Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 350: useless police

As an ordinary police officer in New York City.

They feel that it is too difficult for them not only to face the most vicious criminals.

At the same time, it is also necessary to beware of the ever-increasing number of extraordinary events.

Especially since this period of time, the Ghost Riders who frequently appeared on the streets of New York brought great trouble to their police.

Because the criminals who have been judged by the Ghost Rider [Eye of Judgment] will be punished differently according to the degree of their crimes. Those with serious crimes will be directly judged to death, and their souls will go to hell, even if they are criminals with lesser crimes. It will also be mentally disturbed because of the trauma of the soul.

It is precisely because of such cruel trial practices of Ghost Rider that the entire New York police force has fallen into a devastated situation.

Although, theoretically speaking, the guys who were killed by the Ghost Rider [Eye of Judgment] were all criminals with bad track records.

However, the media, who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, can ignore this. They have seized the sympathy of some unknown citizens and the flood of white leftists, and desperately exaggerated the danger of Ghost Rider, in order to criticize the incompetence of the New York police. It even triggered a small-scale parade in New York City, forcing the mayor to go out, guaranteeing that the Ghost Rider who caused the panic would be brought to justice and brought to justice.

The big man above just moved his mouth, and the ordinary policemen below them ran away and broke their legs.

In order to fulfill the order guaranteed by the mayor, they have frequently called out the police during this period of time to arrest the Ghost Rider who disturbed the city.

However, it is obvious that it is impossible for them to catch up with the ghost-faced Harley strengthened by hellfire with the ordinary police cars they are driving.

The problems brought about by Ghost Rider are enough to give the police a headache.

However, they didn't expect that they would encounter trouble in the museum that would give them a headache no less than Ghost Rider.

In the museum, the resurrected exhibits clearly tell the New York police who have suffered from extraordinary events since the New York War.

What happened in front of me was also a case related to extraordinary events.

"Ghost Rider!"

Turning their eyes, some of the police quickly noticed the Ghost Rider who was also in the museum.

The appearance of this burning skeleton made these New York police officers who dared to come to the imagination: "Is it all related to Ghost Rider?"

"At this time, under normal circumstances, shouldn't the police be the last to arrive?"

Looking at the police officers who rushed into the museum, Tony's face not only did not show the slightest joy, but subconsciously frowned.

Even if they were equipped with fairly sophisticated weapons, Tony didn't think that these police officers could play any role in the current situation. That said, it's not that the superhero looks down on the New York City police, but that previous battles outside the museum with resurrected dinosaur skeletons have amply demonstrated that these resurrected exhibits are not as fragile as they appear.

Even the shock cannon in his hand can hardly cause too much damage to the resurrected dinosaur skeleton, not to mention the bullets in the hands of the police.

"Hey guys, do you know me?"

Although, knowing that this group of police officers can play a very small role, considering the problems encountered by his group in the museum at the moment, Tony decided to use the strength of the New York police.

Hearing Tony's shout, the police officers holding their pistols looked at each other silently, and then the old police officer who seemed to be on duty with a lot of tasks said, "Of course, Mr. Stark."

As a member of the Avengers, and a few superheroes who take the initiative to reveal their identities.

Whether in the eyes of New York citizens or the police, Tony is a very familiar existence.

"I don't think I need to say more about the situation in the museum. You have seen it. In fact, we have successfully grabbed the things that caused the riots in the museum. Next, we only need to delay for a while. The source of the problem has been addressed, so I need your strength to help us stop all the resurrected exhibits in the museum."

After listening to Tony's description, he turned to look at the various resurrection exhibits in the museum.

The police officers looked at each other silently, then nodded: "No problem, Mr. Stark."

"very good."

The police are willing to cooperate, which is naturally the best result. Tony nodded when he heard the words, glanced at the Ghost Rider on the other side, and immediately reminded: "By the way, although I don't know what happened, at least, Inside the museum, that burning..."

"Mr. Stark, you mean Ghost Rider."

"That's right, that Ghost Rider is from our side."

