Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 379: Lord's game

"[Holy Master]?!"

As Barry Allen's voice fell, Steve subconsciously stopped his footsteps, and put the shield in his hand in front of him with an expression like an enemy.

Of course, it's not just Captain America who is nervous.

Seeing the blurry figure appearing at the end of the street, the rest of the Avengers were also shocked, and the pace under their feet suddenly slowed down.


Suddenly, in the entire Avengers, only the angry Hulk was left, and he still did not stop his progress and continued to jump in the direction of Barry Allen.

"Hulk, stop!"

Looking at the Hulk jumping into the air, Steve hurriedly shouted.

For the [Holy Master], Steve has always been quite vigilant, not only did Dad or the Foundation containment expert [Uncle Long] describe this evil demon, but also actively or passively fought several times in a row. , the powerful power displayed by the spell of the [Holy Lord].

He couldn't guarantee whether the [Holy Master] was holding other spells that were more powerful than the [Rabbit Charm] at this moment.


Controlling his huge body to fall heavily on the ground, smashing a deep pothole, Hulk turned his head to look at Steve behind him, opened his mouth and shouted: "Hulk, don't be afraid of [Holy Lord]!"

"I know, but we need your protection Hulk."

After getting along many times, Steve had obviously figured out a way to appease Hulk. Looking at the angry Hulk, Steve said softly.

"Hulk, protect!"

Hearing Steve's words, the angry expression on Hulk's big green face suddenly decreased a bit. He glanced at the sincere Captain America in front of him with dark green eyes, and turned his head towards the blurred [Holy Lord]. The figure roared loudly, but his footsteps had already stepped back towards Steve's position, protecting the Avengers behind him.

"When did the captain and the big guy have such a good relationship?"

Raising his eyebrows and looking away from the [Holy Master], Tony couldn't help asking Natasha who was beside him when he saw Hulk's cooperative response.

"Not long ago."

Witnessing the whole process of Steve comforting the Hulk, Natasha couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth in the face of Tony's question.

Here, Steve managed to appease the furious Hulk, and did not let it rush in front of the [Holy Master] rashly.

On the other hand, Barry Allen also seized the moment when the Avengers hesitated, took out the [Rat Charm] on his body and shouted loudly.

"Master [Holy Master], I have already obtained the [Rat Charm]."

"You did a great job."

With an indifferent voice, the [Holy Lord] in front of Barry Allen finally showed his true appearance.

A medium stature, ordinary looking white man with a big beer belly.

"This is the [Holy Lord]?"

Looking at the man who appeared in front of her, Natasha couldn't help raising her eyebrows, hiding the stunned expression on her face, turned her head and asked the avatar [Uncle Long] beside her.

The Foundation's containment specialist described the [Holy Lord] as an evil, terrifying demon with the power to destroy the world. However, this unremarkable guy in front of her had absolutely no resemblance to the demon she had envisioned.

"Don't forget the [Sheep Talisman], this guy in front of me is not the real body of [Holy Lord], but just a container that is possessed by his soul out of the body."

Noticing Natasha's puzzled expression, Dad immediately opened his mouth to remind him.


After chewing the father's description in her mouth several times, Natasha's originally puzzled expression suddenly froze, and she no longer dared to have the slightest contempt.

"There is one more thing I want to remind you, the power of the [Sheep Charm] out of the body may not be strong for ordinary people, but it does not mean that it is the same for the [Holy Master], the [Holy Master] is an evil devil. , even if it is just the soul, it is not something that ordinary people can overcome. It is precisely by virtue of his own evil and powerful soul power that the [Holy Lord] can easily possess anyone. Since the [Holy Lord] can possess other people Human body also means that it can also be possessed on your body, so you must be careful not to be touched by the [Holy Lord].”

"What if it's touched, Dad?"

Following Dad's reminder, the avatar [Uncle Long] on the side immediately asked.

"If you are touched, then the soul of the [Holy Lord] will invade your side and control your body."

"Dad, your reminder seems a little too late."

Hearing his father's answer, the clone [Uncle Long] pointed to a scene not far away and said worriedly.


Following the direction pointed by the clone [Uncle Long], the father saw the [Holy Master] who had reached out and touched Barry Allen and immediately shouted in horror: "Aaron, why didn't you tell the father about the situation earlier? ."

"Dad, isn't your magic still on Barry Allen?"

Seeing that the always calm father also showed a terrified expression, Tony immediately realized the seriousness of the situation.

"Dad's magic is only effective for ordinary people who use the power of spells, and it does not mean that it can still work for the existence of the soul of the [Holy Lord]."

He opened his mouth and replied to Tony, the old man looked at the scene in front of him, and hurriedly urged towards the avatar [Uncle Long] beside him: "Aaron, hurry up and call the people from the foundation over, the situation in front of you is no longer what you can do. Faced with it, if the [Holy Master] takes away the [Rat Charm], the whole situation will be countless times worse than it is now."

"I'll contact the Foundation right away."

Facing the solemn expression of the old man, the clone [Uncle Long] hurriedly moved his head, reached out and took out a strangely shaped device from his pocket as a gesture to make contact.

"Do you think I would let you guys do this easily?"

However, it has not waited for the clone [Uncle Long] to complete the contact.

On the other side, the body of the [Holy Master] who was in contact with Barry Allen instantly fell to the ground as if he had lost his soul. Then Barry Allen, who had lost his speed because of his father's magic, seemed to be no longer affected and recovered. With his high-speed ability, he appeared beside his clone [Uncle Long] in a flash, and he brought the device in his hand with one hand, and said indifferently.

"[Holy Master]!"

