Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 245: big news


Seeing the figure in the office, the expression on J. Jonah Jameson's face immediately became excited, and the worry he had been talking about finally turned into reality: "I knew it, I knew it, you Sooner or later you will become a threat, and now you have shown your true colors, you evil boy."

"Does the newspaper office you came to want to kill me?"

"You really are a nasty guy." Clinging to the wall, the evil Spider-Man looked at the chattering J. Jonah Jameson, with obvious disgust on his face under the mask.

If it is replaced by the previous little spider, although he is also dissatisfied with the report of J. Jonah Jameson's Daily Bugle about himself, but according to his original character, he only complains occasionally and will not do anything too radical. move.

However, this moment is different, as the evil Spider-Man formed by the evil side of the little spider.

Even if J. Jonah Jameson doesn't do anything, he doesn't think it's going to end well, not to mention he actually does a lot of things that he hates.

"In fact, for a guy like you, it's easier to kill you."

Under the mask, the evil Spider-Man Peter twitched the corners of his mouth: "I thought of a more interesting way. Since you like reporting so much, then I will help you become the protagonist of the news media."


The words of the evil Spider-Man made J. Jonah Jameson feel a strong unease in his heart. He looked at the Spider-Man who was completely different from the past, and his face changed suddenly.

"No, Spider-Kid, you can't do that!"

"Actually, I do what I want to do."

Facts have proved that in the face of the evil Spider-Man with extraordinary power, J. Jonah Jameson, as an ordinary person, has no ability to resist at all.

So, a few minutes later, I saw a J. Jonah Jameson with only a pair of white shorts stripped all over, hung by spider silk at the door of the newspaper office of the Daily Bugle.

On the other side, the evil Spider-Man was holding a camera in one hand, looking in high spirits, playing the role of a reporter around J. Jonah Jameson and constantly taking pictures representing the dark history.

"Come and smile, turn your head to look at the camera, don't be shy, let's shout together, eggplant~"

Holding the camera, the evil Spider-Man provoked J. Jonah Jameson with a vicious face.

"Damn, Spider-Man, you bastard, I will never let you go!"

"You masked demon, you go to hell."

"Bastard, I'm at odds with you, Spider-Man..."

Trying to turn his head away from the flash, J. Jonah Jameson uttered a frantic curse.

Obviously, after the evil Spider-Man did this, J. Jonah Jameson and the little spider had a bad relationship, and they went all the way to the dark.

However, from another point of view, the relationship between them is not much better anyway, and what the evil Spider-Man does is only to make the already bad situation a little worse, and where can the worst go.

The undisguised behavior of Evil Spider-Man was quickly filmed by pedestrians passing by the newspaper office and posted on the Internet.

NBC also made it into instant news and reported it.

"... Now there is an instant news: just now, our good citizen spider boy in New York attacked the "Daily Bugle" newspaper that he has been dealing with very little, and hangs the owner of the newspaper, J. Jonah Jameson At the door of the newspaper office, let's take a look at the video of the whole thing on the Internet..."

This series of operations of the evil Spider-Man successfully overshadowed the popularity of the "Fantastic Four", and also printed what he said to J. Jonah Jameson in the newspaper before, making him a media news reporter. main character.

In the major media reports of the day, the photo of J. Jonah Jameson being stripped naked and hanging on the face of the newspaper was used as the cover.

At the same time, from interviews with the news media, New Yorkers also showed different positions on what the evil Spider-Man did.

"Spider-Man, who is that?"

"I don't know, but Spider-Man is a superhero, isn't that going too far?"

"J Jonah Jameson is a jerk, and that's what he deserves."

"Spider-Man is so over the top, I can't believe New York needs the protection of a crazy guy like him."

"Hey, Spider-Kid, remember, you're a superhero, not a supervillain."

"I have some concerns that Spider-Man is on my mind or not a superhero anymore."

"Or the government should react, Spider-Man's actions are beyond the norm of the law, and the government should act."


"Peter, you are so cool!"

As Peter's only best friend, Ned, he naturally knew the other identity of his friend, so after seeing the news media reports, he immediately called.

"I've been looking at J Jonah Jameson for a long time."

"Actually, Ned, that's not what I did." On the other hand, in the face of his friend's phone call, the good Spider-Man showed a contradictory look. He felt that the evil Spider-Man did something wrong, but he didn't have the courage to stop the other party's call. practice.

"I see," Ned, however, was clearly wrong about the good Spider-Man's answer: "Secret identity, I was wrong, man."

"No, Ned, that's not what I meant, I'm so, it's another Spider-Man who does this, he's evil, it's him..."

"I know what you mean Peter, these are all made by Spider-Man."

On the other side of the phone, Ned nodded and made a zipper motion to his mouth and replied solemnly.

"Don't worry Peter, I'll keep it a secret."


"Damn Spiderman!"

In Reed's laboratory in the Bartlett Building, Johnny looked at the repayment on the news brow and let out a dissatisfied complaint.

"What's the matter, Johnny?"

Hearing her brother's complaint, Susan, who was experimenting and recording her own ability data, couldn't help but turn her head and ask.

"It's not because of this guy Spider-Man, because of what he did, he suppressed all the repayments about us in the media."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

On the other side, controlling his arms to continuously extend and measure the extensibility data of his body, Reed blurted out.

As a scientific researcher, he has never been accustomed to showing his face in front of the media.

"It's certainly not a good thing."

Contrary to Reed, Johnny is very fond of the media coverage, and can't wait to see his photos in the news every day.

"We are superheroes, big stars, a superhero group comparable to the Avengers."

"Johnny, we're not superheroes!"

