Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 310: Biochemical Vampire

Raising the vibranium shield in his hand to block the laser beam of the opposite 'pacifist', Steve suddenly sprinted, jumped into the air, and waved the shield with the super strength given by the super soldier serum to smash the robot in front of him.

boom! boom! boom! !

With the characteristics of the vibration gold shield, Steve ignored the reaction force from the "pacifist", and finally defeated the robot in front of him after repeated heavy blows.


Standing on top of the damaged 'pacifist', Steve gasped softly.

Obviously, such a high-intensity battle is still not too easy even for Captain America, whose physical fitness has reached the peak of human beings after the transformation.

However, before he could catch his breath, Steve soon noticed the increasingly dangerous situation on Tony's side.


Seeing the scene of Jin waving his claws to grab Tony, Steve didn't hesitate, the muscles in his right arm condensed, and he directly threw the shield in his hand and circled into the air.


Years of training and fighting made Steve's throws almost impossible to miss.

The swirling shield drew a slender arc in the air, and then it hit Jin accurately and became a biochemical vampire with thicker arms.

Under the blessing of superhuman strength, the Zhenjin shield pierced through the muscles of Jinbing's arm like a sharp blade, but it was only a cut. With a piercing friction, the solid metal under the muscles of Jinbing's arm instantly blocked it. The damage from the shield, even the seemingly serious injury on the arm, is under the powerful self-healing ability of the vampire, and it only takes a few seconds to quickly heal and recover as before.

Although, judging from the results, Steve's actions seemed to be just useless, and did not cause the slightest damage to the gold in the air.

However, it was Steve's shot that successfully rescued Jin and attacked Tony.

Although the swirling shield only caused a wound on Jin Ning's arm that passed away in a blink of an eye, the huge power transmitted from the shield also caused Jin Ning's original waving of his arm to pause slightly.

The moment he grabbed Jin and paused, Tony had already controlled his steel suit and flew back several meters, successfully avoiding the deadly attack of the biochemical vampire version of Jin and.

"Thanks, Captain."

To avoid the danger at hand, Tony was fortunate, but also did not forget to express his gratitude to Steve on the ground.

"you are welcome."

A few strides caught the shield that fell again from mid-air, and after hearing Tony's thanks, Steve nodded slightly and replied.

"However, it looks like your situation is not very good, Stark."

Accepting Tony's thanks, Steve turned his attention back to Kim Bing on the other side.

After changing his form, Jin Bing is obviously stronger than the previous "pacifist" period.

"Stark, if you can, I hope you can knock Jin and down."

Pulling out his hand, Matt heard Steve's words, then turned his head and turned to Tony and said, "I may have a way to wrap the layer of vampire power around Jin Bing."

The so-called method in Matt's mouth naturally refers to the ripple power he learned from the vampire hunter, Joseph Joestar.

The power of the ripples doesn't add much to the combat of ordinary people or 'pacifist' robots, but it is obviously a rather deadly force for vampires. Although this kind of power will not allow Matt to defeat Jin Ning, it can obviously eliminate the layer of power from vampires on Jin Ning's body.

"I hope what you say is true."

Hearing Matt's shout, Tony in Mark43 raised his eyebrows. He looked at Jin Bing opposite him, and said with a bit of a dead horse being a living horse doctor in his tone.

"Jarvis, activate Veronica - anti-[Holy Lord] accessories."

After speaking, Tony immediately restrained the expression on his face and commanded in a deep voice to Jarvis in the helmet.

"Okay, sir."

Hearing Tony's order, Jarvis responded immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the satellite device launched by Stark Industries in the outer space atmosphere, the bottom hatch opened, and piece after piece of suitcase-like mechanical cabin, the bottom sprayed out flames, following Jarvis's positioning, and quickly fell from the sky.

On the way, these luggage compartments gradually decomposed into various mechanical parts, and fell behind Tony in just a few seconds. Relying on the outer shell of the Mark43, a layer of silver-red armor with clear water chestnuts was formed to wrap Tony accurately.