Looking at Barry Allen in front of him, Tony's expression was solemn.

From the description of the previous father, he already knew that it was no longer Barry Allen who was using this body at the moment, but the [Holy Lord] possessed on him.

"See you again, Tony."

He smashed the device in his hand into pieces, [Holy Master] turned his head to look at Tony, and twitched the corner of his mouth: "I said, we will meet again."

"How do you feel about the gift I gave you earlier?"

[Holy Lord]'s words brought back some memories of Tony's previous cliff villas.

"Why are you doing this?"

Barely suppressing his inner anger, Tony asked with a cold expression.


In the face of Tony's questioning, Barry Allen, who should not be said to be the [Holy Lord] at this moment, showed a mocking expression on his face.

"Do you know what it's like to be sealed, Tony?"

"I was sealed in stone by those **** immortals, and it took countless years to get out, although it was only a spiritual escape."

"In order to make the years of my seal live a little more interesting, and the process of looking for spells will not be too monotonous, I naturally need to have a little fun, and you, Tony Stark, during the time when I broke free of the seal and wandered in the world Among them, although I have seen a lot of interesting beings, you obviously attract my attention more than them."

"...Iron Man, what a stupid but interesting performance. The moment I announced my identity in the crowd among you, I had a hunch that you might be an important existence for me to break through the seal. Now it seems that my hunch is not there. Error." While saying [Holy Master], he took out the [Rat Charm] in his hand: "You did this, although I sacrificed a lot of charms for this, but it's all worth it, as long as you can get With the power of the [Rat Charm], I will completely break free from the stone statue that sealed me."

The words of the [Holy Lord] made it difficult for Tony to accept.

If, according to what the [Holy Master] said, the other party would have noticed him as early as the moment he admitted Iron Man.

Use him, and finally put the spell in the bag.

"Tony, don't be easily shaken by its few words."

Sensing the shaky look on Tony's face, Steve quickly said, "You didn't do anything for the [Holy Lord], it's all just its plan. And what we need to do is to stop its last purpose achieved.”


At this time, Captain America's awakening undoubtedly played a key role.

Following Steve's reminder, Tony repressed his originally shaky emotions. He took a deep breath and looked at the smiling [Holy Master] in front of him, his originally shaky eyes firmed again: "You said That's right, Captain, no matter what your purpose is or what you use, I will not let this situation continue to develop [Holy Master]."

"Good will?"

He clapped his hands and applauded Tony's performance, and then the expression on the face of the [Holy Master] immediately disappeared, and swept the avengers in front of him: "But, what is the meaning of this? It has the power of the [rabbit spell]. Now, I can leave anytime, anywhere, and the magic you rely on has no effect on me at all."


After saying all this, the [Holy Lord] changed his words and looked at Tony in front of him again: "It would be too boring to leave like this, just as I found something interesting near Stark Industries, I can play with you Tony."

"Stark Industries?"

Facing the words of the [Holy Lord], the expression on Tony's face in Mark47 was originally a little puzzled, but he immediately remembered the front and looked at the [Holy Lord] in front of him.

"Looks like you've figured it out."

"Then, the game officially begins, Tony, I hope your performance doesn't disappoint me too much."

As the voice fell, the [Holy Master] who was standing in front of Tony instantly disappeared.


Seeing the disappearing figure of the [Holy Lord], Tony almost did not hesitate to control the Mark47 on his body and fly back in the direction of Stark Industries.


"Huh, huh~"

Near Stark Industries, Pepper held Po with one hand, using the complex situation of the surrounding buildings to try to avoid the pursuit from behind.

Behind the two of them, a silver-white steel battle suit is using low-altitude flight to constantly make a evasive gesture, while constantly approaching the position of the two, and it will not take long to catch up with the distance. them.

"Ms Pepper."

Turning his head and looking at the steel suit that was flying fast and approaching behind him, Po struggled with his little hand that was tightly grasped by Pepper: "You better give up on me. Carrying me will only affect your escape speed."

"Huh, huh~"

Pulling Po to hide in a narrow passage, facing Po's words, Pepper said while panting, "I have promised Master [Xie Lu], and I will ensure your safety."

"However, Master [Jie Lu] may have already."

Hearing Xiao Chili's words, Bao immediately looked like he was about to cry.

"No, Master [Jie Lu] has not promised you Bao."

He opened his mouth to comfort Abao. In fact, Pepper is also very clear that the appearance of the steel battle suit behind him undoubtedly indicates that the situation of [Xie Lu] is more fortunate and less fortunate. However, considering Po, she had to use white lies as comfort.

"Just hold on, I'm sure Tony will come and save us."

Pepper did not think that Tony, the maker, would not know what happened to the steel suit, so although the current situation was dangerous, she always believed that Tony would come over.

"Target found!"

However, before Tony, whom Pepper trusted, appeared, the silver-white steel suits who had been searching around found Pepper and Po who were hiding in the passage.


Controlling his body to fall from mid-air, the steel suit scanned the two people in front of and then stepped into the passage.

Looking at the steel battle suit that appeared in front of him, the strength that Pepper had been supporting was exhausted in an instant. At the last moment, Little Pepper summoned the only courage to protect A Bao who was beside him behind him, but the expression on his face was full of expression. fear. She didn't know what the purpose of these steel suits was.

Seeing, the steel battle suit is getting closer and closer to the two.


Just at the critical moment, the approaching steel battle suit was slammed into the air by a sudden car, and rolled on the ground several times in a row.

Looking at the steel suit that was knocked away, Pepper's expression was stunned.

"It's alright."

However, in the next second, Pepper saw a familiar face poking out of the car, and instantly understood everything.


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