Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 279: Is this magic?

"The monsters and monsters leave quickly!"

"The monsters and monsters leave quickly!"

Waving the dried puffer fish in his hand, the old man chanted the "mantra" for a while, and then started to move his steps again, dancing an inexplicable dance with his teeth and claws.

"I always feel that this magic is very different from what I originally imagined."

Looking at Dad's series of operations, even Hawkeye, who has been trained by professional agents, couldn't help twitching the corners of his eyes and said.

"But, at least, it has been proven before that the effect of magic does have an effect."

Taking the magic of finding the traces of the [Holy Lord] as an example, Natasha regards it as a necessary process for casting magic, no matter how exaggerated Dad's performance is at the moment.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't have much contact with magic.

At the same time, the supreme mage, Gu Yi, had no intention of contacting S.H.I.E.L.D.

After a long time, he felt that the time was almost up, and the old man stopped his bluffing. Grabbing the dry puffer fish in his hand, which has not changed in the slightest, he just made an expression that he wasted a lot of energy.

As an ordinary clone, Dad was not given any character cards with special abilities by the main body.

Naturally, it is impossible to have the so-called magical power.

After all, although a lot of cards have been drawn on the main body, the character cards related to magic have not appeared. The only two that can be regarded as related to magic, there is only another clone not long ago [Dragon] The [Magic Flute] cast by Uncle and the [Magic Broom] that is useless to Muggles.

Although, if you only look at the ability of the clone, it is impossible for Dad to compare with Sato or Bakugou.

However, as a professional who has created many battle scenes, he has become a professional in terms of acting skills.

Even if Dad didn't have a little magic power, Li Ran would make everyone in the Avengers think he had it.


Grabbing the dried puffer fish in his hand, Dad looked up at Bakugou and Falcon in mid-air, then turned to look at Sato, who was still fighting with Steve not far away, and immediately faced the clone next to him [Uncle Long] shouted.

"Dad, I'm here."

In line with his father's call, [Uncle Long] immediately responded.

"Take the magic pufferfish."

He reached out and threw the dried puffer fish in his hand at [Uncle Long], pointing to Sato not far away and said, "Then, go and fight that smiling guy."

In a hurry, he caught the dried puffer fish thrown by his father, and [Uncle Long] made a panic expression in time: "Father, you are sure that your magic is effective, what if it doesn't work." Saying, [Uncle Long] turned his head and glanced at Sato, who was attacking Captain America frantically, and swallowed subconsciously.

"Are you doubting Daddy's magic, Aaron?!"

Looking at the hesitant [Uncle Long] father on the opposite side, he immediately asked a dissatisfied question.

"Have you forgotten that when you were injured by the power of the containment, who used the magical power to heal you?"

"Of course I know it's you, Dad, but don't forget, Dad, in the process of curing me, your magic was used four times, and each time it almost killed me." Dad's words made the expression on [Uncle Long]'s face even more bitter, and it was almost turning into a bitter gourd.

As if recalling his past tragic experience, he made an indescribable expression: "Dad, you only told me that magic would hurt a little bit, but when the spell came out, it suddenly turned me into a whole person. Stone."

"That's just a little mistake of my father. Besides, in the end, didn't I also successfully change you back, Aaron, you really don't know how to be grateful."

Facing [Uncle Long]'s 'accusation', the father replied with an indifferent expression.

"Now, do you still trust his magic so much?"

On the side, listening to the words of the two, Hawkeye couldn't help turning his head to ask Natasha beside him.


In this regard, Natasha was silent for a while before replying with a blank expression: "However, we can only choose to believe the situation in front of us."

"Okay, Aaron, don't complain anymore." The opening interrupted [Uncle Long]'s mouth that seemed to be planning to say something, and a dangerous light flashed in the eyes of the father's glasses: "Don't forget that we came this time. The purpose, the [Holy Master] is the key.”

Dad's words obviously played a role.