The anti-[Holy Lord] armor was developed by Tony after the previous battle with the [Holy Lord]. It is a combination of his more mature research results on the advanced technology and equipment of the Qitarui people. [Holy Lord]'s armor accessories.

Consider the adage "Only magic beats magic" Daddy once said.

Although Tony couldn't make a magical armor, he also made full use of the energy technology of the Chitarians to create an armor that specializes in pure energy attacks. Through the transformation design of the previous [Anti-Nine Serenity] armor, he installed many diamond-shaped devices on the body of the anti-[Holy Lord] armor, which are the same as those on the chest of Mark43, and provided energy through the huge arc reactors on the back and at the ends of the thighs. Unleash a variety of special attacks.

Controlling the anti-[Holy Lord] armor on his body and swinging his arms, to be honest, loading two layers of armor at the same time is not an easy experience. Especially the second-layer anti-[Holy Lord] armor, in order to have enough energy during armored battles, Tony had to increase the number of reactors on the back and thighs of the armor.

This approach, although the anti-[Holy Lord] armor does not need to worry about energy problems, but also makes these accessories absolutely not too light in terms of weight.

Perhaps, in the future, when Tony's research on steel suits is more in-depth, he can think of a solution to the problem of armor weight.

But at least, so far, he still needs these accessories as a supplement to the battle.

"Okay, the next step is to hit the person back to the ground as I said before."

Following Tony's actions, the diamond-shaped devices on the anti-[Holy Lord] armor immediately radiated blue light, reflecting on the silver and red armor painting, which was gorgeous but full of technology.

Swinging the anti-【Holy Lord】armor with clear water chestnuts, the arm is combined from both ends of the wrist to form a sharp blue triangle shield. Tony controlled the shield in his hand to aim at Jinping in front of him, and in the next second, driven by the same diamond-shaped launch port behind the armor, the anti-[Holy Lord] armor was against the shield, and suddenly collided with Jinping on the opposite side. go.

Facing the powerful offensive produced by Tony's anti-[Holy Lord] armor, Jin Bing didn't have the slightest worry on his face.

Perhaps because of his confidence in the biochemical vampire form he changed, Jin didn't even plan to dodge. Against the menacing anti-[Holy Lord] armor, he raised his sturdy arm to protect it in front of him, mouth in his mouth. Not to be outdone, he shouted: "Come on, Tony Stark, I want to face..."


In mid-air, the collision of the anti-【Holy Lord】armor and Jinbian formed a huge shock that spread to the surroundings.


However, in this huge impact, although Jin Nian was pushed back several meters by the anti-[Holy Lord] armor controlled by Tony, he was not smashed back to the ground as expected.

On the contrary, Jin did not resist Tony's impact, and in his stunned eyes stretched out his **** arm and suddenly grabbed the shield in front of him.

"It seems, Tony Stark, your so-called anti-[Holy Lord] is nothing more than that."

As a 'pacifist' in a special form transformed by Li Ran using the [Dr. Vega Punk] card, Jin Bing's power is already huge, and after adding the power of a vampire in the form of a biochemical vampire, it becomes even more powerful. Blocks of thick muscles condensed, instantly making the energy shield made by Tony look like a rout.

"Sir, at this rate, the shield against the [Holy Lord] armor will be destroyed by the opponent immediately."

"I know."

Wrapped in the innermost layer of armor, Tony looked at the ferocious face in front of him, as well as the rapidly healing wound on his arm. The decision was made almost without thinking: "Jarvis, concentrate the energy on the chest of the armor. Since the opponent wants to attack directly, then we will give him a big shot."

"Okay, sir."

