Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 374: threaten

The latest website: "Sir, sorry, Mark43 hacked the system in the office before..."

Going online again, Jarvis said apologetically to Tony in Mark47.

As an artificial intelligence, it is naturally impossible to really have feelings like sorry. The reason why it behaves like this is simply that Tony specially entered a similar simulated emotional function when he designed it.

"Tell me about the situation in the building."

In the face of Jarvis' apology, Tony frowned, and then asked about the situation in his new energy office.

"Okay, sir."

Facing Tony's order, the screen on Mark47's transparent helmet flickered for a while, immediately showing Mark43's situation in the office.

Presented in the video screen is a large number of revived Mark series armors in the new energy office, as well as Daddy and Hill agents surrounded by layers.

However, before Tony could see the situation further, Mark43 in the office noticed Jarvis's move, turned his head to look in the direction of the camera and raised his palm, and the next moment a blue shock cannon destroyed it directly. The set-up shot is activated.

"Looks like it's worse than I thought."

Although Mark43 simply and neatly destroyed the camera, Tony still had a general idea of ​​what was going on in the building through Jarvis's momentary footage.

"Sir, let me remind you that Ms. Pepper has reached beyond Stark Industries."

The house was leaking every night, and just as Tony was having a headache over the bad development in the new energy building, Jarvis opened his mouth again and told him even worse news.

"Why did she suddenly go to Stark Industries again, she didn't say she would be back in a few days..."

In Mark47, Tony's expression changed, obviously showing a nervous look and opening his mouth to let Jarvis contact Pepper.

Suddenly, I felt a red figure flash past in front of my eyes.


"A Bao."

Stark Industries, in front of the New Energy Building, Pepper looked at the iconic refitted dining car parked not far from the building and Po with a round face, and then waved his hand with a smile.

"Ms Pepper, hello."

A Bao, who was doing nothing in front of the food truck, heard Pepper's greeting with a surprised expression on his face. He turned his head and said a few words to [Xie Lu] in the food truck, and then carried a cage of burning Mai Mai greeted him with his short legs.

"I haven't seen you come to Stark Industries for a long time. I almost thought that Mr. Stark was going to break up with you." Holding the Shaomai in his hand, Po ran to Pepper and took a breath. Immediately began to arrange Tony: "You don't know, Ms. Pepper, during your absence, Mr. Stark's office has been crowded with people, especially when there was a special one not long ago. Pretty red-haired woman."

Hearing Po's mention of red hair, Pepper knew he was talking about Natasha.

Seeing that there was a whole new story in front of him describing the Avengers members together, and focusing on the communication between Tony and Natasha, Pepper helplessly reached out and pinched Po's increasingly chubby little face, and couldn't help but say: "A Bao, I also know the red-haired woman you mentioned. In fact, she and I are also quite good friends." After speaking, Pepper looked down at A Bao with a dissatisfied expression, and couldn't help but keep his heart Strange questions were asked: "Also, Bao, can you tell me why I have always been hostile to Tony?"

After this period of observation, Pepper also understood a little bit about the relationship between Po and Tony, although he was a little speechless about Tony being so old and fussing with a child. However, in his heart, he was also somewhat curious about why Abao kept not dealing with Tony.


Facing Pepper's question, A Bao pouted his lips with a puffed expression on his face.

Then, in the center of Pepper's curious gaze, he reluctantly replied, "Because he doesn't respect cooking."

"Tony doesn't respect cooking?"

Hearing Po's answer, a look of surprise appeared on Pepper's face.

She hadn't thought at all that the problem was in this aspect.

Regarding Tony Zun's disrespect for cooking, to be honest, Pepper is really not easy to judge.

On the surface, as a former **** and asshole, the whole of New York City knows that Tony is notoriously troublesome, and even becoming Iron Man only makes him restrain his behavior a little bit and can't completely change his behavior. style of.

However, when it comes to cooking, Tony is not as picky as he imagined, at least as his former personal assistant Pepper.

Although as a billionaire, Tony's taste is surprisingly simple compared to someone who eats high-end cuisine in a five-star restaurant every day. Cheeseburger has always been his favorite. However, after tasting [Xie Lu]'s dim sum dishes, his favorite has changed from hamburgers to today's golden ratio shaomai.

"Forget it, let's not talk about my problem with Mr. Stark."

Looking at Pepper, who was obviously contemplative, A Bao immediately changed the subject and handed the siu Mai in his hand forward: "Ms. Pepper, this is the siu Mai that Master [Jie Lu] just made, hurry up while it's hot. Taste it, and the siomai won't taste good when it cools down."

"Thank you, Bao."

Feeling the aroma of burnt wheat coming from the tip of her nose, Pepper subconsciously swallowed. She looked down at the uniquely shaped dessert in Po's hand, and then smiled and thanked.

Unlike Tony who didn't deal with Po, Pepper liked this cute child very much, not only because of his tragic past, but also because the other party's chubby little face looked very cute.

Subconsciously, he reached out and squeezed Abao's little face lightly. Pepper opened his mouth and was about to say something.


A huge rumbling sound suddenly sounded from the Stark Building, and then a red and white steel battle suit fell to a position not far in front of the two of them.


Looking at the steel battle suit falling in front of him, Pepper subconsciously shouted.


"What about the spell?"

It has to be said that when the speed reaches the limit of a point, the originally strong gravitational force no longer seems to be a problem.

In theory, Barry Allen, who has the ability of "Sparkling Fruit", can completely move on the Statue of Liberty by incarnating as a light in a more rapid way. However, considering the identity of Barry Allen, for example, he chose to let the clone run up to the Statue of Liberty in a way that was more in line with his abilities.

