Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 228: containment

"found it!"

Stopping, Harry turned to look at the secretary beside him, a look of excitement appeared on his gloomy face.

With the establishment of the 'Damage Control Department' of the Alliance Government, a large number of Chitauri technologies are controlled by the government and Stark Industries, and a small amount has flowed into the black market. Even if the Austen Group wants to obtain these alien technologies, it is not easy thing. After Harry Osborn regained control of the directors of the Osborne Group, he has been working hard to arrange for people to search for information on these alien technologies. It took nearly a month to find the clues.

Meeting Harry's gaze, the secretary subconsciously took a step back.

Different from the time when the ducks were put on the shelves to take over the Oshi Group, Harry, who has returned, has become more ruthless and at the same time intimidating.

Bowing his head, the secretary replied in a low voice: "Yes, we contacted a guy who was originally in charge of the recycling of Stark's industrial alien technology waste through the black market, although his business was damaged due to the departure of the 'damage control department'. , but it is said that he has left a batch of alien technology intercepted from the 'damage control department' that has not been handed in."

"very good."

Nodding, Harry glanced at the respectful secretary in front of him, and continued to order: "Contact him for me, just say, I have a big business to discuss with him."

"I see, Director."

Harry stood there, watching the back of the secretary leave.

After a long time, he retracted his gaze, walked into the elevator with a blank face, and silently pressed the button leading to the basement floor.

"It looks like you're going well."

There was a hoarse voice in the moving elevator.


The corners of his mouth twitched, and the expression on Harry's face was a little crazy.

Class soldier serotype II seems to have a more serious impact on him than Norman Osborn.

"However, don't forget, we still have an opponent we haven't resolved."

"Don't worry, I won't forget it."

"The previous battles made it clear to me that in the face of Spider-Man, one's strength alone is no guarantee. The appearance of the Avengers gave me a good idea, and I was planning to form a team full of super criminals. team, so we can not just beat Spider-Man, but get more."

"Nice idea, have you found a candidate?"

"Actually, I have already found a few. Professor Kurt in the prison is a little interested in my proposal. That guy Maxwell has never had any opinion." He said in a neither sad nor happy tone: "However, I also reserved a place for you in the team, Slaughter, your opinion is."

"As long as it's related to Spider-Man, I'm interested."

The corners of his mouth grinned, and on the mirror of the elevator, a ferocious face full of burns flashed.


[Famousness from Harry Osborn +300]

"The line at Osborne is buried."

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran looked at the reputation displayed by the system with a clear expression on his face.

With the increase of avatars, Li Ran's mobility has undoubtedly been greatly improved, and many previously restricted plans have also begun to be laid out one by one.

However, compared to this, the most important thing now is to solve the problem about the scp foundation first.

In any case, the settings of the Foundation and the containment have been thrown out.

As the saying goes, the settings that you throw away, even if you are tearful, have to be perfected.

In front of S.H.I.E.L.D., an organization such as the SCP Foundation was blown out, and it couldn't be silent at all.

Before, the [Flying Dutchman] in New York Bay represented the high-end combat power of the Foundation. Of course, some lower-level containment incidents will need to occur next to fill the set loopholes. By the way, as the effect of smoke bombs, To confuse S.H.I.E.L.D. and of course Hydra's attention. In the past, due to the limited number of avatars, Li Ran could only gain fame by brushing on well-known figures in the world of Meiman. Now that the avatar situation has been resolved, of course, he cannot let go of the pie of ordinary civilians' popularity.

Moreover, in order to increase the credibility of the containment, Li Ran also went out of his way, and planned to spend some fame to open a few more [Black Iron Treasure Chests].

The popularity of exchanging a [Black Iron Treasure Chest] is 1,000, which is not much considering the popularity of Li Ran today. Based on past experience, the [Black Iron Treasure Chest] contains mostly unimportant props, which is also in line with Li Ran's desire to release the containment, but it is controllable.

Moreover, the D-level characters drawn from the [Black Iron Treasure Chest] can also serve as the foundation's bottom-level containment personnel, increasing the credibility of the setting.

After all, this method is simply a multi-pronged approach.

