Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 15: Duel Hulk


He threw the wreckage of the helicopter behind him, and Hulk raised his head and let out a deafening roar at the remaining helicopters in the air.

"He is provoking us."

On the helicopter, General Ross stared blankly at Hulk's behavior.

There is a saying that the person who knows you best is often your enemy.

Years of pursuit operations have enabled General Ross to have a fairly in-depth understanding of Hulk's physical behavior and ability characteristics, and he can easily detect his intentions from Hulk's expression.

"Compared with the previous pursuit data in the desert, Hulk's strength and defense have been significantly improved this time, and he has also shown a jumping ability that has not been seen before. It is initially estimated that the initial jump height is about 20 meters. We need to continue to observe in the future…”

"Hulk's ability is constantly evolving," Glancing at the data given by the soldiers, General Ross showed a rare anxious look on his face: "We must arrest him before he grows to be more difficult. "

Although he had a decision in his heart, when he turned to look at Hulk's position, General Ross's expression was a little helpless.

The location chosen by Li Ran can certainly slow down the Hulk's movement speed, but the environment with many high-rise buildings also affects the flight operations of the helicopters, making it impossible for them to form a certain scale of offensive and cause effective damage to the Hulk.

"What about the ground troops? Why haven't they arrived at the scene yet?"

According to the information, the helicopter was raised to a position where the Hulk could not reach, and General Ross asked his subordinates while watching the Hulk below.

"In progress, the armored vehicle unit is changing routes due to road obstructions. It is expected that it will take three minutes at night to arrive at the target site."

"Three minutes, do you think Hulk will stay in place and wait for us quietly for three minutes?" General Ross, turning to look at the soldier reporting the situation, asked coldly.

The soldier looked down at the Hulk below and shook his head: "Report, sir, no."

"Then tell me the soldiers of the armored force and come over immediately."



"what happened again?!"

"It was a call from the army."

Hearing the soldier's reminder, General Ross subconsciously frowned, stern face and handed over the cell phone.

The U.S. military has a complex command system. There are both hawkish generals like General Ross and dove leaders who advocate negotiation. However, due to the frequent outbreak of superhuman incidents, the hardliners in the military, led by General Ross' faction, have the upper hand.

"I'm Ross."

"General Ross, do you know how much trouble and influence the conflict triggered in Manhattan, you and your green-skinned monster, has brought the military to the military? Just now, Mr. President has called the military to ask..."

"The so-called green-skinned monster in your mouth is called Hulk."


On the helicopter, General Ross had to be distracted by the sudden call from the military.

Below, Hulk, who had shown great power, turned his attention to the little bug he was chasing before.

And, soon found the figure of the little bug.

The little bug did not take advantage of his efforts to deal with the little toy on his head to escape, but stood there in a grand manner, as if waiting for him.

"Hey~" Li Ran took a deep breath when he noticed Hulk's gaze, then put his hands together like a trumpet around his mouth, and shouted, "The big guy over there, I'm here, come here quickly. …”

In this scene, if the two protagonists are replaced with pleasing characters, it will definitely be a heartwarming scene. Unfortunately, the reality is that Li Ran, who spoke up, was dressed in shabby clothes, while the Hulk on the other side had nothing to do with being pleasing to the eyes.

But to a certain extent, it is this great contrast that makes the scene in front of you more eye-catching.

"The specific situation, I will go back and explain it myself." On the helicopter, General Ross noticed the situation underneath, and immediately hung up the phone in his hand without hesitation.

Li Ran's actions caught the Hulk's attention without incident.

Looking at this little bug who only dared to run around in the face of his pursuit, he suddenly became bold and shouted at himself. Although Hulk's simple thinking couldn't immediately figure out the reason for the change, he still sensed the other party's intention and seemed to want to attract himself.

Since he wanted to ask Hulk to go over, then Hulk went over and smashed him to pieces.

Hulk, whose brain was flooded with anger, would not even think about whether there were any traps behind Li Ran's actions. Everything he thought about was destruction, destruction.

With a loud roar, Hulk landed on the ground like a wild beast and charged towards Li Ran.


Seeing that Hulk was successfully attracted, Li Ran didn't dare to relax at all, and turned around quickly to reveal the conspicuous red fire hydrant behind him. The body squatted down slightly, and then lifted the strong diamond legs and kicked it towards the top of the fire hydrant with all its 隮隮——

With a crisp sound like a metal collision, the original fire hydrant began to deform gradually under Li Ran's legs, and a small stream of water began to spray along the cracks on the fire hydrant.

In front of him, the fire hydrant was continuously deformed with the powerful strength of Li Ran's strong vajra legs.

However, the Hulk behind him also approached him at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hurry up, hurry up!

Feel the vibration that is getting closer and closer behind you, and the roar that seems to be close at hand.

Li Ran could only feel his heart beating wildly, and he didn't know whether it was sweat on his face or the water from the fire hydrant soaking his eyes.


With a deafening roar, the running Hulk suddenly jumped up and flew towards Li Ran with a violent gust of wind.


It was at the same instant that the fire hydrant that had been under Li Ran's attack was finally kicked apart, and a huge stream of water surging along the gap of the fire hydrant hit Hulk.

The water sprayed from the fire hydrant is naturally unlikely to cause too much damage to the Hulk. After all, no matter how strong the water is, it can't match the strength of a bullet under normal circumstances. However, with the huge amount of water sprayed in the fire hydrant, it stopped Hulk's next steps very well.

At this time, the shortcomings of Hulk's lack of IQ were exposed. He clearly ran towards Li Ran, but was interrupted by the water in the fire hydrant in front of him, he immediately left Li Ran aside and rushed towards the fire hydrant. .

Looking at the Hulk, who is constantly advancing against the current with a tendon in front of him.

Li Ran made a decisive decision, and with the strength of his Vajra legs, he kicked the Hulk.

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