Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 42: nickname

[Famous from Luke Cage +35]

[Famousness from Henry +50]

"How did you do it, Ah Xing?"

After a while, Dad put away the stunned expression on his face and looked at Li Ran who looked right in front of him.

There is nothing unusual about kicking a can, but it is very surprising that Li Ran can kick the can into the sky with one kick and fly to a place where you can't see the edge.

Because, this obviously exceeds the strength of ordinary people. Even if a normal person kicks with all his strength, it is impossible to kick the soda can to the sky.

What's more, looking at Li Ran's relaxed appearance, it was obvious that he did not use his full strength.

Luke Cage looked at Li Ran's sturdy thighs by rolling up his trousers. Perhaps because of his extraordinary abilities, he was not as surprised as his father was at Li Ran's strong leg skills.

However, Luke Cage is also curious about the source of Li Ran's power.

He could feel that the ability Li Ran showed was not the same as the ability he accidentally acquired through experiments.

""Hercules Legs", this is the name of kung fu I learned in Penglai."

"Kung Fu?"

Since the 1970s, China's martial arts culture has become popular in the United States. Therefore, Luke Cage and Daddy did not find it strange when Li Ran said the word "Kung Fu", but nodded as a matter of course. All doubts made sense.

So, stereotypes kill people.

Looking at the expressions of the two people on the opposite side, Li Ran shook his head in his heart, while sighing that the elements of Chinese Kung Fu are too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the United States.

At the same time, he was a little bit sober, thanks to the efforts of the seniors to promote and pave the way, or Li Ran alone would throw the settings and tell the story. Just how the meaning of the word kung fu can make Americans understand and understand the meaning contained in it is a very difficult challenge.

"King Kong Legs and Wonder Man, I didn't expect Dad, I would be able to meet two people with extraordinary abilities in one day."

"Father, I said it before, your nickname is not pleasant." Facing Father's ridicule, Luke Cage shook his head helplessly.

Father Henry: "Hey, Mr. Invulnerability, if I have superpowers like yours, the first thing I have to do is to give myself a better nickname. If I wait for someone else to pick it up, it won't be like that. Satisfied."

Luke Cage: "There's never going to be that kind of guy's dad, because nobody knows what's special about me."

Shaking his head, the old man looked at the tall man in front of him: "Never say so absolutely, Luke, maybe Ah Xing is right, you should go out and help others, maybe this is the real reason why God gave you these superpowers ."

"Riva said the same thing right now." Dad's words obviously reminded Luke Cage of something.

"Maybe what she said was right, you never thought that you could have used these powers to help others? Maybe you should be a little more ambitious, Luke, and use your powers to save more people, as Ah Xing said That way, change Harlem."

Luke Cage: "Maybe, my ambition is just to sweep my hair in the barbershop, wash the dishes in the nightclub, and beg others not to disturb me?"

"You can't escape." At this time, Li Ran, who had been watching from the side, said, "You can escape for a while, but you can't escape forever."

"Do you think all this is what I want?"

Li Ran's words obviously touched some of Luke Cage's memories. He subconsciously clenched his fists and couldn't help raising his voice: "I was framed, beaten, and locked up like a tropical fish. Observe, when I came out, I had these inexplicable abilities."

Dad: "These abilities saved your life."

Luke Cage: "It's better to say, it ruined my life, I never expected to have these abilities, and even sometimes I think, if I didn't have these abilities, Rewa wouldn't die because of it, and I would also It won't be like now, hiding in the east and Tibet."

Dad: "So what, Luke, listen to me, the past is always the past, and the only important direction in life is the front, not the back."

"I just want to live every day and live an ordinary life." Shaking his head, although Dad's words touched Luke Cage, he obviously couldn't convince him to stand up from the pain in the past. .

Fortunately, my purpose is just to spread the word, not to soothe the wounds of some people. Otherwise, the big guy at the scene would be me.

Seeing the way the two were talking, Li Ran secretly felt fortunate.

However, just at this moment, the sound of smashing and screaming from a distance made his nerves that had been relaxed a little tensed up Because these sounds came out The direction is, surprisingly...

"This direction seems to be Connie's Chinese restaurant!"

Henry turned his head and murmured a guess.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Li Ran, who was beside him, take a sudden step, rushing towards the Chinese restaurant with lightning speed.

Since they had promised Mrs. Connie and the others that they would ensure the safety of the Chinese restaurant, they naturally had to do it.


Worryingly, he glanced at the direction where Li Ran disappeared, and then the father turned to look at Luke Cage beside him.

"Father, when you told you the secret, you promised me that you would never force me to do something I didn't want to do." Luke Cage couldn't help but say in the face of his father's gaze.

"But the situation is different now. I'm not asking you to do bad things, Luke." Dad didn't waver in this regard: "You also know the party in trouble, Mrs. Connie, she didn't care about your identity before. Rent the house to you."


Dad's remarks obviously shook Luke Cage's expression. He turned his head and glanced at the direction of the Chinese restaurant, pursed his lips and hesitated for a while, and finally said to Dad: "I know, but , Dad, only this time, I only promise you to shoot once."

"Everything is your own decision." Bending his mouth slightly, Dad shook his head lightly at Luke Cage and said.

In response, Luke Cage smiled helplessly, pulled up his hoodie, and chased in the direction Li Ran had walked.

"Go, Mr. Invulnerability, let everyone in Harlem see how powerful you are."

Watching Luke Cage leave, Dad stood there and muttered to himself in a low voice.

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