Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 403: Kaz's goal

"How's it going?"

On the other floor of the Avengers Building, Banner looked at Tony who came out of the interrogation room, and obviously noticed the strange color on his face.

"Not optimistic……"

In the face of Banner's inquiry, Tony showed an obvious bitter smile on his face, and said with a self-deprecating expression: "If what Strucker said is true, then all we need to do next is to dig a hole and put ourselves Buried."

"so serious?!"

Hearing Tony's answer, Banner couldn't help but look surprised.

"In fact, it is more serious than expected. According to the information disclosed by Strucker and the information in Hydra, [Ultimate Creature] is a mysterious creature far beyond human beings, and it survived long before human evolution. On the earth, the destruction of the ChéngRén species once appeared, but it was later sent into outer space as a meteorite for unknown reasons. However, the Fantastic Four's previous experiments on space cosmic storms accidentally put this meteorite inside. The [Ultimate Creature] was brought back to the earth..."

He raised his hand and pressed the keyboard-like device in his hand, and in the center of the floor, a tall virtual image appeared in front of Banner's eyes.

This model was made by Tony based on the information in the Hydra, the information of Strucker and the figure he saw in the hallucination, and it was basically the same as the [Ultimate Creature].


Turning his head to look at the model figure behind him, a surprised expression appeared on Banner's face.

He had been listening to Tony's description of the [Ultimate Creature], and he thought that the other party would be a more terrifying creature, but he didn't want the other party's appearance to be extremely similar to humans, and he even thought of handsome.

"It's just the similarity in appearance. As a creature that existed in ancient times, it is impossible to judge whether human beings have been impressed by this creature in the process of evolution, or whether human beings are another evolutionary race of the other race. , similar to the difference between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals."

Taking over Banner's words, Tony raised his hand and controlled the model in front of him to scatter all kinds of data.

"Of course, the most important thing is that the intelligence shows that this creature has unimaginable vitality, and at the same time can control all cells in the body to carry out separate evolutionary attacks, and the most important thing is that the other party also uses humans as a part of its food chain. ring."

"Doctor, the opponent we encountered this time was an existence that was once above the human food chain."

Before standing with many models, looking at these constantly changing and analyzing models, Tony's expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

"A little bit of carelessness, we may all be eaten by the other party."

When he said this, Tony unconsciously had the illusion he had seen in the Hydra base before.

"It sounds like the situation has reached a critical moment."

After listening to Tony's description, Banner looked at the large amount of model data in front of him, reached out and raised the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and replied with a serious expression.

"Fortunately, it's not all bad news."

He looked away from the tall figure of [Ultimate Creature] on the model. Tony picked up the device in his hand and turned it around. The pattern in the center immediately changed from the original [Ultimate Creature] to a blue one that was beating and wrapped in a lot of data. Graphic: "From the base of Hydra, we found the information of the [Ultimate Creature], and at the same time, we also found the scepter left by Loki on the earth before, I persuaded Thor to leave it to us A week of research."

"This is……"

Although his positioning in the Avengers is a self-exploding bomb that may explode at any time, at least in a calm state, Banner is a fairly professional researcher.

Looking at the picture Tony showed, he pushed the glasses on his face and muttered: "It's amazing, this phenomenon, you look at the way some information is communicated, it's like the operation of a brain."

"I found some destroyed documents from Hydra's base, and found a certain experiment of Hydra. Strucker tried to use the research on the scepter to conduct some kind of experiment. Later, because of the bottleneck of the experiment, I had to change my target and set my eyes on the device invented by Dr. Reed, and as a result, I accidentally opened a cosmic version of Pandora’s box and released the so-called [Ultimate Creature].”

"Although most of Hydra's data has been destroyed, I still deciphered some useful information from it. It seems that some of Strucker's ideas fit a certain direction of our previous 'peace plan' ."

"artificial intelligence?"

Hearing Tony's words, Banner immediately reacted.

"We have been planning the 'Peace Plan' for a long time, and now the crisis of [Ultimate Creature] is just around the corner. We can't watch this human-eating monster recklessly appear in this world, we must make it faster. Action, and don't forget Banner, in addition to the [Ultimate Creature], there is another more dangerous object [Holy Lord] hidden in a deeper place. We don't have much time left. Ultron's plan must be mentioned. Up the journey."

"But Tony, you should know better than me that the Ultron project, or the creation of artificial intelligence is not such a simple thing."

"It may have been so before, but with the scepter, with the power of the scepter, we can completely develop artificial intelligence. Moreover, I don't think artificial intelligence only exists in fantasy, Dr. Banner, you have I have seen the relevant information about pacifists and liquid metal robots. In fact, Jiuyou has mastered the technology of artificial intelligence, and has used this method to create a large number of pacifist robots. Compared with Jiuyou Avengers, it is too much It's late, so we have to take this opportunity to catch up."

The hallucinations seen in the Hydra base and the situation faced by the Avengers made Tony extremely firm in his determination to create artificial intelligence.

"We're running out of time, Doctor."

Hearing Tony's persuasion, Banner's face showed obvious silence.

Before this, the problem of [Holy Master] has always been the focus of the Avengers' worries and precautions, and now [Ultimate Creature] has appeared. In the face of this situation, even Banner with Hulk in his body will I can't help but feel a little haggard.

There are too many crises on the earth, and the Avengers are somewhat powerless.

