Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 29: Brotherhood of Assassins

"Assassin Brotherhood?"

Jessica looked confused.

Of course, she couldn't have heard of this name, because before Li Ran spoke, there was no so-called Assassin Brotherhood.

That's right, Li Ran's Assassin Brotherhood is actually the same as the previous Penglai.

And this Assassin Brotherhood was established, um, just now.

As for why not continue to use the name of Penglai, it is mainly considering that the [Arc Ballistics] and [Adrenal Acceleration] displayed by [Wesley] do not match the legend of Penglai, an obvious eastern faction. Putting it together, it is easy for people to see some clues.

Therefore, Li Ran thought that instead of trying to tie [Wesley] and Penglai together, it would be better to directly create a new organization. Okay, that's a bit of a stretch.

All in all, Jessica was dazed when she heard the "Assassin Brotherhood" from Li Ran's mouth.

This is a normal reaction, and Li Ran was not surprised. The next time is when he will show his real acting skills.

In the antique shop, Li Ran deliberately moved his face down about fifteen degrees, shrouded in shadows, and then lowered his voice to make his voice low and mysterious: "The Assassin Brotherhood is a very The ancient organization, which can even be traced back to the Roman period, was an organized Assassin group, and although it encountered numerous crises of extinction, it was always able to be reborn from the flames."

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +15]

"Then why, I've never heard anything about this organization?" Jessica raised her slender eyebrows. She was not a fool. In fact, as a private detective, even if it wasn't good in Hell's Kitchen, but She still has the sharpness and suspicion that she should have, which can also be seen from the legend she brought to Li Ran.

"That's because the creed of the Assassin Brotherhood restricts them."


"The three principles of the Assassin Brotherhood are: first: do not kill innocent people indiscriminately; second: hide in plain sight and become part of the crowd; third: never endanger the fraternity. These principles run through the daily life of the members of the Assassin Brotherhood. In every respect, just like their struggle to achieve "harmony of all things". The Brotherhood fulfills their duty through political and strategic assassination, hoping to save thousands by killing one person. They believe that this is in the Fight for the interests of those who do not have the ability, resources, or knowledge to speak out against those who abuse their power."

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +35]

"Sounds like a superhero organization." Jessica pouted, she is not interested in superheroes nowadays.

"What about you, are you also a member of this so-called Assassin Brotherhood?"

Although Jessica was surprised by the mysterious Assassin brother, she did not forget her initial doubts.

"Me." Facing Jessica's rhetorical question, Li Ran shook his head, and then bowed his head with a clearly bitter smile: "I am very eager to join the fraternity, but unfortunately, the internal regulations of the fraternity are very strict, and I The ability of the Brotherhood is not enough to become an assassin of the Brotherhood, so at present it is only the person in charge of the contact point of the Brotherhood of Assassins here, helping the Brotherhood to collect intelligence and contact members."

"Having said so much, how can you prove that the so-called Brotherhood of Assassins really exists? Perhaps, everything is just a lie you casually used to deceive my trust."

Jessica supported the counter, leaned forward slightly, and looked directly into Li Ran's eyes.

Kilgree's appearance made Jessica full of doubts about everything in front of her. After all, the other party was a demon who could control people's mind and body.

Facing Jessica's aggressive questioning, Li Ran didn't answer with words, instead he raised the pistol directly at her face and pulled the trigger.

Everything in front of her was so sudden that even Jessica, who had extraordinary abilities, couldn't dodge the bullet coming directly.

He could only watch the unbored bullets fly past him.

In his mind, the thought that Li Ran had been controlled by the purple man flashed in an instant.

The expected death did not come. The bullet that came directly in front of him miraculously changed direction the second it was about to hit Jessica, and the tip of her hair hit the ceramic on Jessica's back.

with the shattering of ceramics.

Immediately afterwards, Li Ran's voice slowly came from Jessica's ear: "[Arc Ballistics], one of the magical spear techniques mastered by members of the Brotherhood, but unfortunately, my ability is not enough, so I can only do it. The bullet makes a slight turn, and there is no way to manipulate the direction of the bullet as the fraternity members do."

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +115]


Li Ran lowered his head, looked at the counter that was smashed in half, and then looked at Jessica who was waving her fists: "I'm just demonstrating, after all, you said you didn't believe me."

"Me too." Withdrawing her fist, Jessica calmed her still beating heart. For a moment, she almost thought she was about to say After calming down, Jie Only then did Sika look up and look at Li Ran again.

However, at this moment, Jessica looked at him with a different look.


Manhattan, Kimberly Building.

The broken glass on the top floor has long been repaired.

Jinbian stood on the edge of the window, leaning on his cane, looking down at everything under the building.

"Recently, my business in Manhattan has suffered a serious loss, which is not good," Jin turned around and looked at the shivering man kneeling behind him: "It's not good, Tony, when I handed things over to me It wasn't like that when it was given to you."

"There is a reason for all this. Jin Bing, a lunatic has recently appeared on the site and keeps attacking our business. Many of our brothers have died under his guns." Facing Jin Bing's questioning, the man couldn't help but Arguing out loud.

"I don't want to listen to reasons," he picked up the man with one hand, Jin did not ignore the struggle of the man in his hand, and said with a cold face: "For me, all the reasons are just excuses to cover up incompetence. I need Yes, it's just the result, a result that can satisfy me, do you understand?"

"……Yes, I understand……"

The man hung on Jin Bing's hand and answered with difficulty.

He casually threw the purple-faced man back to the ground, Jin He took out a handkerchief and wiped his palm: "Then, I'll give you one more chance, but Tony, you have to remember, this is the last time , if it still doesn't satisfy me, then maybe we won't meet here next time."

On the ground, the man gasped for air while holding his neck, nodding with a difficult expression.

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