Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 391: search base

"Nick Fury?"

Looking at the former S.H.I.E.L.D. Director who suddenly appeared in the office, the expressions of the Avengers members were different.


Tony raised his eyebrows, not about Nick Fury, but about his ability to bypass the AI ​​and get into the office.

"Sorry sir..."

Faced with Tony's question, Jarvis immediately said, "I didn't find the director."

"Looks like it's time for your security system to be upgraded, Tony."

Turning his head to say a word to Tony, Nick Fury turned his body to look at the Avengers members in front of him, swept over the excited Agent Hill and finally stopped on Steve: "Long time no see, Captain. "

"So are you, Chief."

Looking at the familiar face of Nick Fury in front of him, Steve's emotions were a bit complicated, but he finally turned it into a welcome.

"In fact, I can no longer be called the director, after all, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been disbanded."

Hearing Captain America's name, Nick Fury raised his eyebrows and corrected the other's name. Then he turned the conversation back to the information about Hydra: "The specific welcome ceremony is brief, I don't like too fancy parties, especially cakes and cookies, as for the location of the Hydra base. , according to my investigation, it has basically been determined that it is located in a remote area in Western Europe."

"It looks like you've done a lot of things during this time, Nick."

The appearance of Nick Fury helped the Avengers reduce the location of the Hydra base at once.

The approximate location of the Hydra was determined from the mouth of the former S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, and Tony immediately joked.

"I originally thought that you would just sit in the office and stare pretendingly."

"Actually, I've done more than this during this time, Mr. Tony Stark."

Glancing at Tony in front of him, as Nick Fury's voice fell, a tall figure with long golden hair and a beard immediately appeared in the office: "Hey, everyone, did you miss me?"



"How long will it take?"

Western Europe, among the bases of Hydra.

Strucker puts the data from Doctor Doom into the hands of Hydra's engineers.

"The data brought back by Dr. Zola is very detailed. Based on these data as a derivation, it may only take about half a month for us to make a machine that generates a cosmic storm in space."

"No, it's too long."

Hearing the mechanical engineer's answer, Strucker frowned, and a look of dissatisfaction flashed through the one-sided round glasses: "I need to see results within a week."

"But, Mr. Strucker, we need time to explore..."

Facing Strucker's order, the engineer couldn't help but explain.

"Listen, soldier."

Without hesitation, he interrupted the engineer's defense. Strucker looked at the engineer in front of him and said blankly, "I handed things to you, not to listen to your explanation, I need what I need. Only as a result, if you can't meet my requirements, then I can only regret to replace a new engineer to carry out my orders, so next, tell me, soldier, can you fulfill my orders."


Looking up and meeting Strucker's cold gaze, the engineer was silent for a while, and finally nodded and replied, "It can be done, sir."

"very good."

Getting the answer he needed from the engineer, Strucker nodded with satisfaction and raised his arm on his chest: "Hydra, long live."

"Hydra, long live!"


"How's the meteorite research going?"

After completing the daily brainwashing of the Hydra members, Strucker looked at the engineer who carried out the orders according to his own requirements, and then turned to another part of the base.

"It's still the same as before."

In the laboratory, Dr. Doom heard Strucker's question, shook his head, glanced at the meteorite in the center surrounded by many Hydra researchers, suppressed his innermost thoughts, and replied coldly.

"The instrument can scan that the meteorite contains quite strange forces, which can have a certain degree of influence on biological cells, but the magnitude of the impact requires more detailed research and analysis. However, judging from the meteorite's situation in New York , the Fantastic Four seem to have studied meteorites fairly well."

"A cellular-level effect?"

Hearing Doctor Doom's description, Strucker's first thought was space cosmic storms.

He turned his head and glanced at the figure who was wrapped in layers and wearing a steel mask. According to Hydra's intelligence, Doctor Doom's mutation was the radiation from the space cosmic storm.

"Can meteorites be used in building machines?"

A thought flashed in his mind, and Strucker put the problem back on the plan again.

"Maybe, maybe not."

In the face of Strucker's inquiry, Doctor Destruction gave an analogous answer, but then said: "But even if the meteorite cannot be used, I have prepared an alternative plan."

Hearing the alternatives in Doctor Doom's mouth, Strucker raised his eyebrows and immediately understood.

"I don't care if the meteorite will work in the end, all I want is the result, doctor."

In the face of Strucker's faintly threatening reply, Doctor Doom's expression under the steel mask did not change, and he still replied calmly.

"I promise, Mr. Strucker, when the machine is built, you will get a group of powerful extraordinary soldiers as you wish."

"hope so."

Hearing Doctor Doom's assurance, Strucker nodded slightly.

Standing in the laboratory, Dr. Doom looked at the back of Strucker's departure, his eyes flickered under the steel mask, then turned his head and swept the meteorite in the laboratory and left it on the scepter on the other side, Then he retracted his gaze, turned and walked towards another part of the Hydra base.

Doctor Doom went all the way down the cold concrete corridor of the base, and finally stopped in front of the metal gate deep in the building.

He raised his head and glanced at the heavy metal gate in front of him, then turned his head and ordered the Hydra soldier standing beside the gate.

"Open the door."

Soldiers were no strangers to Doctor Doom because of Strucker's relationship, and at his order, the Hydra soldier turned around and turned the doorknob of his metal door.

With a harsh figure, the door did not open, and Doctor Doom walked in.