Hearing Tony's order, Jarvis immediately controlled the reactors behind the anti-[Holy Master] and at both ends of his thighs to generate huge energy. In an instant, the device on the chest of the armor flashed a faint blue light. Unlike the separate reactor device of Mark43, the device on the chest of the anti-[Holy Lord] is composed of several diamond-shaped launching devices, so the process of energy condensation in comparison with other armors will be slower, but at the same time, it will also make the anti-[Holy Lord]. The power of the cluster gun launched by the main] can almost be said to be the most powerful armor in the steel armor made by Tony.

ka ka ka-

Under the huge power of Jinbing, the energy shield on the armored hand of the anti-[Holy Lord] collapsed faster.

Seeing that, the shield is about to be destroyed by Jin and his bare hands.

Tony in the armor was shocked, and when he heard Jarvis's prompt in the helmet, he did not hesitate to control the shield on the arm of the anti-[Holy Lord] armor, and the two arms had not waited for gold and destroyed it. It automatically shuts down the energy of the shield.

The shield that had been destroyed in his hand suddenly disappeared, and the original attack movement of Jin Nian paused for a while, and even the movement of his hands was slightly empty.


The moment he grabbed Jin and paused, Tony whistled back in the anti-[Holy Lord] armor.

At the same time, a faint blue, almost dazzling light erupted from the chest of the anti-【Holy Lord】armor, instantly covering up the huge body of Jin Bing.


The front, with almost no omission, received a full attack from the beam cannon.

Even Jin Nian, who has been enhanced with the power of the vampire, can't resist it. Under the huge power of the beam cannon, Jin Nian is like a mantis with a mantis arm, and he is smashed into the ground. The resulting hole is almost five or six times the size of the previous pothole.

"It seems that you don't need to take action anymore."

Controlling the anti-[Holy Lord] armor to fall, Tony looked at the smoking pothole under the destruction of the cluster gun, and couldn't help but say something to Matt on the other side.

"No, the crisis didn't touch."

However, in the face of Tony's words, Matt's expression still did not relax.

Through the super perception under the ripple amplification, Matt clearly sensed that there was still a situation in the pothole formed by the cluster gun.

Click, click—

Sure enough, with Matt's voice falling.

From the depths of the pothole came the sound of gravel flipping, followed by the eyes of Tony and the defenders.

A broken mechanical arm suddenly stretched out from the hole, and then there was not a single piece of intact gold on the whole body and appeared in front of everyone. It can be seen that the damage caused by the cluster gun to the gold was extremely huge, and even Not even the transformed biochemical vampire form could resist this attack. His head shattered, revealing the wriggling brain inside, and a mechanical eyeball on his face was shattered and hung in the eye socket directly due to the force of the However, even so, Jin still did not fall.

Turning his broken head and looking at Tony and everyone in front of him, Jin Bian stepped out of the hole and said with his nearly broken voice device.

"As I said, you don't know the greatness of the Doctor at all..."

Following Jin Bing's voice, the remaining flesh and blood on his body scrambled rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, Jin Bing, who had looked miserable, actually regained a little bit of his previous appearance.

The flesh and blood on his face quickly covered the damaged part, and Jin stretched out his fingers that also began to grow red flesh to tear off the damaged mechanical eye in the eye socket, and then a brand new eyeball filled the vacant part of the eye socket.

Turning his scarlet eyes, Jin continued to walk and walked in front of Tony step by step: "Under the transformation of the doctor, I no longer have any weaknesses."

"How is it possible, this level of transformation has completely exceeded the mechanical..."

Tony is no stranger to vampires or 'pacifist' robots, or the transformation of biochemical robots, but the terrifying characteristics of almost immortality displayed by Jin Bing in front of him still make it difficult for the anti-[Holy Lord] armor to hide his face on that shocked look.

This kind of research that fully utilizes the powerful self-healing ability of vampires combined with machinery is successful, and the performance of using vampire's regeneration ability to fill the vacancy after the machinery is damaged, the more deeply researched the existence of machinery, the more shocked. This research ability has almost surpassed machinery and has developed in the direction of life.

"Doctor, what is he like?"

Looking at Jin Nami, who has been restored to his original appearance under the power of the vampire in front of him.

Tony couldn't help muttering.

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