In the antique store, after Li Ran complacently praised himself, his expression straightened, and he opened the data panel of the system and began to exchange.

After getting used to the 100,000-famous [Silver Treasure Chest] and then opening the [Black Iron Treasure Chest], Li Ran didn't even blink his eyes now.

[Prop: Straw Hat]

【Effect: Shade】

[Introduction: From the world of "One Piece", the red-haired straw hat entrusted to Luffy. 】

[Note: Although precious, this is just a straw hat. 】


[D-Class Card - Uncle Long]

[Skill: Kung Fu]

[Background introduction: The male protagonist in the animation "Jackie Chan Adventures" has an "official" occupation as an archaeological expert, but in fact he also assists Sheriff Black of the 13th District Police Organization. 】

[Remarks: Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky! 】

The appearance of the D-rank card [Uncle Long] made Li Ran's eyes pause for a moment, but he immediately took it back.

As a D-rank character card, [Uncle Long]'s ability is good, but with the current level of Li Ran's strength, it doesn't actually have much effect. On the contrary, the items that were opened made him somewhat speechless. He has not exchanged for [Black Iron Treasure Chest] for so long, so he has forgotten how pitted the treasure chest items are.

Fortunately, for Li Ran today, a thousand legends is not a huge amount of legend. If he can't do it once, he can continue to open until he is satisfied with the props.


[Prop: Emergency Syrup]

[Effect: clearing away heat and resolving phlegm, dispelling lung and relieving cough]

【Introduction: For cough caused by exogenous wind-heat, symptoms include fever, aversion to cold, fullness of chest and diaphragm, cough and sore throat; acute bronchitis and acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis see the above syndromes. 】

[Note: Why are you chasing me? I want a quick syrup...]


[D-Class Card - Mr. Teacher]

[Skills: Teaching, Double Swords]

[Background introduction: The teacher from the world of "Tang Bohu Dianqiuxiang" is only eight fights tall, but unfortunately his luck is not good. 】

[Remarks: I have a green dragon on the left, a white tiger on the right, an old ox on my waist, and a dragon’s head on my chest. People stop killing people, and Buddhas stop killing Buddhas! 】


[Prop: Depressed Ecstasy Rice]

【Effect: eat】

[Introduction: From the world of "Sound of Food", a magical dish. 】

[Note: Hey, why am I crying? 】


[D-Class Card - Skirner]

[Skill: Invisibility]

[Background introduction: From "The Invisible Man" by Wells. One of the "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen", the Invisible Man, likes to cause trouble everywhere. The skill is fierce and fast, and it often kills others before the opponent is aware of it. When he finished killing people, he left in the wind, only a trench coat and a hat were "walking". 】

[Note: Can you see me? 】

Li Ran: "..."

After 3,000 rumors in a row, but he never got the props he expected, Li Ran's expression became somewhat speechless.

In particular, his eyes swept across the props from the two treasure chests behind, what and what.

Give it another try and see your luck.

If not, another day!

While taking out the Depressed Ecstasy Rice and tasting it, Li Ran once again consumed a thousand legendary degrees to exchange for a [Black Iron Treasure Chest].

【Class C Card Fragments × 2】

【Effect: Combination】

[Introduction: Unknown C-level card fragments, collect five fragments to synthesize a brand new card. 】


[D-Class Card - Milk Boy]

[Skill: Control Milk]

[Background introduction: The character from the British drama "Super Boy" has the ability to make dairy products move at will. 】

[Note: I can control milk]

Come on, feelings don't even have props this time? !

If in the past, Li Ran would have been happy when he saw the card shards opened by the system, but at this moment, what he needed most was items with peculiar abilities, and the demand for cards was not so urgent.

[Legend]: 56235

Bowing his head, he took another look at the system's legendary degree. Li Ran hesitated for a while. Instead of giving up as promised, he directly spent 10,000 legendary degree to exchange for a [Bronze Treasure Chest]. Since the [Black Iron Treasure Chest] is so ineffective, he would like to see if the items from the [Bronze Treasure Box] can satisfy him.