[Uncle Long] Tighten the dried puffer fish in his hand and let the footpath: "Okay, Dad, you are right."

After he finished speaking, he squeezed the dried puffer fish that smelled of salted fish in his hands, and gathered up his courage, he walked towards Sato in the distance.

"Aaron, remember, you must beat that guy with the magic puffer fish."

Looking at the back of the clone [Uncle Long] turned around, the old man waved his arms and reminded loudly.

"Dad, don't cheat on me."

Hearing his father's cry behind him, [Uncle Long] still had a cautious expression on the surface, and he even muttered to himself in order to be realistic.

The place where Sato and Steve fought was not that far.

Therefore, after a few steps, [Uncle Long] holding the dried puffer fish in his hand appeared in front of the two of them.

He looked at Sato, who squinted and seemed to be enjoying the battle, and Steve, who had a dignified expression. He hesitated and raised his hand.

"Sorry to bother you."

[Uncle Long] The appearance of holding a dried puffer fish is too conspicuous, so even Sato and Steve subconsciously stopped their work and looked sideways after seeing him appear.

Attracting the eyes of the two, [Uncle Long] looked down at the dried puffer fish in his hand, and raised his mouth to reveal an embarrassed smile: "Although it wasn't my intention, the next battle is left to me. ."


Hearing the words of the clone [Uncle Long], the expressions of the two people on the opposite side were different.

Steve's face still maintained his vigilance, while Sato continued to show his squinting and smiling expression, looking at the opposite [Uncle Long]: "It seems that you seem to have full confidence in defeating me, you What is your grasp, is it magic that has been cast before, or..."

While speaking, Sato's eyes swept over the dried puffer fish in [Uncle Long]'s hand.

"Dried fish in your hand?"

"Actually, it's dry puffer."

Subconsciously, he corrected Sato's description, and looked at his squinted eyes, and [Uncle Long]'s face suddenly showed a bit of helplessness: "Although I don't really want to admit it, you're right. , the magic pufferfish in my hand is the weapon to defeat you, at least, that's what my father told me."

"Aaron, what are you still dawdling at, why don't you beat the other party with the magic puffer fish that Dad gave you!"

Right here, the old man who has been watching behind him, looking at the back of [Uncle Long] who has not been doing anything, suddenly couldn't help but urge.

Hearing his father's urging voice behind him, the expression on [Uncle Long]'s face became even more helpless.

"Magic pufferfish?"

Hearing [Uncle Long]'s explanation, he looked down at the dried puffer fish he was holding, and the squinting expression on Sato's face finally changed: "You plan to use the puffer fish in your hand to deal with my immortality. body?"

"Mr. Long," even Steve, who was on the side, felt that this matter was a little unreliable: "Aren't you kidding me?"

As an opponent who has been fighting against Sato all the time, Steve is very clear about the toughness of dealing with the immortal body. This kind of fighting style that is not afraid of life and death, even the battle-hardened Captain America feels very difficult.

"Although, I also hope that this is a joke, but unfortunately Captain, all this is true."

Holding the dried puffer tail in his hands tightly, [Uncle Long] took a deep breath and turned the fish's head to Sato in front of him: "Then, next, let's taste the power of Daddy's magic puffer fish."

"I admit." The expression on his face changed back to the squinting smile before, but the smile on Sato's face was obviously dangerous. He looked at the [Uncle Long] who was facing him and the so-called magic in his hands. Fugu, his tone gradually turned cold and said: "You have successfully angered me. Next, I will put this magic puffer from your mouth into your stomach, so that you can taste the taste of magic puffer for yourself."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for [Uncle Long] in front of him to react, Sato stepped forward and rushed towards him.

Facing Sato, who was rushing straight towards him, [Uncle Long] had a positive expression on his face. He picked up the magic puffer fish in his hand and regarded it as a sharp sword with a seafood flavor, and attacked Sato who was facing him ruthlessly. Stabbed hard.

