Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 191: super soldier program

"Hey kid, this isn't the place for a little guy like you to play."

In the recruit camp of Unit 107, looking at Steve who came to report, a burly recruit couldn't help but let out a rude taunt.

"You thin arms and legs, I don't think you can even hold a gun."

There were bursts of laughter in the boot camp as Gilmer Hodge taunted.

Facing the irony of Gilmer Hodge, Steve silently ignored it and continued to organize his clothes. He knew very well the character of this vile guy. The more excited you expressed in this situation, the more excited they were.

"Hey bastard, didn't you hear me talking to you?"

Noticing Steve's ignoring behavior, the expression on Gilmer Hodge's face suddenly became ugly. He shouted and walked in front of Gilmer Hodge, looking down at the thin figure in front of him, his tone unpleasant. questioned.

"I don't think I have anything to say to you."

Although, in terms of body size alone, Gilmer Hodge was more than twice his size, and his arms were as thick as his thighs, but Steve did not show a cowardly attitude. Although his appearance is thin, he has a strong heart that will never admit defeat.

"I, I think we..."

Steve's expressionless reaction, on the contrary, stimulated Gilmer Hodge's emotions even more. He raised his hand and grabbed the other's collar, and said with a vicious expression.

"Step aside."

However, at this moment, an indifferent voice sounded from the side.

Gilmer Hodge and Steve turned their heads and saw a handsome blond man looking at them silently.

"You are blocking my position."

Meeting the gazes of the two, Dio Brando continued.

"You bastard, who do you think you're talking to."

Throwing down Steve in his hand, Gilmer Hodge looked at Dio Brando's muscles and asked fiercely.

"Of course it's you, maybe you want me to say it again?"

Guillermo Hodge's threat to Dio Brando is naturally of little use. Turning his head to look at the other party's face, Dio Brando repeated word by word.

"you wanna die!"

A bully like Gilmer Hodge couldn't bear the ignorance of Dio Brando, and immediately rolled up his sleeves and tried to teach him a lesson.

Just at this moment, an officer in military uniform appeared at the entrance of the recruit camp, and without looking at it, he shouted, "Everyone, gather outside for me."

"You're lucky guy."

Hearing the commander's order, Gilmer Hodge stopped what he was doing and looked at Dio Brando viciously before he left with some reluctance.


After hurriedly changing his clothes, Steve thanked Dio Brando in front of him.

[Famousness from Steve Rogers +45]

"Don't thank me, I only spoke because he was in front of my bed."

Ignoring Steve's thanks, Dio Brando continued to maintain his indifferent personality and replied.


Poland, inside the *** base.


A shrill scream came from an experimental site. Dr. Zola wore sunglasses to block the dazzling sunlight in front of him, silently watching the twitching figure in front of him that was constantly emitting white smoke under the sunlight.

"What about the results of the experiment, Dr. Zola?"

Red Skull John Schmidt came to the experimental base, ignoring the horrific experimental process in front of him, and asked Dr. Zola who was conducting the experiment.

"This is a great discovery beyond imagination." Pressing the button on the machine on the side to block the sunlit window, Dr. Zola turned to look at John Schmidt, who appeared beside him, and said in a frenzied tone: "After the injection of vampire blood, the genes in the test subject have undergone a fundamental change. Although it cannot have the strong self-recovery ability as the vampire body we have captured, its strength and physical endurance have also been greatly improved. In addition to the sun exposure, the general sense of pain has become extremely slow, and even if its heart is pierced, it can still continue to fight, it is a perfect battlefield machine."

If Li Ran is here and hears Dr. Zola's words, it will be clear that the so-called test items in their mouths are actually the so-called corpses.

"But not being able to stand in the sun is a big problem."

Interrupting Dr. Zola's excitement, John Schmidt frowned as he looked at the test object that had turned into black carbon in front of him.

The strength of the corpse is strong, but the weakness is also very obvious.

"I know." Turning to look at the charred corpse, Dr. Zola's expression was not very good: "Sunlight or ultraviolet rays seem to have natural restraint on the genes in the test subject, as long as you stand in the sun for a while, It will cause the collapse of their body genes, not only them, but also the vampires, which is very similar to their legendary weakness."

"Is there any way, Dr. Zola?"

What John Schmidt needed was a troop of invincible soldiers who could be on the field at any time, not a troop of semi-finished products that were nocturnal.

"I'm trying now."

Dr. Zola was also a little embarrassed about this, his eyes swept across the various experimental objects in front of him, and inadvertently swept across John Schmidt's face, and suddenly seemed to remember something and shouted: "Maybe, we can try Then, wrap another layer of skin on their bodies to block the sun's ultraviolet rays from harming them."


Hearing Dr. Zola's suggestion, John Schmidt subconsciously touched his cheek and muttered to himself.



Although he was serving in Unit 107, Li Ran did not let go of his arrangement in Norway. He noticed that the clone had successfully completed the task he had given him and transformed Haakon VII into a vampire. Li Ran's face couldn't help showing a hint of excitement.

"Recruits, stand at attention—"

However, at this moment, a sudden uprightness pulled his mind back.

Li Ran looked intently, only to see a heroic female officer standing in front of him at some point. Next to him was a male officer, holding a box full of folders.

Hearing the order, Li Ran also followed his side with his head up and his chest up, looking straight ahead.

"Gentlemen, I'm Agent Carter, and I oversee all affairs of the department."

Agent Peggy Carter looked around and reported his home.

