Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 56: Defenders

Driving into a remote place.

Luke Cage parked the car, looked back at Matt and Ah Xing in the car, and then opened the door to leave room for the two of them to talk.

Matt turned his head slightly and sighed when he heard the sound from the front seat and the footsteps outside the car. In fact, not only Axing, he also hopes to convince Luke Cage to join his team against the Hand.

It's just that Luke Cage's attitude has always been clear and obvious, and he doesn't want to get involved too much.

"Axing, Mrs. Gao has appeared again." Shaking his head helplessly, Matt first returned his attention to Axing who was sitting beside him.

"Mrs. Gao?"

Although he knew who Mrs. Gao was in his heart, even better than the Daredevil Matt who knew the identity of the other party, but on the surface, Li Ran asked with a blank expression using his clone.

Although he couldn't see the expression on Ah Xing's face, Matt still sensed the emotion he wanted to express from the tone of his words, and immediately reminded: "It's the person we fought in the factory before."

"Oh, you mean that weird old lady." Nodding with a stunned expression, Ah Xing said mercilessly: "To be precise, we have never fought, I have never fought. legs, and you just got slapped by her."


A Xing's words made Matt silent for a while.

Recalling the scene in the factory, even now, he can still feel the pain that Mrs. Gao left on his chest at that time.

"Well, maybe what I said was not accurate enough." With a helpless smile, Matt restrained his bitter memory and showed a serious expression: "Ah Xing, I need your help, just like last time. "

"Is it because of Mrs. Gao?" Li Ran in the antique shop had already guessed the key to the other party's request after contacting Matt's words before contacting him. He just wanted to help him deal with Mrs. Gao together.

"That's right." Sure enough, Wen Yan Mata nodded and continued: "Mrs. Gao not only reappeared, but also brought a very dangerous organization - the Hand Society, with the terrifying power of the Hand Society, she attempted to integrate Illicit drug trade throughout Hell's Kitchen."

"Hand union?"

"This is a very scary organization, and it has been hidden in the dark. I only recently came into contact with this organization, and I had a few brief battles with them." Matt's expression mentioned the matter of the Hand. With some changes, obviously, the previous battles were not as simple as he said.

"The power of the Hand is too strong, and I have no confidence to stop them with my own strength." The successive battles over this period of time have not only left numerous wounds on Matt's body, but also constantly tested them. With the willpower of this superhero, he felt more and more of his insignificance and vulnerability against evil alone.

As Claire said, he needs an alliance to help him fight the threat from the Hand.

"Ah Xing, your strength is very important to me."

After saying everything, Matt heaved a sigh of relief and waited for Ah Xing's final decision. He was even prepared to be rejected.


However, without much hesitation, Ah Xing immediately gave Matt a positive answer.

"Why?" The hand holding the guide stick tightened subconsciously. Matt faced Ah Xing, his tone a little excited but a little puzzled.

"It is the duty of my generation of martial arts practitioners to act as a chivalrous person and help the wounded. This is the principle taught by Master Ye when I practiced martial arts in Penglai."

"Master Ye?" Ah Xing's answer was mixed in Chinese and English. Even Matt, a lawyer, didn't understand everything, but he still sensed a name from the other party's words.


In the antique store, Li Ran secretly praised the superhero's keenness by observing Matt's reaction through his clone.

"Master Ye is a martial artist who accidentally entered Penglai. According to his own words, he was originally a martial artist. Because he was tired of fighting and felt powerless in the war, he came to Penglai after a sad trip."

Li Ran threw out a little bit about Ye Wen's settings, but Li Ran tried it, leaving room for Matt's imagination.

Taking Ah Xing's description of Master Ye in mind, Matt immediately focused on the upcoming battle. Although, with the addition of Ah Xing, he will no longer be as powerless as he was alone in the past when he fights against the Hand, but he also knows that if he wants to truly eliminate the threat of the Hand, he and Ah Xing alone Two people are definitely not enough.

They need more help.

And right now, the closest candidate to the two is naturally Luke Cage standing outside.

This invulnerable and powerful big man simply exists for the sake of fighting.

"Perhaps, let me try it."

Facing the distress expressed by Matt, Ah Xing couldn't help but speak.

From Li Ran's point of view, he naturally hopes that the more people and avatars act together, the better, because in this way he can gain more popularity.


Getting out of the car, looking at Luke Cage standing silently in a distance, Li Ran in the antique shop couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Don't look at Luke Cage, this guy looks big and three thick, but his personality is completely different from the average black Maybe because of some encounters and memories in prison, this big man is very Some of them are content with their duties, and some are even a little too content with their duties.

"Long time no see, Luke."

Walking forward, Li Ran controlled Ah Xing and greeted him.

"Actually, it didn't take long." Turning his head, looking at the clone, Luke Cage said lightly.

"I heard that after I left Harlem, you started to act."

"I did that because of Dad, because Harlem has something worthy of my protection, and within my power, instead of running to join forces with a blind man to fight against some bizarre organization."

"But, Luke, have you ever thought that if you don't stand up now and take action to defeat the Hand, their power will come to Harlem one day, and then illegal drugs will be rampant throughout Harlem, Would you like to see this happen?"

"This is just your guess."

Li Ran's remarks obviously touched the things that Luke Cage had been avoiding and didn't want to think about.

"Do you really think so, Luke?"

Turning his head and looking directly at A Xing for a long time, Luke Cage sighed and made a compromise in his heart: "Okay, I promise to join you, what is your team called?"

"What's our name?" Although he already knew the name of the team in his heart, Li Ran still gave this opportunity to Matt who was standing not far away.

Matt stood beside the car. Although it was a little distance from the positions of A Xing and Luke Cage, his super senses still allowed him to clearly hear A Xing's question. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the blind lawyer nodded.


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