"Doctor, you should know that even if artificial intelligence is created, victory will not necessarily belong to us. The existence of the 'peace plan' only brings a possibility of turning around the already disadvantaged Avengers. Our There are not many choices."

Convinced by Tony's last sentence, Banner sighed silently and turned his head to look at the blue graphic in the center of the laboratory: "You should know Tony, even with the help of a rod, we may not be able to do it in such a short time. We can design artificial intelligence within the time limit, and we cannot guarantee that the artificial intelligence will actually do what we tell it to do.”

"I already have a plan to prevent this."

The ** of the previous [Rat Charm] made Tony realize what potential hidden dangers will arise when the steel battle suit is conscious, so he looked at the scepter flashing in the laboratory, raised his eyebrows, and resolutely back.



Western Europe, in an unknown wilderness cave.

Susan looked at [Kaz] who had melted the brown bear into her body as if she had eaten the soldiers in the Hydra base, and couldn't help but ask.

"Why don't you eat me like you did with other humans before?"

After falling to the ground, the octopus creature that Susan was entangled in transformed into a more eccentric python-like animal that entangled her whole body, with no possibility of breaking free.

"Looks like you're expecting me to eat you?"

Incorporating the huge brown bear in the hole into the body, and changing the fur of the brown bear to form a brown coat, [Kaz] twisted his body and walked in front of Susan, looking down at the female superhero, like a Greek statue A faint smile appeared on the generally handsome face.

Glancing over Susan's pale face, [Kaz] retracted his gaze, straightened his body, and said, "Actually, for me, whether it's an ordinary human or other animals, it's not too big of a deal. The difference, even if I don't eat humans, the ability of [Ultimate Creature] is enough to maintain the action of not eating or drinking for a year. After evolving into [Ultimate Creature], Yuwangzao, a low-level like appetite It won't affect me too much."

"If that's the case, why do you still eat humans? Humans and [ultimate creatures] can coexist peacefully?"

Hearing [Kaz]'s answer, Susan's face showed obvious puzzlement.

"Will you live in peace with a piece of pork?"

Facing Susan's day-to-day question, [Caz] twitched the corners of his mouth with a look of disdain.

The moment she heard [Kaz]'s answer, Susan woke up, no matter how close the appearance is to humans, [Kaz] as a [Ultimate Creature] is actually a completely different species from humans. Therefore, putting those thoughts of human beings on each other's body has no effect at all.

The idea of ​​letting [Kaz] and humans coexist peacefully is like letting snakes and frogs live together in harmony, and letting wolves stop hunting sheep.

"Of course, although it is also pork, there is also a distinction between superior and inferior, just like there are some special existences among you humans."

Ignoring Susan's pale face in front of him, [Kaz] walked out of the cave, facing the sun outside, and continued in a high tone: "I didn't expect that in a long period of time, human beings have actually obtained enough to fight the [Ultimate] The power of my creatures to inflict harm, the evolution of humanity beyond my imagination, is even more powerful than the masks I have developed before."

"The Avengers, Penglai, Jiuyou, and the Fantastic Four..."

From [Kaz]'s mouth, he reported the names of the extraordinary organizations one by one. When he finally called out the Fantastic Four, he also turned his attention to Susan, the invisible girl in the hole.

"In the era when I existed, becoming a [Ultimate Creature] and living under the sun was the goal that I was striving to pursue as a male family of pillars. However, in this new era, I discovered that the [Ultimate Creature] also There are limitations, and it is because of this weakness that I have struggled in the universe for such a long world, so I need to evolve. As a [Ultimate Creature], I [Kaz] have found the path of evolution, as long as If I can eat all these humans who have the power of evolution, I will be able to complete the last weakness of [Ultimate Creature], truly surpassing all creatures on this planet, becoming the most powerful and the most powerful. The perfect [Ultimate Creature]!"

[Ultimate creature] weakness, or weak point.

This is what Li Ran discovered after the battle in the Hydra base. [Kaz] The weakness of this B-rank character card, or should be said to be the limitation of ability. In theory, although [Ultimate Creature] possesses the abilities of all creatures in this world, this creature obviously refers to a species in the evolutionary process of nature.

And similar to Wanda, or Susan and the others, because of the mutation caused by experiments or the radiation of space cosmic storms, it is obviously not within the scope of [Ultimate Creatures] imitation. After all, the power of the former comes from the Mind Stone, and the latter comes from outer space.

"Your goal is an extraordinary human being!"

Cave **, Susan heard [Kaz]'s final plan, and finally understood his goal. The originally pale expression suddenly lost its blood. She never thought that the target of Kaz] is actually the superhumans on the earth. At this moment, the appearance of [Kaz] is even compared to that of [Ultimate Creature]. The powerful ability made Susan panic even more.


Without denying Susan, [Kaz] nodded, and at the same time turned his back to the sun behind him, the dazzling sunlight fell into Susan's eyes through [Kaz]'s tall body, like a condescending 'god' : "So, don't be too impatient. When the Fantastic Four appear, I will eat you all one by one, Invisible Woman Susan."

"How did you know that I..."

Hearing the name that came out of [Kaz]'s mouth, Susan's expression changed, and she couldn't help but blurt out.

"Through the head of the guy in Hydra, I know more than you think." Reaching out and knocking on his head, [Kaz] looked at Susan's sudden change of expression and seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. A process: "The wisdom you humans are proud of has no advantage at all for [Ultimate Creatures]. I have already said that [Ultimate Creatures] is far beyond and surpasses you. A being above these stupid humans."

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