[Prop: James Brad's chair]

[Effect: Hypnosis]

[Introduction: From the collection of the American TV series "Warehouse No. 13", James Braid is a British surgeon and the founder of hypnotism. The hypnotic power of the chair comes from the spring with animal magnetism in the chair. Sitting on it is directly hypnotized. , make an extraordinary move. 】

[Note: Ah, this is. 】


【Class B Card Fragment × 1】

【Effect: Combination】

[Introduction: Unknown B-level card fragments, collect five fragments to synthesize a brand new card. 】


[Class C Card - Ding Peng]

[Skills: Divine Sword Slash, Meteor Out of the Sky, Great Compassion of Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth]

[Background introduction: The protagonist in "The Scimitar of the Full Moon", the owner of the "Yuanyue Villa", known as "Ding Peng", the descendant of the magic martial arts. The weapon is the number one magic sword in the world - the full moon machete, proficient in the only one who is the only one - the magic sword cutting technique and the heaven and earth transferred by the master of the magic sect with the transfer of jade - the heaven and the earth meet the yin and yang great compassion and endow the inner force. Its famous envoy Wulin is widely rumored that "the full moon machete makes the world bright and cold". Before he was 30 years old, he was known as the "God of Swords" like Li Xunhuan. 】

[Remarks: The small building listened to the drizzle all night, the full moon machete. 】

Finally, there is a more decent containment.

Swallowing the [Depressed Ecstasy Rice] in his mouth, Li Ran raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, with a relieved expression on his face.

Sure enough, the legend of the [Bronze Treasure Chest] is reasonable.


early morning.

New York, a corner of Central Park.

Morning citizens are enjoying their own morning time in the park, the effects of the New York War are gradually dissipating, and the people are gradually forgetting the fear of alien invasion.

As has been reported in the news media, even if aliens invade, New Yorkers will continue to be behind.

"Bru, be obedient, don't make trouble."

Holding the rope and walking in the park, the man looked at the excited pet dog with a faint smile on his face.

"Why is there a chair here?"

Pulling the puppy who seemed to have endless strength all over his body, the man passed a part of the park, but his eyes were immediately drawn to a chair placed on the side of the road.

The chair looks a little old, and even the paint on the seat part has fallen off, but it seems to have an inexplicable attraction, which makes the man approach the past subconsciously.

"Wang Wang Wang ~"

"Well, dear baby, where's your master?"

Passing through Central Park, a white-haired old lady looked at the puppy with a rope on her body, but ran around at will, with a surprised expression on her face, bent down and touched the puppy's head, and asked kindly. .

"Wang Wang."

Wagging its tail at the old lady, the puppy seemed to understand the old lady's question, then turned around and ran towards somewhere in the Huh? "

Looking at the trotting puppy, the old lady hesitated for a while, and followed with trembling steps.

After half a minute's walk, she immediately saw the puppy circling a man with a strange expression, and at the same time noticed the old chairs placed in the park.

"Why are there chairs here?"

With a puzzled expression on her face, the old lady looked at the chair, but started to walk up subconsciously.


"Is it right here?"

Getting out of the police car, the black policeman looked at the crowd gathered not far away, turned his head and asked his partner.

"It should be here. Someone passed by in the early morning and found that many people were gathering. Because I was worried about some dangerous organization, I chose to call the police."

"Anyway, be careful."

After the Great War in New York, a lot of strange things happened, which made them police officers have to be vigilant. Taking out his pistol, the black policeman looked at the crowd gathered not far away, and said something serious to his partner.

"Don't worry, I know."

They also took out their pistols, and the two police officers looked at each other silently, and then they walked cautiously back to the place where the crowd gathered.

"Wang Wang~"

However, when they took a closer look, they realized that there was no dangerous situation they had expected. All they saw in front of them was a group of strange people who were inexplicably dazed and giggling, and a white man who was lying on the ground and barking at school.

"What's the matter, early in the morning, this group of people are all on drugs?"

Putting down the firearm in his hand, the policeman breathed a sigh of relief, but the expression on his face became puzzled.

"Wait a minute, here's a chair."

However, immediately afterward, their eyes were drawn to the chair in the center of the crowd.

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