Although, in terms of force, rapid running and elemental movement are completely two levels.

However, the process of running all the way to the Statue of Liberty along Liberty Island is somewhat interesting.

This kind of power to run free from gravity is not something that ordinary people can have.

On top of the Statue of Liberty, Barry Allen naturally knew that the 'Red Skull' had long since gone to Stark Industries at the request of Mark43, but on the surface, he still needed to make an appearance of ignorance and spoke to him. Tony asked.

"Sir, the other party also has..."

The rapid appearance of Barry Allen certainly surprised Tony, but soon he saw the conspicuous spell under his red hood under the reminder and lock of Mark47 Nejarvis.

"Tony, be careful, the [Holy Master] has arranged for a person who uses the [Rabbit Charm] speed magic power to **** the [Rat Charm], and now that person is really heading to the Statue of Liberty."

At the same time, Captain America Steve's voice rang out.

"Captain, in fact, your reminder is a little late, because the capable guy you mentioned is now in front of me."

Raising his eyebrows, Tony replied to Steve on the other side of the contact, while staring at Barry Allen in front of him: "So, you are the guy who uses the power of the [Rabbit Charm]."

"Looks like you already know my information."

Above the Statue of Liberty, in the face of Tony's vigilant expression, Barry Allen grinned, but the expression on his face didn't care at all: "But it doesn't matter, even if you know the power of the [Rabbit Charm], for me I don't have the slightest impression, because as long as I cast the power of the spell, you can't react at all, just like your companions and the so-called Spider-Man before."

"Spider-Man, what did you do to that kid?"

Hearing Barry Allen mentioning the little spider, Tony immediately reacted. The task that Steve arranged for Peter was obviously on the side of the Statue of Liberty, but he hadn't seen him for a while.

"Want to know, tell me where the spell is?"

Noticing the concern in Tony's tone, Barry Allen's grinning mouth became more obvious, and he made a threat directly: "Otherwise, I can't guarantee the safety of Spider-Man."


Facing Barry Allen's threat, Tony subconsciously clenched his fist in Mark47, although at this moment he could not wait to bombard Barry Allen in front of him. However, thinking of Peter's situation, he still tried his best to restrain his anger, and said coldly: "You are late, the spell is no longer on the Statue of Liberty."

"Then tell me where the spell is. From your appearance, you seem to know where the spell is."

"Stark Industries, 'Red Skull' is holding a spell and is at Stark Industries."

"You made the right choice."

Hearing the location told by Tony, Barry Allen nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "There is nothing wrong with Spider-Man, he just passed out, and I believe it will not be long before he wakes up again, of course, provided that , the battle between the resurrected Statue of Liberty and another big guy in front of him didn't step on his words."

"What, **** it!"

Hearing Barry Allen's previous sentence, Tony's face just showed a little relieved look, but the next sentence immediately made him nervous.

Glancing at Barry Allen in front of him, without much hesitation, Tony immediately controlled the Mark47 on his body toward the Statue of Liberty, where Peter might exist.


In front of the Stark Industries building, Pepper saw the fallen steel suit and was about to step forward to check the situation.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do it."

At this moment, a steel rod as thick as the mouth of a bowl stood in front of her.

"[Jie Lu] Master!"

At the same time, Po, who was standing beside Pepper, immediately exclaimed.

Hearing Po's cry, Pepper noticed that the figure holding a steel rod to block him was the [Xie Lu] who was making dim sum dishes in the fast food truck.

"It's just, isn't Master [Jie Lu] a chef, why?"

Although he could clearly see the appearance of the figure, the surprised expression on Pepper's face was still very obvious when he faced the [Xie Lu] that was thicker than his own arm with one hand.

Before Pepper's inner question could be asked, he saw the steel battle suit that had fallen on the ground in front of him twisting his body and stood up straight, the helmet part flashed white light, and the helmet of the steel battle suit swept away. After passing the people in front of him, he quickly locked Pepper in front of him.

"Pepper Potts."

A cold voice sounded in the steel suit: "If we can catch you, it will definitely be a great help for our next fight against Tony."

"You're not Tony, who are you?"

Hearing the voice from inside the steel suit, Pepper, who was standing behind [Xie Lu], immediately changed his face and asked.

From the description of the steel suit, Pepper easily knew that the steel suit in front of him was not Tony. It's just that since it's not Tony, Pepper can't understand how the other party bypassed the permissions set by Tony on the steel suit and put on his steel suit.

This period of time has not been in New York and under the circumstances that Tony deliberately concealed, Pepper did not know the earth-shaking situation in New York.

"I'm not Tony Stark, but we're all Iron Man."

The steel suit controlled his The blue light flickering on his chest slowly lifted into the air, staring at Pepper in front of him and replied, and then under the impetus of the flames behind the jet, he turned into As a big red and white afterimage, he hurried towards Pepper on the opposite side.


Out of confidence in the power of the many weapons on his steel body, this resurrected steel battle suit did not take A Bao and [Xie Lu] next to Pepper in his eyes.

Facing the rapidly approaching steel suit, a strange look flashed in [Xie Lu]'s eyes.

Then, without hesitation, he stepped in front of Pepper and Po, and waved the thick steel rod in his hand and swung it fiercely in the direction of the steel armor.

Accompanied by a heavy crashing sound, the rapidly flying steel battle suit and the steel rod in [Xie Lu]'s hand made a loud collision sound, and in the next second, the battle suit was like a cannonball again moving in the direction of the flying. flew back.

Some people appear to be pastry chefs, but they are actually martial arts masters.

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