Hearing Tony's reminder, the police looked at each other for a few seconds. After hesitating for a few seconds, they finally chose to believe Tony's words and moved their guns away from Ghost Rider.

"You think, Tony, these police officers alone can stop us?"

With white light flashing in his eyes, Mark43 swept over the policeman who appeared in the museum, and a disdainful tone came from his helmet.

Obviously, in Mark43's view, these police officers have nothing to be vigilant about at all.

"Two Iron Man?!"

Looking at Mark43 suspended in mid-air, he turned to look at Tony who was not far away, and the police officers showed obvious doubts on their faces.

"Like the exhibits in the museum, my battle uniform is also..."

Facing the gazes from the police, Tony pouted, but still opened his mouth to explain.

"No, there is only one Iron Man here, and that's me."

Facing the police's exclamations, Mark43 turned his golden face and answered from inside his helmet.


In the next instant, from the chest of the steel suit, a light-gold beam cannon shot out.

"Be careful!"

Facing the shock cannon fired by Mark43, the clone [Uncle Long] waved the [Magic Flute] in his hand and chanted the spell, and then the magic shield composed of the power of Barabara magic appeared in front of the police, worried about the fatal a blow.

"Hu~ Thank you..."

The huge power generated by the cluster gun almost broke through the magic shield created by the clone [Uncle Long]. Looking at the magic shield full of cracks in front of them, the policemen breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, and patted their chests in shock. , turned his head and was about to express his gratitude to the clone who made the protection.

However, the moment they met the "Magic Girl" version of [Uncle Long], they collectively lost the courage to speak.

"Is this also caused by the ability to revive the exhibits in the museum, what an evil ability."

"Demon, this is simply a terrifying ability only possessed by demons living in hell, to actually turn people into such a shape."

Ghost Rider:"……"

"Don't worry, this gentleman, we will definitely save you from this evil curse."

"In fact..."

Looking at the indignant police officers, Tony opened his mouth, but finally gave up the idea of ​​explaining: "Forget it, do whatever you think."


"I'm here, sir."

"After the problem of the museum is resolved, immediately book a travel ticket for me. I need a tour to cleanse my heart."

"No problem, sir."

He inadvertently glanced over the [Uncle Long] dressed as a magical girl. Tony believed that in addition to the so-called magical ability, the containment item in the hands of the containment expert also concealed a more powerful ability, which was to let everyone see him. Those who transform into the result will fall into a short-lived mental shock.

"Stark, sir, I'm almost out of it."

Here, the attention of Tony and the others was attracted by the police officers who appeared in the museum.

On the other hand, Peter the little spider's situation is not optimistic.

Although the appearance of the police attracted the attention of some of the exhibits, most of the exhibits still aimed at Peter.

The siege formed by the iron bird flock greatly restricted the action of the superhero. Under their screams and flying, Peter's every spider silk launch became extremely difficult, and the rushing reappeared. The dinosaur skeleton put the little spider in a dilemma.

Dodging from an iron bird rushing over, Peter looked down at the battle uniform on his chest that was cut by the iron bird's wings, and blood seeped from the wound on his body. However, the little spider didn't have time to take a closer look, and the next moment the resurrected dinosaur skeleton grew and his sharp teeth bit him viciously.

In mid-air, Peter curled up and brushed the sharp and huge teeth of the dinosaur in a very thrilling way.

Not only that, Peter also changed his posture through this moment, and in a situation that no one expected, he followed the slender spine of the dinosaur skeleton and drilled into the empty breastplate of the other party.

Feeling the little bug hid in his body, the dinosaur immediately began to shake his body a lot, trying to throw this uninvited guy out of his body.

For this, Peter was obviously prepared, while panting for breath, the other hand firmly grasped a huge dinosaur skeleton beside him.

The powerful adsorption ability makes it impossible to throw the little spider in his body no matter how much the dinosaur skeleton shakes.

At the same time, Peter also issued an emergency signal to Tony on the other side.

