Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 84: shot showdown

"Someone, many people are coming in our direction!"

With such a large-scale operation of the Hand, it is naturally impossible to hide from Matt, who has super senses.

Noticing the dense footsteps in Chinatown, his expression changed unconsciously, and an uneasy premonition began to emerge in his heart.

"It's a ninja of the Hand Association."

Danny glanced at the scene downstairs through the window on the second floor of the Chinese restaurant. It was obvious that the Hand Society had no plans to hide.

"It seems that the battle is coming earlier than we expected." Luke Cage said while touching his still painful wound, frowning.

Even with extraordinary abilities, the defenders are still not iron men, and there is no way to recover from the injuries they suffered in previous battles.

Matt reluctantly stood up with the guide cane, his footsteps staggered subconsciously, and then stood firm with Wesley's help: "Although we need time, it is clear that the hand meeting did not cooperate as we expected, Everyone, the next battle will be very dangerous, even..."

Speaking of which, Matt was silent for a while. Although he couldn't see it, he turned his head and swept the crowd in front of him with the help of his super senses: "It is possible that he will lose his life in the battle."

"At this time, do we still have the possibility to escape?" Jessica pouted and said unceremoniously.

"This battle is no longer under our control from the beginning." Luke Cage stood up, the injury on his body made him frown subconsciously, but still said solemnly: "If we can't Stop the Evil God of Fire Cloud, and then, whether it is Hell's Kitchen or Harlem, there will be danger, don't forget that guy's title."

"The ultimate murderer."

He muttered the name of the Evil God of Fire Cloud, and the clone Wesley also kept his usual expression and said silently: "Everything is false, everything is allowed."

"What's the meaning?"

In the serious atmosphere, such a sentence suddenly appeared, and Jessica blurted out subconsciously.

"This is the creed of the Assassin Brotherhood, from the Arabic word..."

"Forget it, you can talk about it when you have time in the future. How can there be more to come?" With a wave of her hand, Jessica immediately stopped Wesley's explanation.

Among the people present, Danny did not have a deep relationship with the Defenders and his party, but the hand meeting was obviously his main goal when he came to New York this time. In addition, he had also shot before, and he did not think the hand meeting would easily let go. He, so he also joined the battle without any hesitation.

In the end, Ye Wen was left alone.

Facing the gazes cast by everyone, Ye Wen smiled slightly and nodded without hesitation.

"Since it's about Huoyun Evil God, as a member of Penglai, I naturally can't stand by."


The large-scale appearance of the Hand Ninjas scared away most of the customers in the Chinese restaurant.

When Huoyun Evil God came to the Chinese restaurant, it was already empty and no one was seen.

Raising his eyebrows and looking up, he glanced at the location on the second floor of the Chinese restaurant, and the evil spirit said to himself: "There is no need to hide anymore, I already know that you are inside."

Although the evil god's voice was not loud, it somehow reached the ears of Matt and the others on the second floor of the Chinese restaurant.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Hearing that, Danny couldn't help but speak.

"I, what I want is very simple." With the corners of his mouth twitching, the evil spirit stared at the position on the second floor.

The next second, I jumped up and heard a bang. A big hole appeared in the hard wall of the second floor of the Chinese restaurant. A person had appeared in front of Matt and the others. He patted the dust and broken stones on his body and watched. Like a group of defenders facing the enemy, Huoyun Evil God replied casually: "I just want to kill a few, or be killed by a few."

[The legend from Daredevil +120]

[Famousness from Jessica Jones +115]

[Famousness from Luke Cage +95]

[Famousness from Danny +75]


Watching the avatar's performance from a quiet distance, and observing secretly in the antique store.

It was indeed two completely different experiences.

Opposite the Huoyun Evil God, Li Ran, who changed into Ye Wen's appearance.

Seeing this scene in front of me, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

Moreover, the popularity has come much faster.

[Shui Mu] has a limited number of chakras and can only maintain the actions of two clones at most. Therefore, in order to successfully perform a final showdown, Li Ran personally played the role of Ye Wen.

"Hey, is there someone else?"

On this side, Li Ran thought to himself, but on the other side, he did not relax his control over the Evil God of Fire Cloud. Wesley himself, because of the image design, was taciturn and would not cause Matt and the others to react too unexpectedly. However, the Evil God of Fire Cloud is different. As the villain BOSS who appeared at this time, he needs to perform as much as possible in order to gain more fame from the defenders and others.

Fortunately, the avatar after being blessed by the system card is more natural than the original simple chakra avatar.

It's not that there is a situation where the clones are lacking glanced at Matt and the others in front of him, and the evil spirit immediately noticed Li Ran's elegant appearance of Ye Wen in a Tang suit.

"People from Penglai?"

Noticing its completely different outfit, the evil **** slightly frowned and said.

"Penglai, Ye Wen."

Faced with the question, Li Ran immediately responded with Ye Wen's standard action.

"Penglai, you are the only one sent here?" Looking at Li Ran up and down, the evil spirit couldn't help but chuckle: "Is it because those old guys are too confident, or did they just send you here and be beaten to death by me."

"It's not certain who kills who." Li Ran put on a Ling Ran expression and said righteously.

"The tone is not small, but I don't know if I will kneel down and beg for mercy when I hit him later." He said sarcastically.

However, before Li Ran, who was on the opposite side, could answer, in the next instant, the Evil God of Fire Cloud appeared in front of him. He raised his palms and slammed it out.

"Be careful!"

Almost at the same time, Matt, who had been paying attention to the Huoyun Evil God, opened his mouth to remind him, but he was obviously still half a step behind.

In the face of the evil god's menacing blow, Li Ran raised his hands like a prophet, hitting the opponent's elbow, forcing him to change his moves, followed by a sharp punching movement, and he moved towards the evil **** with impunity. attacked his chest.

In the face of Li Ran's smooth combo, Huoyun Evil God had to change his offensive, and change his moves to fight with him.

All of this fell into the eyes of Jessica and the others behind him. It was Ye Wen who fought against the evil spirit of fire cloud in an evenly matched duel. The hands of the two turned into afterimages, and even the people present could not tell the difference. Which of the two has the upper hand.

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