Looking at the puffer fish that was stabbing straight at him, a look of disdain flashed on Sato's face. Relying on his immortality, he didn't seem to have any plans to avoid it at all. rush away.


However, Sato rushed fast and retreated fast.

I saw the dried puffer fish in [Uncle Long]'s hand stabbed on his body, as if he was hit hard by a cannonball, and directly knocked Sato out.

After falling hard and rolling on the ground for several times, Sato covered his chest where he was stabbed by the dried puffer fish. Looking at the damage that had not recovered at all, the original smiling expression on his face could no longer be maintained.

"Why, why, my immortality didn't work."

Looking down at the dried puffer fish in his hand, [Uncle Long] made a surprised expression as if he didn't expect the effect of puffer fish to be so powerful.

The expression on his face was stunned, and then he straightened his expression again, holding the dried puffer fish in his hand and making a sprint, and said solemnly: "I have already said that my father's magic puffer fish is specially designed to deal with your weapon."

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

[From the legend of Falcon Sam Weir...]

【From Natasha...】

"It actually works?!"

Looking at Sato who was violently beaten by [Uncle Long] in the distance with a dried puffer fish, and then looked down at the bow and arrow in his hand, Hawkeye began to doubt his own life.

He tried hard to shoot so many arrows but couldn't hurt Sato. As a result, the Foundation's containment specialist, Long, pinned and beat the undead Sato with only a dry puffer fish.

The power of magic is really so powerful. Thinking of this, Hawkeye subconsciously turned his head to look at the old man beside him. The skinny body of the other party is now powerful in the eyes of this SHIELD super agent.

"Looks like, when we get back to S.H.I.E.L.D., we need to be reminded of the dangers of Nick Fury's magic."

Seeing the battle between Sato and [Uncle Long], Natasha's heart suddenly flashed such a thought.

"Daddy has already said that only magic can defeat magic."

The old man crossed his hands and said with an expectant expression.


Once again hit by the dried puffer fish in the hands of [Uncle Long], Sato made a painful expression. Under the continuous beatings, the originally squinted eyes on his face could no longer be maintained, and he even wore the one on his head. The peaked cap was also knocked off long ago, revealing the short golden hair under his hat.

"Give it With Daddy's magical blowfish, your immortality has no effect at all."

"Impossible." Squinting a swollen eye that had just been hit by the blowfish, Sato looked at the dried blowfish in [Uncle Long]'s hand and made an expression of disbelief: "Even if the blowfish in your hand is really given The power of magic cannot be suppressed by the power of the immortal body given to me by the [Holy Lord]. The magic puffer fish must have weaknesses that I do not know. Although you can hurt me, you only hurt me. You can't really kill me!"

A gleam of light began to flash in the swollen and squinted eyes, and Sato guessed while looking at the [Uncle Long] who was facing him.

"Oops, it looks like he's about to discover the weakness of the magic puffer fish."

In front of Sato, [Uncle Long] has not responded yet, but the expression on the father's face behind him has changed significantly.

"The Weakness of Magic Pufferfish?"

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

【From Natasha...】

Hearing Dad's words, both Natasha and Hawkeye looked at him subconsciously, and Natasha even blurted out.

"You mean, the magic puffer fish still has a weakness."

"Of course, that squinting guy's undead power comes from the power of the [Dog Charm], which is a power that even immortals can't destroy. Although the magic puffer fish can restrain the opponent's body from recovering, so that the opponent can't The way to ignore the damage like before, but this is the limit of what I can do."

He explained to Natasha and Hawkeye who were beside him, Dad looked at Sato who was constantly probing, and quickly opened his mouth to remind [Uncle Long]: "Aaron, don't be fooled by this smiling man. The guy is deceived, he is delaying time, use the magic puffer fish in your hand to beat him hard and find out the [dog spell] on him!"

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