Hiding inside the dinosaur's body certainly gave the little spider some time to breathe, but at the same time, it was also a cocoon.

In particular, after seeing the little spider hiding in the dinosaur's body, many exhibits immediately followed the dinosaur's claws and began to climb upwards towards the position where he was hiding.

And around the dinosaurs, the flock of iron birds circling and screaming also cut off Peter's last retreat.

"Hold on, child."

Hearing Peter's cry for help, Tony turned his head to see the emergency situation Little Spider was in, and the expression on his face changed immediately.

"Jarvis, get all the armors except the head in the museum."

"However, sir, we can't guarantee whether the power of the spell will affect the battle suit without the head. If it can still affect it, then you will fall into the same crisis as before with the battle suit."

"It's too much to think about, Jarvis, right now."

The concern that Jarvis raised is also the one that Tony has been worrying about since just now.

It was precisely because he could not figure out the scope of the revival power of the spell that he had to rely on the scattered armor parts on his body to fight with Mark43.

However, the little spider's situation made him have to take this risk.

"Okay, sir."

Following Tony's re-confirmed order, Jarvis did not persuade him to say anything.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that some of the armor floating outside the museum sprayed flames, and fell accurately on Tony's body, rapidly deformed and assembled into a complete battle suit except for the head.

"Sure enough, it's still a full set of battle uniforms."

Turning his body and feeling the familiar feeling brought by the wrapping of the battle suit, Tony raised his eyebrows.

The next second, driven by the flames sprayed from the palms and soles of the battle suit, he quickly charged towards the little spider hiding in the dinosaur skeleton.

"Hold on, child, I'm here!"

"Don't think about it, Tony!"

In the museum, looking at Tony who was wearing the battle suit again, Mark43's eyes flashed white light, and driven by the flames behind him, he suddenly accelerated towards Tony's direction.

"Father, hurry up!"

Waving the [Magic Flute] in his hand, he transformed a magic rope into the claws of the dinosaur skeleton, and the clone [Uncle Long] shouted to the old man who was reciting a word not far away while pulling the magic rope.

"The time limit for the transformation of the containment object is coming soon."

Not only is it time to transform, but the situation in the museum is also time to come to an end.

"Right now, Aaron, Daddy's magic will be healed soon."

The dry gecko dancing in his hands danced a dance of unknown meaning, and the father replied in cooperation.

"We're here to help too!"

Glancing at the huge dinosaur skeleton in the museum, the police immediately picked up the firearms in their hands and began to do the only blocking task they could do.


The firelight rang out incessantly along with the sound of shooting. However, as Tony had expected before, the exhibits that were resurrected under the power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] did not rely on the police's hands. Bullets will fix it.

Dangerous flames flickered in the empty eye sockets. Looking at the avatar [Uncle Long] who was controlling [Magic Flute] with all his strength, the Evil Knight also waved the chain in his hand and turned it into a huge flame chain. And it came out on the other claw of the dinosaur skeleton.

In the next instant, the flames of **** wrapped around the chain erupted suddenly, the scorching flames and the powerful power of the Ghost Rider coming from the other end of the chain.


The sudden attack of the Ghost Rider made the huge body of the dinosaur that was swinging its body unable to react for a while, and the claws let out a scream accompanied by a huge crashing sound, and fell down with a bang.


The fall of the dinosaur skeleton was not only beyond the expectations of the resurrection exhibit, but also not within the expectations of the spiders inside the dinosaur skeleton.

The sudden impact made one of Peter's palms, who was struggling to support it, loosen, and the charm originally held tightly in the palm flew out immediately.


"Oops, spell!"

Looking at the spell that flew out of the spider's hand, the clone made a worried look on its mouth.

The other hand had already landed on the [Golden Resurrection Monument] on his body.

Along with the faint golden light flashing on the stone tablet, an iron bird hovering over the dinosaur skeleton waved its metal wings. Unexpectedly by everyone in the museum, it suddenly rushed forward, grabbed the spell, and fluttered. Flying out of the museum with sharp wings.



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