Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 341: resurrection

The latest website: Bang!

The huge force from behind made the little spider stagger, and when he moved, the spider silk that had been holding the head of the resurrected dinosaur skeleton firmly in his hand also loosened.


Seizing the opportunity, the dinosaur grew up and let out a silent roar, and suddenly bit towards the clone [Uncle Long] in front of him.

The huge head of the dinosaur fell to the ground, the gravel splashed, and the devastated ground was smashed into a deep hole again.

"It's so dangerous, I almost got bitten through."

Turning his head, looking at the stone that was bitten under the sharp mouth of the dinosaur three or two times, the clone [Uncle Long] patted his chest with a happy expression on his face.

However, before he could rejoice for a long time, the next second found that the dinosaur biting a gravel was in his mouth, shook his head, and turned his empty eye sockets to the avatar [Uncle Long] in front of him again.


Facing the empty dinosaur skeleton in front of him, even if the expression could not be seen from the bone frame without the slightest flesh and blood, the clone still sensed a bit of the joking meaning of the ancient predator from the empty eye sockets.

Although the dinosaur skeleton in front of me was resurrected through the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] brought into the museum by the clone [Uncle Long], it is clear that the situation in front of me is just like the movie "Wonderful Night at the Museum". In the same way, the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] only acts as a power to give life to objects, but it does not have the ability to control these resurrected exhibits.

Of course, if Li Ran is willing, it is not completely without means.

The power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] comes from the magic power of the pharaoh, and Li Ran has a mummified high priest who controls the powerful magic power. Using the power of the Black Book of Undead in Immorton's hands, Li Ran can completely control the resurrection power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection].

In fact, the [Golden Resurrection Monument] in the museum at this moment was strengthened by Li Ran using Immorton's magic. Through the mysterious power of the Black Book of the Undead, he successfully removed the weakness of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] that could not revive items during the day, making the [Golden Monument]'s resurrection ability at this time more powerful than in the movie. Of course, it also changed. more difficult.

This difficulty is not only for others who are resurrected under the power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection], but also for the avatar [Uncle Long] who participates in it.

With a helpless expression on his face, he looked at the huge dinosaur head in front of him.

The clone [Uncle Long] then turned around and started his own desperate escape again.

"Unlucky, unlucky! Why is it me!"

"Aaron, hurry up and pretend to be dead. Jurassic Park said that if you encounter a dinosaur, you can escape by pretending to be dead."

"Dad, that's just a movie, not to mention, Dad, are you sure that this set is also useful for resurrected dinosaur skeletons."

"How do I know, Dad has never met a dinosaur before."


Here, the clone [Uncle Long] listened to his father's indifferent advice, and hurriedly avoided the hunting of the dinosaur skeleton behind him.

On the other side, the expression under the little spider's mask also looked extremely stunned.

"Captain, how could it be you?"

He didn't expect that the one who suddenly attacked him would be Captain America.

"Or, did you accidentally attack the wrong one just now?"

Although, with Captain America's combat experience, it's hard to imagine that he hit the wrong target. However, compared to the other party's deliberate attack on himself, the little spider is more willing to believe that all this is from Captain America's mistakes.

He raised his hand to catch the revolving shield, and "Captain America", who was wearing the classic combat equipment of World War II, pinned the shield to his back. He looked at the little spider dressed in red and blue tights in front of him, and then frowned. The voice replied: "No, I did not attack the wrong person. The reason why I attacked you is that you attacked my comrade-in-arms"


Hearing Captain America's answer, Little Spider couldn't help showing a puzzled expression on his face under the mask. Following the captain's gaze, he looked at the skeleton chasing the clone [Uncle Long] around him, and Peter asked tentatively. : "Could it be that the comrade in your mouth, Captain, is the dinosaur that attacks people everywhere."

"Of course, although we are not in the same exhibition hall, as partners in the same museum, we are naturally comrades-in-arms."

"Exhibition hall? Partner?"

The resurrected dinosaur skeleton, and then linked to the answer in the mouth of the "Captain America" ​​in front of him, the little spider obviously noticed some problems.

Looking up at the "Captain America" ​​dress in front of him, the little spider soon noticed something strange about the captain.

Although the appearance is not much different from the Captain America who has fought side by side with him, the skin of the "Captain America" ​​in front of him is obviously a little whiter, and this whiteness is different from the whiteness in the normal sense. There is a certain degree of difference, obviously revealing an abnormal luster. If you have to say something like it, it is similar to those wax figures or models that Little Spider once saw in the wax museum.

"Wait a minute, model!"

A flash of light flashed in his mind instantly, and Peter under the mask couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He remembered that there seemed to be an exhibition of a model of Captain America in the museum, which he had seen in the glass window when he visited before.

"Could it be that the 'Captain America' in front of me is also a resurrected exhibit in the museum."

If someone told Peter that the exhibits in the museum had come back to life, he would not have believed it. However, looking at the dinosaur skeletons running around behind him, since even the dinosaur skeletons in the museum have been resurrected, it does not seem that it is difficult for the model of "Captain America" ​​to move.

"Is it the power of the spell again?"

Thinking of the situation that I had encountered before under the power of the [Tiger Talisman].

The little spider took a deep breath and looked at the "Captain America" ​​model in front of him.

Even if it is already clear that it is not the real Captain America, but a "Captain America" ​​model that has been given life under the power of a spell.