Li Ran looked at Agent Carter for a moment, and then quickly retracted it. If he remembered correctly, Agent Carter was also the top agent of the Strategic Science Corps. He was ignored by others for a long time because of his female identity. In the event, he showed his ability and is also one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Of course, she also has a more striking identity as Steve's lover in World War II and the object of that important dance.

But now, Carter and Steve have not confirmed their relationship.

Although Li Ran quickly withdrew his gaze, the insensitive Agent Carter still noticed his gaze, and when he looked at the situation, he immediately saw Dio Brando's handsome face, compared with the thin Steve beside him, Li Ran At this moment, Dio Brando is really too dominant in appearance.

Hearing Peggy Carter's self-introduction, Gilmer Hodge couldn't help sneering in the team. It was obvious that he despised the female officer and said contemptuously: "What's wrong with your accent? Queen Victoria? I thought I was It's for the U.S. military."

Agent Carter withdrew his gaze from Dio Brando and turned to look at Gilmer Hodge, who looked like a thorn, and said expressionlessly: "Private, your name."

Gilmer Hodge raised his chest and replied, "Gilmer Hodge, Her Majesty the Queen."

Peggy Carter stared at Guillermo Hodge and said indifferently: "Step forward, Hodge."

Guillermo Hodge shrugged and said, "Are you going to fight me? Well, I have a move that you will like..."

Before he finished speaking, Peggy Carter directly raised his fist and slammed it at Guillermo Hodge. The latter hadn't reacted, and was directly hit by the bridge of the nose with a heavy punch. He shook his body and fell heavily to the ground. As an agent, Peggy Carter's fighting ability is much better than Guillermo Hodge, a guy who only relies on his body.

Knocked down Guillermo Hodge with one punch, Carter twisted his arm and turned to look at Dio Brando, "Private, your name."

The shrewdness of the agent made Carter pay some attention to Dio Brando, although the other party did not show any unusual behavior.

"Dio Brando."

Raising his eyebrows, Li Ran replied indifferently.

Carter nodded, and his eyes stopped on Steve next to him. She remembered that this thin guy was specially requested by Dr. Abraham Erskine to be recruited into the army.

"Agent Carter."

At this moment, a hoarse voice sounded from behind, and Agent Carter turned around and quickly replied, "Colonel Phillips."

"Looks like you're getting along with my recruits. Not bad."

Colonel Phillips is a middle-aged man in his fifties with a wrinkled face. He glanced at Hodge, and without asking the reason, he directly ordered: "Move your **** off the ground, and then quickly return to the team and stand until someone asks him. until you stop."

"Yes, sir."

Rubbing his nose, Guillermo Hodge glanced at Carter angrily, then patted the dust on his body and quickly returned to stand.

"General Patton once said that war depends on weapons, but victory depends on soldiers. We will win this battle. Because we have the best soldiers."

While speaking, Phillips noticed Steve beside Li Ran out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly felt that his words could not go on. After all, compared to the tall soldiers around him, Steve's physique is too conspicuous. It can't be said to stand out from the crowd, but it feels a little bit out of the crowd.

With a dry cough, Colonel Phillips forced himself to ignore Steve's presence, glanced at Dr. Abraham Erskine, who had arrived at an unknown time, and continued: "And, they will get better and better... much better."

"The Strategic Scientific Army Reserve is made up of an alliance of nations and the elite of the free world. Our goal is to build the best army ever. And all armies have a forerunner. This week, we will select the best soldiers, Be the super soldier in our army. And they will send Adolf Hitler to **** with their own hands..."

super soldier.

If you just listen to Colonel Phillips' words, you may only use it as an incentive for recruits.

However, Li Ran's eyes swept over to Dr. Abraham Erskine, who was on the side, but he knew that the super soldier in the other side's mouth was a real super soldier.

Of course, although he participated in the training program of the super soldier, Li Ranke did not intend to become this test item. After all, Dr. Abraham Erskine said very clearly that the effect of the super soldier serum is good, better, and bad. Even worse, being an experimenter can certainly improve physical fitness, but the side effects are also obvious, and there is even the possibility of failure.

Besides, even if the injection of super soldier serum is successful, the combat power obtained is far from the opponent of the cards drawn by Li Ran.

That being the case, why should he go to the distance and risk side effects to inject serum.

Moreover, from another reason why Steve was able to enter the army actually represented the choice of Dr. Abraham Erskine.

In his heart, he already had a candidate of his own.


"You wouldn't really want to choose Steve as a subject, would you?"

In the next week of training, even if Li Ran did not deliberately highlight it, with the bonus of the card power, his training results were far superior to other soldiers. And, successfully taking this performance, brushed a wave of legend on Steve and others.

"I don't think, I have decided to choose him, it is a wise choice."

Facing the questioning of Colonel Phillips, Dr. Abraham Erskine did not deny it at all.

"You brought a 90-pound cat with asthma into my unit, and I didn't think so. I thought you just wanted an experimental white rat, but never thought you would actually choose him as a subject."

Coming to the side of the troops, Colonel Phillips's eyes shifted from the relaxed Li Ran to the panting Steve, and he couldn't help saying: "Look at this child's small arms and legs, it looks like he is about to cry. ."

"I'm looking for quality, not size."

"You know how much work we put into this project, and for that I had to bow down to the people on the committee to ask for a budget, you look at Dio Brando, he's the best soldier, he's what we need The best object."

"However, I always feel that, Dio Brando, his emotions are too calm, even cold, I can't even figure out his thoughts and use the serum on him, I'm not sure, it's even possible There will be bad results."

"You can't reject a suitable object because of your own ideas." Colonel Phillips objected to Dr. Abraham Erskine's opinion.

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