Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 53: run wild


Seeing the trace of Ah Xing disappearing from their eyes, Sidis and Rem were shocked.

He hurriedly turned his head to look for it, and saw a red figure running away at a distance of more than ten meters from the two of them.

[Famousness from Sidis +10]

[Famousness from Rem +5]

The black female policewoman Sidis reacted, and quickly turned around and ran towards the police car: "Rim, what are you still doing, get in the car quickly."

"Oh, good." He responded hastily, and Rem turned around and ran after him. After a few steps, he couldn't help but look back.

"Don't be dawdling, it'll be too late if you don't chase!"

Hearing his partner's roar, Rem reacted as if he was just waking up from a dream. He quickly got into the car and fastened his seat belt while asking, "Can ordinary people run as fast as him?"

"I don't know." Sidis shook her head in the driver's seat, looked at the red back that gradually dwindled in the distance, and stepped on the accelerator abruptly: "But obviously, the situation is not as simple as we think it is."

"Look, I've already made a reminder, what's the result?" Looking at the escaping figure and the police car chasing after him, the old man Stan Lee shook his head and said seriously.


"Please pay attention to police cars heading southwest on 68th Street and assist in intercepting targets appearing on the road."

"Received, report the license plate number of the intercepted target."

"The target is not a vehicle, but a person, a Chinese man in a red undershirt and light blue pants."


"...Sorry, I didn't get it. You meant that the target wasn't an illegal speeding car or a motorcycle, but a person."

"That's right, pay attention, the opponent's movement speed is very fast, so be careful when you go."

"alright, I got it."

"He must think I'm crazy." After finishing the radio call, Rem turned to Sidis who was driving.

"If I were on the other side, I would think so too." Driving the police car to keep chasing the figure in front of her, Sidis curled her lips, noticed the sudden obstacle in front of her, hurriedly turned the steering wheel to avoid it, and then quickly pulled back , the whole process is smooth and flowing, showing the true character of the old driver.

Looking back at the situation behind the car, Rem withdrew his gaze and looked at the figure that couldn't get close to him. He couldn't help but wonder, "Is he a robot, and he can actually run faster than a car." Because of the relationship, the police car cannot accelerate to the fastest speed, but this speed is not something normal people can keep up with.

"Maybe he is really a robot, but he won't be an ordinary person anyway."

Because of her previous experience with extraordinary cases, Sidis was not as surprised as Rem, but she was unable to get closer to the other party, which made her feel restless. She had a hunch that if she could capture the other party, she would definitely make an unexpected discovery.

"Sidis, this is a busy city." Noticing the look on Sidis's face, Rem couldn't help but reminded: "I have already notified someone to intercept him in front, he can't run very far."

Rem's words calmed Sidis's impetuous mood a little. She released the wonderful accelerator under her feet and said to her partner who was sitting next to her, "Sorry, Rem, I'm a little too impatient."

"I understand." Rem nodded: "Or is it because of Kaitou Kidd?"

Recently, the actions of phantom thieves have been unusually active. Several consecutive crimes have put the New York police under great pressure. Chief George's face has been stinking for a week.

"It's not just because of the phantom thief." The frequent crimes of phantom thief Kidd made many New York police officers, including Sidis, exhausted, but the black policewoman cared more about the third district that she was responsible for before. The homicide case has recently undergone new changes. A large-scale mass suicide case has occurred again in the vicinity. There are a large number of witnesses at the scene, but no one remembers what happened.

It seems that at that time, everyone lost the memory related to the suicide case in unison.

"I don't know if it's my illusion, but I always feel that the police in New York are getting harder and harder." In the passenger seat, Rem sighed.

Back then, his biggest dream when he became a police officer was just to fight criminals and arrest criminals, but now he is the phantom thief Kidd and the person in front of him.

"Even if it's hard to do, do it."

Replying silently, the black policewoman glanced at Ah Xing who was still running in front of her, turned the steering wheel suddenly, and got into the side alley.

"I have reached the intersection of interception and I am waiting for the target to appear."

At the southwest intersection of 68th Street, a police car was parked in the middle of the road. The police inside the car picked up the radio and said.

"Attention, the target is about to run in the direction where you are, so be sure to stop him."

"Don't worry, leave it to us."

"Do you really believe what he said, someone who can run past a police car?" The partner who hung up the radio and sat next to him eating donuts couldn't help but say Who knows, maybe There are really people in this world who can run a car, just like you, don't you always believe that there is a Bigfoot in this world. "

"Hey, Bigfoot is real, my cousin in Florida has a photo of Bigfoot's footprints, and even has a collection of hair from Bigfoot, so he..."

"So what?" The policeman in the driver's seat waved his hand involuntarily and asked when his partner who was chatting away suddenly stopped talking.

"Behind you."


"The Chinese man who ran faster than a car really appeared."

Hearing his partner's reminder, the policeman in the driver's seat quickly turned his head and looked at the red figure that was approaching the intersection from a distance. He couldn't help being surprised.

They got down from the police in a hurry. The two watched the sound of running fast, swallowed subconsciously, pulled out the pistol behind them, and shouted to him: "Sir, we are the New York police, I will count down to the third. Sound, please stop your behavior and avoid all possible problems, three..."

However, the running avatar did not call out the remaining two numbers of time for the two policemen blocking the road.

With the powerful kick, a loud bang was heard.

The figure who was still running at the moment appeared behind them.

He turned his head blankly, looked at the back of Juechen all the way, then lowered his head and glanced at the prominent footprints on the police car, and the two looked at each other silently.

[From New York Police Fable +0.05]

[From New York Police Fable +0.05]

"Damn, this is the new car I applied to the branch not long ago!"

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