Shaking his head, Reed retracted his extended arm, recorded the data, and said solemnly: "Our ability came from an accident, and no one knows whether this change is good or bad for us. You can't even save your own body."

"For me at least, it's a downright bad thing."

On the other side, Stone Man Ben, who fell on the sofa, shrugged and said.

From a flesh and blood body to a monster made of stones all over his body, he also lost his girlfriend because of this. Ben expressed strong dissatisfaction with this.

"Please, everyone, don't you have the slightest idea of ​​being a superhero? Maybe this cosmic storm in space is not an accident, but a revelation destined to make us extraordinary."

In the face of Johnny who was excited and persuaded, Reed replied calmly: "That was an accident, Johnny."

"Well, it seems that even if the cosmic storm in space changes your body, it still can't change your boring soul."

"So, Reed, how long will it take you to heal us."

Reaching out and grabbing a cup in front of him, he directly squeezed it into an iron block, showing a helpless look on his face that was originally composed of stones.

In fact, according to Reed's research results, the bodies of the four are still evolving, and he can feel his strength is getting bigger and bigger.

"I'm going to build a machine." Facing Ben's question, Reed reached out and took his own design drawings from the second floor of the laboratory: "Regenerate the cosmic storm in space, and transmit the radiation that changes us to the machine connected to it again. Inside the cabin, the electromagnetic wave signal is reversed to restore us to our original state."

"What about the risks?" Susan said worriedly after taking over Reed's design: "What will happen to us if the experiment fails?"


In the face of Susan's questioning, Reed hesitated for a moment, and then slowly replied under Ben's expectant gaze: "Any small miscalculation may cause the symptoms of our body to evolve exponentially, which means that We could die because of it."

"Death, we managed to survive the previous cosmic storm, but now we have to die eagerly?"

Hearing Reed's words, Johnny immediately reacted.

Now that he has super powers and a lot of scenery waiting to be enjoyed, he is not willing to accept the so-called recovery experiment.

In the laboratory, he was once again caught up in the discussion between Reed and Susan. Johnny listened to their discussion absent-mindedly, but his eyes shifted to the newspaper in his hand again. In the newspaper, an article about Spider-Man The news jumped on it.


"Your golden ratio shaomai."

In front of the food truck, [Jie Lu] packed a serving of siomai and was about to hand it out.


With a strange cry, the evil Spider-Man slumped to the ground, grabbed the Shaomai from the hand of the customer in front of the food truck, and disappeared at the other end of the high-rise building in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, Spider-Man!"

Seeing the evil Spider-Man who stole his lunch, the guests in front of the food truck immediately showed dissatisfaction.

On the other side, in the food truck, [Xie Lu] looked at the back of the Evil Spider-Man disappearing with a strange look in his eyes.

According to this situation, S.H.I.E.L.D. should soon come to contact the evil Spider-Man.

"It tastes good, hiccup~"

Sitting cross-legged on the edge of the top floor of a building, Evil Spider-Man enjoyed the golden ratio shaomai in his hands, and threw the empty lunch box under the building, and then he lay on it, with Erlang's legs crossed, as if enjoying it.

During this period of time, Evil Spider-Man has completely abandoned his identity as a superhero, and has been domineering in New York City, successfully defeating the good popularity that Little Spider has finally accumulated.

"The uniform is nice."

Evil Spider-Man was enjoying with his eyes closed, and suddenly the spider sense in his body sent out a reminder.

He opened his eyes, and with the help of superhuman dynamic vision, he saw a red and gold steel figure flying over from a distance.

Suspended next to the tall building, Tony looked at the evil Spider-Man in a black tight-fitting uniform and couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said something.

"Tony Stark!"

Looking at Iron Man in front of him, Evil Spider-Man immediately shouted.

"Call me Mr. Stark."

With a straight face, he corrected the name of the evil Spider-Man. Tony looked at the evil Spider-Man who was very different from the previous image, and immediately asked: "What's the matter, child, you have caused trouble for many people recently. Is it the beginning of adolescence, planning to take the rebellious route?"

"Tony Stark," Ignoring Tony's Evil Spider-Man slowly squatted down his body and put on his standard fighting posture: "I wanted to try it out with you for a long time. ."

"I've already said, call me Mr. Stark."

Looking at the evil Spider-Man who didn't listen to the advice, Tony under the steel mask couldn't help but sighed, then raised his palm to turn to the evil Spider-Man and said, "It seems that you can only use physical means to make you I understand the pain of growing up."

"Jarvis, fifteen percent."

Although he made up his mind to educate and educate the evil Spider-Man, Tony obviously stopped and controlled the power of the arc shock wave in his palm, so as not to hurt the evil Spider-Man on the opposite side.

However, Tony's soft-hearted approach did not move the evil Spider-Man in the slightest, relying on his flexible body to avoid the attack of the arc shock wave. Evil Spider-Man raised his hand and shot a cobweb sticky bomb on Tony's helmet, blocking his vision, and then jumped up on the high-rise building, kicking Tony out so fiercely.

"Sir, it seems that the other party does not feel your kindness. If you let it go, it is very likely that you will lose face."

Evil Spider-Man's powerful blow directly kicked Tony and turned several somersaults in the air. He finally stopped his movement. Tony raised his hand and pulled the sticky bomb off his face. Jarvis teased and replied, "I know."

While speaking, he controlled the armor to fly in front of the evil Spider-Man, and the originally cynical expression on his face became serious: "Child, it seems that I need to make you clear, what is respect and politeness. "

Raising his arm, this time Tony increased the power of the shock wave directly to fifty percent.

Obviously, the attack of the evil Spider-Man also made Tony play a little real fire.

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