However, looking at this model whose every move is exactly the same as the Captain America in his impression, the little spider still feels a little trance. After hesitating for a while, the little spider decided to talk to the "Captain America" ​​opposite. After all, compared to the dinosaur skeleton chasing Mr. Long behind him, although the "Captain America" ​​in front of him is a model, at least he can speak. able to communicate.

"That, the specific situation, I think you should know better than me, captain. If the current situation continues to develop, it will obviously become a big trouble, so I hope you can help captain, or find the What you have resurrected can restore peace to the museum."

"Restore calm?"

Although Little Spider is trying to persuade, it is clear that there is a natural opposition between him and the position of the "Captain America" ​​in front of him.

"You mean to let me go back to the glass window again, to the lifeless exhibit before?"

Even though it is not much different from Captain America in appearance, in essence, the "Captain America" ​​in front of him is still an exhibit that was resurrected under the power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection]. After finally having life, it is naturally unwilling to just go back to the past without feeling.

"I already told you, Steve..."

As the voice of "Captain America" ​​in the museum fell, a hoarse and sharp voice came from the museum.

"How could these human beings know how we feel? In their eyes, we are just a group of decorations that are arbitrarily manipulated. The meaning of existence is to let them cherish the so-called past, whether it is a hero like you or me. Criminals, there is not much difference for them, so instead of waiting for these people to take our lives, it is better to start first and kill them directly, so that we can act like real human beings.”

Immediately afterwards, a figure with a red, hideous skull head came out of the museum.

"Red Skull!"

Seeing a figure walking out of the museum again, Peter's expression became solemn.

"Red Skull", like "Captain America", is a model of the World War II memorial exhibition area in the museum.

Although they are all models, obviously, the attitude of "Red Skull" is more extreme than that of "Captain America", just like his character image.

"You know, Red Skull, I won't agree with you."

Facing "Red Skull"'s proposal, "Captain America" ​​frowned and shook his head to refuse without hesitation.

Even if it is a model in the same exhibition area, the relationship between "Captain America" ​​and "Red Skull" is still not good, and he can't accept the evil concept of "Red Skull".

"You're still such a "Captain America", even if it's a model, you're just as weak. Don't you just want to watch these humans take away our hope?"

"I'll stop them in my own way."

Reaching out and taking off the shield from behind, "Captain America" ​​protected it in front of him, and said firmly: "Not just for me, but also for everyone in the museum."


The corners of his mouth twitched, and the "Captain America" ​​looked solemn in front of Little Spider's eyes.

Listening to the conversation between the other party and "Red Skull" always gave him the illusion that he seemed to be the villain.

"Just, everyone at the museum?"

Everyone in the mouth of "Captain America" ​​made Little Spider subconsciously have some bad premonitions in his heart.

In the next instant, the spider sense in his body suddenly reacted.

Following the spider-sensing reminder, the spider subconsciously pressed the button of the spider silk launcher in the palm of his hand to eject the spider silk.

"Attack! Go!"

"For freedom, life!"

"The museum depends on us!"

Immediately afterwards, all kinds of artillery fire and the sound of charging appeared at the position where the spider was standing before.

"This is?"

Grabbing the spider silk in one hand, Peter turned his head to look at the position where the artillery fire had been violently attacked, with obvious doubts on his face under the mask.

"Soldier model?"

That's right, what I just shouted was earth-shattering, and the battle was fierce. It was a group of miniature World War II soldiers. These models are usually placed in the miniature scenes of the museum to restore the war scenes of World War II, but at this moment they are also resurrected under the power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection], and they are trying to prevent the little spiders from resurrecting. a violent attack.

"Attention, soldier, the enemy has moved."

After a fierce attack, looking at the empty ground, these World War II model soldiers who launched the attack reacted immediately. They looked up and saw the little spider holding the spider silk in the air, and then one of the captain-like models shouted. : "Flying troops attack."


After receiving the instruction, the soldier driving the miniature airplane immediately started his fighter jet and flew towards the location of the little spider with a buzzing sound.

The ability of [Resurrection Golden Monument] is quite wonderful. It not only gives items the ability to resurrect from the dead, but also enables some weapon models to have some of the power of the prototype.

"The target has been locked, attack!"

Several fighter jets taking off locked on the little spider in mid-air, and then pressed the weapon button without hesitation.

clap clap clap-

With the rapid firing sound, the ignition tongue started to shoot towards the little spider.


Although it is the common wish of all children to have a realistic model toy like the one in front of them when they are young, it is obvious that the scene in front of them has obviously exceeded the scope of the children's expectations. In the face of these fighter jets that launched a fierce attack, Peter's expression changed under the mask, and then he quickly ejected spider silk and began to avoid the fighter jet's attack.

With a dexterity that is far beyond ordinary people, the little spider puts on a variety of gymnastic movements in mid-air to avoid these flying bullet Looking at the "giant" figure who is constantly evading the attack of fighter jets , There was a commotion among these model soldiers, but they were quickly suppressed by the captain-like model. Picking up the miniature telescope in his hand, he glanced at the little spider who nimbly avoided the bullet attack in midair.

The captain of the soldier model was silent for a while, and then ordered: "The enemy is more difficult than imagined, bring me the big guy."

"As ordered!"

"Hey, hey!"

A salute to the model captain, these miniature soldiers immediately ran towards the museum, and a few minutes later, under the heavy vibration, an anti-aircraft gun tank slowly drove out, followed by the dinosaurs. The big hole that was knocked out opened the museum.

This tank is not a model like a small fighter jet, but a real tank.

This anti-aircraft gun tank was originally a knockout item given to the museum by the US military, but under the influence of the wonderful magical power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection], it once again has combat effectiveness.

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