Agent Hill looked at the decreasing time on the screen with a worried look on his face: "There is only one left before the aircraft carrier officially takes off. It's ten minutes."

"I know the situation is urgent, but..."

Using the metal wings behind him to change direction rapidly, hearing Agent Hill's reminder, Falcon's dark face showed a helpless look.

"The current situation is beyond our control."

It can be seen that Hydra's penetration of S.H.I.E.L.D. is extremely serious, even if Steve has used the broadcast to reveal the news.

But there is still a steady stream of people attacking them.

As he spoke, the Falcon in mid-air turned over again, and then pulled out two silver-white firearms full of technology from the backpack position behind him.

In the next instant, two faint blue rays of light were fired from the muzzle, accurately hitting the shell of the huge aircraft carrier suspended in mid-air preparing for liftoff.

Under the huge energy of the ray, the outer shell of the aircraft carrier was melted immediately, and the Falcon also seized the opportunity to fly inside. At the position of the control center, take out the chip template that has been prepared long ago and insert it into the program card slot.

This is the replacement template provided by Nick Fury to change the positioning of the aircraft carrier. It was prepared as early as the beginning of the "Insight Project", and it was originally just an idea to ensure that it is ready for emergencies.

Now, it has become a weapon for the Avengers to save everything.

"Boat B has been replaced."

After inserting the chip, Falcon immediately reported to Agent Hill in the computer room.

"Very well, there are only two left now."

Hearing the report, Agent Hill's movements still did not stop.

The role of the chip is to change the positioning of the aircraft carrier, and all three must be replaced at the same time. Even if any aircraft carrier is missed by mistake, the result will be the sacrifice of a large number of innocent people.

"The C ship has also been replaced."

Taking a breath, Steve inserted the chip in his hand into the card slot and made a report immediately.

Hearing the news from the headset, Agent Hill's anxious expression eased slightly: "Now there is only the last ship left."

"Captain, it seems that the next task can only be completed by you alone, because I have encountered some trouble here."

As Agent Hill's voice fell, Falcon's solemn voice came over immediately.

In front of Falcon's eyes, a figure that was tightly wrapped and airtight stood in front of him, and the opponent's hand was holding a piece of broken steel wings.

"Need my help, Tom?"

Hearing Falcon's report, a worried look appeared on Steve's face.

"The task is urgent, Captain."

The damage of the steel wings on the back is undoubtedly a huge weakening of the Falcon's combat power. Losing the advantage of flying, the danger of this guy who appears in front of him will be greatly increased.

However, compared with the crisis it has encountered, Falcon is more concerned about the situation of the aircraft carrier.

As Agent Hill told before, as long as the chip on any aircraft carrier is not installed, the disaster will be no less than the previous New York War.

Therefore, even if the immediate situation was critical, he did not tell Steve.

"Now, I can only rely on myself."

After finishing the call with Steve, Falcon took a deep breath, looked at the dangerous figure in front of him, tightened the weapon in his hand, and looked solemn.

"Tom, Tom..."

On the other side, Steve looked at the unresponsive communication with a look of obvious concern on his face.

But thinking of what the other party said before ending the call, he had to restrain the worried look on his face, and focused his attention on the only aircraft carrier A that did not have a chip installed.

Under the current situation, the only thing that can make Steve feel lucky is that the remaining one of the three templates is in his hands.

"Hold on, Tom."

Muttering in his mouth, Steve was about to run towards the position of the aircraft carrier A with the shield in his hand.


Along with a huge roar, a huge fighter plane wreckage smashed in front of him, blocking Steve's way forward.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that Bucky with an indifferent expression appeared in front of him.

He raised his dark metal arm high, and instantly turned into a sharp blade and aimed at Steve in front of him.


"It seems that you have other goals in mind?"

In the office, Alexander looked at Natasha's actions, and the expression on his face changed slightly.

"What is he doing?"

With Alexander under the remaining members of the Security Council were finally able to calm down a little, and when they heard Alexander's words, they immediately questioned.

"She is lifting the security protocol and intends to make all her secrets available online."

Glancing at the members of the Security Council aside, Alexander replied.

"What you do will make all the secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D. go to waste."

"This also includes Hydra."

In the face of Alexander's revelations, Natasha still maintained her calm appearance.

Expose everything about S.H.I.E.L.D. was decided by Steve from the beginning of the mission. Today’s S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated by Hydra, it is better to simply let S.H.I.E.L.D. Exposure, let S.H.I.E.L.D. destroy together with Hydra.

Such a purpose is also in line with the original intention established by S.H.I.E.L.D.

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