Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 78: move hands and feet

"Wait a moment!"

Raising his hand, he stopped the ninjas and gang members who were planning to re-encircle them. The evil spirit said lightly, "Since everyone is here, I will move my hands and feet by the way and do my best to help you solve everything."

"I'm starting to agree with what you said before, this guy is really bad." Luke Cage raised his eyebrows, rarely agreeing with Jessica's words.

However, Bullseye had no doubts about what Huoyun Evil God said, and immediately said: "Then please, Evil God, as long as these guys can be dealt with, Jin will definitely not treat you badly."

"Evil God?"

On the opposite side, Matt keenly noticed the name of Bullseye, and his uneasiness suddenly expanded rapidly: "Are you the Evil God of Fire Cloud?!"

"Oh, you actually know me?" Hearing Matt's question, the evil **** raised his mouth to reveal an unexpected smile.

As expected of me, I put so much effort into preparing the ground.

[The legend from Daredevil +130]

[Famousness from Luke Cage +95]

"Evil God of Fire Cloud, who is that?"

Of course, not everyone present knew the name. Jessica raised her slender eyebrows and asked Matt and Luke Cage who looked shocked.

"A very dangerous character. It seems that he has the title of the ultimate murderer. A Xing came to New York from Penglai to find out about him." Luke Cage explained in a deep voice.


Hearing Luke Cage say Axing's name, Jessica's eyes changed, and then she looked at the evil **** of fire clouds not far away.

"In that case, he is indeed a crisis guy."

"You guys actually know about Penglai." Hearing the word Penglai coming out of Luke Cage's mouth, the evil god's indifferent expression suddenly became a little serious: "It seems that I have to use more force, okay? Find out where you got the news about Penglai."

"Everyone be careful, the other party may be more dangerous than any enemy we have encountered before."

Hearing the words of the Evil God of Fire Cloud, Matt's heart rang loudly, and he quickly reminded his companions beside him.

"You don't need to say this, you can see it." He habitually retorted, but Jessica's expression at the moment was not as relaxed as the scene, especially after knowing that the strange guy in front of him was related to Penglai.

"I think, at this time, we'd better retreat temporarily."

Although it was absurd to play his own scenes, the avatar still played the role of Wesley very well, and suggested while making a solemn expression.

Hearing this, the evil **** smiled: "Let's go, with me here, none of you want to leave."

As the voice fell, the next moment his figure appeared in front of Matt and the others.

"What, so fast!"

Noticing the evil **** appearing in front of them, the Defenders and his party couldn't help but be astonished.

Matt's expression was particularly shocked, and even his super senses couldn't detect the movement of the evil god.

Although the shock and the movement speed of the evil gods, the defenders and others are not easy, the past successive battles made them respond quickly, Luke Cage quickly stood up to the front, and Wesley shot in the back to shoot.

Well, shoot yourself.

The arc-shaped bullets flew around Luke Cage's broad back and flew out from a blind spot that the evil **** could not see.

However, for this mysterious and unpredictable attack, the Heretic God seemed to casually stretch out his hand and grab the bullet from the bend in his hand. He said disdainfully: "Bring out some real itself, bullets, it's useless to me."

[The legend from Daredevil +75]

[Famous from Luke Cage +60]

[Famousness from Jessica +55]

Witnessing the scene of holding a bullet with one hand up close, even the defenders and others couldn't help but be shocked.

Li Ran, who was far away in the antique store, was delighted by the successive rumors, but he was somewhat regretful. Unfortunately, Wesley was his clone. How shocking.

Although there are some regrets, the live performance will continue.

Restraining the shock in his heart, Luke Cage made the first move, raised his fist as big as a sandbag and smashed it towards the evil **** in front of him.

Facing this powerful blow, the evil **** smiled, raised his hand and landed on Luke Cage.

Taking the attack of the Fire Cloud Evil God, even with an invulnerable defense, Luke Cage still felt a dull feeling in his chest, and he took three or four steps backwards in a row to remove all the powerful force of the opponent's hit on him.

"Hey, cross-training kung fu?"

Feeling the strange feeling of hitting Luke Cage, the Evil God of Fire Cloud raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He said strangely in his mouth, but there was no hesitation in the movements of the evil god's hands. In the next second, he rushed in front of Luke Cage with a rapid step, and then waved his palms like afterimages towards the opponent's body. Fight: "I want to see how hard your body In the face of the continuous slaps of the evil god, Luke Cage is like a huge sandbag. He kept waving his arms to block the attack, but he couldn't catch up with the opponent's speed.


In the end, with a dull loud noise, Luke Cage's tall figure suddenly flew out, slammed into the wall and fell down.

"It turned out to be not horizontal training, but the skin is a little thicker."

The evil **** looked at Luke Cage who flew out and said lightly.


On the other side, Luke Cage, who fell to the ground, struggled to get up, but felt a sharp pain all over his body, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

[Famousness from Luke Cage +225]


Seeing that Luke Cage, who has been invulnerable to bullets and even bullets, was beaten to the point of vomiting blood under the attack of the Fire Cloud Evil God.

Jessica couldn't help being shocked when she saw this scene. She looked back at the Fire Cloud Evil God standing there, clenched her fists, and in the next second, the person was already floating in the air.

"Jessica, don't!"

Aware of Jessica's actions, Matt hurriedly opened his mouth to stop it, but apparently the other party did not follow his advice.

"Interesting, interesting, obviously I haven't learned any immortal methods, but I can actually fly in mid-air."

Looking up, looking at Jessica floating in the air, the evil **** said with great interest.

"The more interesting thing is yet to come, old guy."

Hearing Huoyun Evil God's words, Jessica replied coldly. With the advantage of flying, she kept picking up heavy objects on the ground and smashed them towards the Evil God.

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