Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 179: old charlie


Hearing Old Charlie's words, Thor's face suddenly showed an absurd expression. He looked at Thor's Hammer, which was close at hand, raised his eyebrows and said helplessly, "This is what belongs to me."

"Hey, man."

Hearing Sol's words, the drunk old Charlie on the opposite side suddenly became excited, and he stretched out his hand and pushed Sol abruptly. However, the other party's strong body was unmoved at all, and instead made Old Charlie, who was drunk under the influence of alcohol, involuntarily take a few steps backwards, and then stumbled to his feet when his back hit the edge of the table.

Shaking his head, Old Charlie looked at Sol in front of him, and shouted sternly: "Don't think that you can do whatever you want with your own strength, the hammer on the table was bought by me before. , everyone in the bar can prove it for me, if you don't want to buy it, get out of here!"

As Old Charlie's voice fell, everyone in the bar also stopped drinking and having fun, and looked at Sol and the others in front of them.


Feeling the pressure from everyone, Jane's face couldn't help showing a worried expression.

On the other side, Bugarati swept over the people in the bar with a blank expression, and then stopped his gaze on the old Charlie who was confronting Saul.

"How is it, have you made a decision yet?"

With the support of everyone, Old Charlie also seemed to have raised his courage. He looked at Sol, who was tall and big in front of him, and said, "Are you going to pay obediently, or get out of the way?"


His eyes swept over the people in the bar. To be honest, the situation in front of him did not pose too much threat to Sol. However, looking at the drunk old Charlie on the opposite side, Sol was silent for a while, and instead of bursting out as he imagined, he said patiently, "I will pay, but before that, can you let me touch it first? Get this hammer"

Obviously, what happened during this period of time had greatly changed him.

No longer as reckless and arrogant as Asgard.

"That won't do!"

Facing Sol's invitation, Lao Zha Li shook his head and refused without thinking, and at the same time gave a plausible reason: "What if you run away with my things."

"Haha, old Charlie, you look much smarter than before."

"To shut up!"

Hearing the ridicule from the bar crowd, Old Charlie snorted.

"Are you really afraid that he will run away with the hammer, or are you worried that he won't be able to hit things and won't pay?"

"Damn, you bastards!"

Seeing that everyone unceremoniously exposed his own thoughts, Old Charlie couldn't help raising his voice and cursed.

"Didn't you see that I was about to succeed?!"

Saying that, Old Charlie turned his face back and looked at Sol in front of him. An embarrassed smile appeared on his dark face, and he made a pale excuse: "Don't listen to these alcoholics, they only know how to drink all day long. Talking without thinking at all..."

While listening to Old Charlie's explanation, Sol looked down at the wine bottle he was still holding with a noncommittal expression.

"I'll pay for it, but first you'll have to let me touch mine... this hammer."

Looking at Thor's Hammer on the table, Sol said firmly.

"Look at what you've done!"

Hearing Saul's words, Old Charlie knew that his plan was useless, and he scolded the crowd in the bar angrily, only to attract louder laughter.

After drinking the last sip of wine left in the bottle, Old Charlie chose to retreat and said, "Okay, I can let you touch that hammer, but before that, you have to buy a bottle for me first. liquor."

Hopes of making money through Thor's Hammer are dashed, so just earn some wine to drink.

"no problem."

In response, Sol nodded and agreed without hesitation, and at the same time turned his eyes to Jane behind him.

At the beginning, he never expected that he would be expelled to Earth by his father Odin, so naturally there was no such thing as money on him.

When she met Sol's gaze, Jane did not hesitate to say something to Daisy beside her.

"Why did I pay for it in the end?" While complaining, Daisy handed the wine she bought to Thor: "Aren't you Thor, you still have no money as a god?"

"Under normal circumstances, I only need to wield Thor's hammer to fight, and there is no place in Asgard that I need money." Taking the wine from Daisy, Thor defended himself. , and then sent it to the opposite old Charlie's hands: "Now, it's alright."

"Of course." Picking up the wine bottle that Sol handed over, Old Charlie couldn't wait to take a sip to himself, and at the same time gave up his body to give Sol the seat in front of him: "Now, you can touch him."

Looking at Thor's Hammer that was quietly placed on the bar table, Sol's breathing involuntarily became rapid. He took a deep breath to calm down his excited situation a little, and then he took a step. Going to the wine table reached out and held the handle of Thor's Hammer in front of him.


At this moment, with a loud thunder, the rain finally fell in the gloomy sky.

"I said long ago that if you want to go to the cafe, you choose to work on the roof."

"How do I know the rain is falling so fast, besides, isn't it bad for us to monitor in the cafe?"

Not far from the bar, two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents hiding on the roof complained to each other while holding various monitoring equipment.

"The base calls the second team, how is the situation on the spot?"

"Base, we have found what was missing before. He is in the bar in the town."

"Continue to observe, we will send someone over immediately."

Through the walkie-talkie, he issued an order to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who was in charge of monitoring Sol. Agent Phil was planning to send someone to the town to retrieve the items stolen by the thief when he suddenly heard the agent who had been observing nearby. Unusual conditions have been reported.

"What the **** is going on?"

"It's not clear sir, but just now we got a huge energy signal about fifteen miles to the northwest, and it disappeared right away."

"Can you find out what it is?"

"It's too far away to see clearly."

Looking down at the data and curves displayed on the computer screen, Agent Phil hesitated for a moment before saying: "In this case, from now on, we will be divided into two teams. Take someone to the place where the anomaly happened and see what's going on."

Following the orders of Agent Phil, the agents of the entire base immediately took action.

Hawkeye took his weapon and without hesitation led a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents toward the town where they were located. 8)

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