"Fate is so impermanent, Susan."

Stepping into the imprisoned room, Doctor Doom looked at Susan in the room, and said slowly in his cold and emotionless voice.

"I didn't expect that we would meet again in this way in the end."

"I don't lament fate, I just regret that I liked you in the first place, Victor."

In the room, the invisible female Susan sat immobile on the specially made device of Hydra, facing Doctor Doom's sigh, her face was obviously pale and weak.

The device made by Hydra can continuously extract the power in Susan's body, making her always weak and unable to use her superpowers.

"Whatever you think of me, Susan."

Hearing Susan's ruthless words, Doctor Doom's expression did not change. He walked to the Invisible Woman and stretched out his cold silver-white metal palm to stroke her beautiful face: "At least, I once liked you, so, Based on our previous relationship, I will try my best to keep you alive to see Reed and the others die at my hands, which can also be regarded as my last kindness to you."

"Your plan won't work, Victor."

Turning her head to avoid Doctor Doom's palm on her face, Susan stared straight at the steel mask in front of her with her eyes open, and said word by word, "The Fantastic Four will definitely defeat you, just like the previous time. "

"I am looking forward."

In the face of Susan's threat, a look of disdain appeared on the face of Doctor Doom under the steel mask: "However, I don't think it will take long before there will be only three so-called Fantastic Four left."


"did you find it?"

Seven days later, in a remote town in Western Europe.

Johnny controlled the flames burning on his body to fall from the sky, extinguished the flames and shook his head sternly when he heard Reed's questioning.


"It seems that Hydra is hiding much deeper than we thought."

Hearing Johnny's answer, Reed's face couldn't help showing a look of disappointment, but he quickly recovered, and said the situation on his side: "I have asked the residents of the town, they He also said that he did not find any suspicious people walking around the town, perhaps in the eyes of the town residents, we are the most suspicious group of people."

"Hey Reed, Johnny, can you come over?"

On the edge of the town, when the two Fantastic Four were disappointed because of the search for the past few days, but they still found nothing, the cry of the stone man came from the tent.

Because of the special appearance, in order to avoid scaring the residents of the town, Ben was forced to stay in the tent and act as a liaison.

"What's the matter, Ben?"

Hearing the cry of the stone man, Reed and Johnny immediately came to the tent.

"Hopefully this time it's good news."

Looking at the funny looking stone man with headphones in one hand in the tent, Johnny had no intention of making fun of him. The failure of the search for several days made Johnny, who was originally rebellious, lose his former appearance.

"It's the news from the Avengers. Stark seems to have found the trace of Hydra's activities."


Inside the Hydra base.

Strucker stood in the laboratory, looking at the huge machine in front of him and the busy engineers and researchers around him, his usual calm face showed a hint of excitement.

After getting the data of Mr. Fantastic, after nearly a week of non-stop action day and night, Hydra finally produced a mechanical device that produces a cosmic storm in space. Although the appearance of this machine is limited and rudimentary compared to the machine Reed made in the Barthes Building, and many of the line machines are exposed, Strucker obviously doesn't care about this.

Taking a deep breath and repressing the excitement in his heart, Strucker reached out and took off the single-sided glasses on his face and wiped it, then turned to look at Doctor Doom beside him: "Doctor, the next step is the key."

Looking at the huge instruments in the base, Doctor Doom's inner excitement was no less than that of Strucker on the side. However, under the obstruction of the steel mask, he covered his expression well and nodded in cooperation.

"Sir, the machine has been deployed."

In front of the console, the last data was entered into it, and a Hydra member who looked like a researcher breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately turned around and reported to Strucker.

"Then, next, it's your turn, Doctor."

Nodding, Strucker looked at Doctor Doom beside him.

Hearing Strucker's request, Doctor Doom turned his head and swept the surrounding figures. He could see that the only two successful men and women in the previous Hydra experiment were standing behind him, vaguely surrounding him. Clearly, Strucker did not trust him as he seemed.

Fortunately, Doctor Doom was well prepared for this.

So he looked away from the men and women behind him, swept over Susan, who was controlled by Hydra, and finally stopped at the meteorite that was brought out of the laboratory under Strucker's order.

A ray of light flashed in his eyes, and Doctor Doom spoke immediately.

"Put the meteorite into the machine, and we need to first try to see if the opening machine is all right."

Compared with the mysterious meteorite that can't be figured out, Doctor Doom is more concerned about Susan, or it should be said that he is peeping at the radiation power of the space cosmic storm in her body.

Therefore, Susan will not be taken out of danger so easily.

In the antique shop, he has been watching the development of the Hydra base silently through Li Ran's heart moved when he heard the request of Doctor Destruction.

To be honest, the situation in Hydra developed more smoothly than he originally expected, and even gave Li Ran the illusion that Doctor Doom was his own clone.

In the face of Doctor Doom's request, Strucker looked up and looked at his eyes under his steel mask, and said without any hesitation: "Our previous cooperation was very pleasant, so Doctor, I don't want to see I regret what happened."

"Everything I do is to make the experiment go well."

Hearing Strucker's words, Doctor Doom replied with the same expression.

Taking his eyes away from Doctor Doom, Strucker looked at a man and a woman standing behind him, and then gestured to the experimental subject named Wanda in a leather coat.

After receiving the order from Strucker, Wanda nodded, and then raised his palm to generate red energy that fell on the meteorite.

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